// swift-tools-version: 5.5 // // This source file is part of the AmiiboService open source project // // Copyright (c) 2023 Röck+Cöde VoF. and the AmiiboService project authors // Licensed under the EUPL 1.2 or later. // // See LICENSE.txt for license information // See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of AmiiboService project authors // import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "AmiiboService", platforms: [ .iOS(.v15), .macOS(.v12), .tvOS(.v15), .watchOS(.v8) ], products: [ .library( name: "AmiiboService", targets: [ "AmiiboService" ] ), ], dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github.com/rock-n-code/swift-libs.git", from: "0.1.0"), .package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-docc-plugin", from: "1.1.0"), ], targets: [ .target( name: "AmiiboService", dependencies: [ .product(name: "SwiftLibs", package: "swift-libs") ], path: "Sources" ), .testTarget( name: "AmiiboServiceTests", dependencies: [ "AmiiboService", .product(name: "SwiftLibs", package: "swift-libs") ], path: "Tests" ), ] )