//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This source file is part of the AmiiboAPI open source project // // Copyright (c) 2024 Röck+Cöde VoF. and the AmiiboAPI project authors // Licensed under the EUPL 1.2 or later. // // See LICENSE for license information // See CONTRIBUTORS for the list of AmiiboAPI project authors // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// import Foundation import OpenAPIRuntime public struct AmiiboService { // MARK: Properties private let client: Client // MARK: Initialisers public init() throws { self.client = try .live } // MARK: Functions public func getAmiibos( by filter: AmiiboFilter = .init() ) async throws -> [Amiibo] { let response = try await client.getAmiibos( .init(query: .init( amiiboSeries: filter.series, character: filter.gameCharacter, gameseries: filter.gameSeries, id: filter.identifier, name: filter.name, showgames: filter.showGames, showusage: filter.showUsage, _type: filter.type )) ) switch response { case let .ok(okResponse): switch okResponse.body { case let .json(output): switch output.amiibo { case let .Amiibo(object): return [.init(object)] case let .AmiiboList(list): return list .map { .init($0) } .sorted { $0.identifier < $1.identifier } } } case .badRequest: throw AmiiboServiceError.badRequest case let .undocumented(statusCode, _): throw AmiiboServiceError.undocumented(statusCode) } } public func getAmiiboSeries( by filter: AmiiboSeriesFilter = .init() ) async throws -> [AmiiboSeries] { let response = try await client.getAmiiboSeries( .init(query: .init( key: filter.key, name: filter.name )) ) switch response { case let .ok(okResponse): switch okResponse.body { case let .json(output): return map(output, to: AmiiboSeries.self) } case .badRequest: throw AmiiboServiceError.badRequest case .internalServerError: throw AmiiboServiceError.notAvailable case .notFound: throw AmiiboServiceError.notFound case let .undocumented(statusCode, _): throw AmiiboServiceError.undocumented(statusCode) } } public func getAmiiboTypes( by filter: AmiiboTypeFilter = .init() ) async throws -> [AmiiboType] { let response = try await client.getAmiiboTypes( .init(query: .init( key: filter.key, name: filter.name )) ) switch response { case let .ok(okResponse): switch okResponse.body { case let .json(output): return map(output, to: AmiiboType.self) } case .badRequest: throw AmiiboServiceError.badRequest case .internalServerError: throw AmiiboServiceError.notAvailable case .notFound: throw AmiiboServiceError.notFound case let .undocumented(statusCode, _): throw AmiiboServiceError.undocumented(statusCode) } } public func getGameCharacters( by filter: GameCharacterFilter = .init() ) async throws -> [GameCharacter] { let response = try await client.getGameCharacters( .init(query: .init( key: filter.key, name: filter.name )) ) switch response { case let .ok(okResponse): switch okResponse.body { case let .json(output): return map(output, to: GameCharacter.self) } case .badRequest: throw AmiiboServiceError.badRequest case .internalServerError: throw AmiiboServiceError.notAvailable case .notFound: throw AmiiboServiceError.notFound case let .undocumented(statusCode, _): throw AmiiboServiceError.undocumented(statusCode) } } public func getGameSeries( by filter: GameSeriesFilter = .init() ) async throws -> [GameSeries] { let response = try await client.getGameSeries( .init(query: .init( key: filter.key, name: filter.name )) ) switch response { case let .ok(okResponse): switch okResponse.body { case let .json(output): return map(output, to: GameSeries.self) } case .badRequest: throw AmiiboServiceError.badRequest case .internalServerError: throw AmiiboServiceError.notAvailable case .notFound: throw AmiiboServiceError.notFound case let .undocumented(statusCode, _): throw AmiiboServiceError.undocumented(statusCode) } } public func getLastUpdated() async throws -> Date { let response = try await client.getLastUpdated() switch response { case let .ok(okResponse): switch okResponse.body { case let .json(output): return output.lastUpdated } case let .undocumented(statusCode, _): throw AmiiboServiceError.undocumented(statusCode) } } } // MARK: - Helpers private extension AmiiboService { // MARK: Functions func map( _ output: Components.Schemas.TupleWrapper, to: Model.Type ) -> [Model] { switch output.amiibo { case let .Tuple(payload): return [.init(payload)] case let .TupleList(list): return list .map { .init($0) } .sorted { $0.key < $1.key } } } }