Root folder creation (#2)

This PR contains the work done to create the root folder of a new project when executing the _colibri_ executable. In addition, some other work has been done:

* added the `ArgumentParser` package dependency to the package;
* implemented the `FileService` service in the _library_ target;
* implemented the `CreateRootFolderTask` task in the _library_ target;
* removed some unnecessary comments and boilerplate code;

Reviewed-on: #2
Co-authored-by: Javier Cicchelli <>
Co-committed-by: Javier Cicchelli <>
This commit is contained in:
Javier Cicchelli 2025-01-27 23:54:50 +00:00 committed by Javier Cicchelli
parent d0d47d280d
commit b8c354e614
12 changed files with 619 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "Colibri",
platforms: [
products: [
name: "colibri",

View File

@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ import ColibriLibrary
struct Colibri: AsyncParsableCommand {
// MARK: Functions
func run() async throws {
// ...
// MARK: Properties
static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
abstract: "The utility to manage your Hummingbird apps",
subcommands: [Create.self]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import ArgumentParser
import ColibriLibrary
import Foundation
extension Colibri {
struct Create: AsyncParsableCommand {
// MARK: Properties
static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
commandName: "create-project",
abstract: "Create a new, tailored Hummingbird app",
helpNames: .shortAndLong,
aliases: ["create"]
@OptionGroup var options: Options
// MARK: Functions
mutating func run() async throws {
let fileService = FileService()
let createRootFolder = CreateRootFolderTask(fileService: fileService)
let rootFolder = try await createRootFolder(
at: options.locationURL
// MARK: - Options
extension Colibri.Create {
struct Options: ParsableArguments {
// MARK: Properties
@Option(name: .shortAndLong)
var name: String
@Option(name: .shortAndLong)
var location: String?
// MARK: Computed
var locationURL: URL? {
location.flatMap { URL(fileURLWithPath: $0) }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import Foundation
extension URL {
// MARK: Initialisers
init(at filePath: String) {
if #available(macOS 13.0, *) {
self = URL(filePath: filePath)
} else {
self = URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import Foundation
public protocol FileServicing {
// MARK: Computed
var currentFolder: URL { get async }
// MARK: Functions
func createFolder(at url: URL) async throws (FileServiceError)
func delete(at url: URL) async throws (FileServiceError)
func exists(at url: URL) async throws (FileServiceError) -> Bool
// MARK: - Errors
public enum FileServiceError: Error, Equatable {
case folderNotCreated
case urlAlreadyExists
case urlNotDeleted
case urlNotExists
case urlNotFileURL

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import Foundation
public struct FileService: FileServicing {
// MARK: Properties
private let fileManager: FileManager
// MARK: Initialisers
public init(fileManager: FileManager = .default) {
self.fileManager = fileManager
// MARK: Computed
public var currentFolder: URL {
get async {
.init(at: fileManager.currentDirectoryPath)
// MARK: Functions
public func createFolder(at url: URL) async throws (FileServiceError) {
guard try await !exists(at: url) else {
throw FileServiceError.urlAlreadyExists
do {
try fileManager.createDirectory(
at: url,
withIntermediateDirectories: true
} catch {
throw FileServiceError.folderNotCreated
public func delete(at url: URL) async throws (FileServiceError) {
guard try await exists(at: url) else {
throw FileServiceError.urlNotExists
do {
try fileManager.removeItem(at: url)
} catch {
throw FileServiceError.urlNotDeleted
public func exists(at url: URL) async throws (FileServiceError) -> Bool {
guard url.isFileURL else {
throw FileServiceError.urlNotFileURL
let filePath = getPath(for: url)
return fileManager.fileExists(atPath: filePath)
// MARK: - Helpers
private extension FileService {
// MARK: Functions
func getPath(for url: URL) -> String {
if #available(macOS 13.0, *) {
return url.path()
} else {
return url.path

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import Foundation
public struct CreateRootFolderTask {
// MARK: Properties
private let fileService: FileServicing
// MARK: Initialisers
public init(fileService: FileServicing) {
self.fileService = fileService
// MARK: Functions
public func callAsFunction(
name: String,
at location: URL? = nil
) async throws -> URL {
guard !name.isEmpty else {
throw CreateRootFolderError.nameIsEmpty
let rootFolder = if let location {
} else {
await fileService.currentFolder
let newFolder = if #available(macOS 13.0, *) {
rootFolder.appending(path: name)
} else {
try await fileService.createFolder(at: newFolder)
return newFolder
// MARK: - Errors
public enum CreateRootFolderError: Error {
case nameIsEmpty

View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
import ColibriLibrary
import Foundation
import Testing
struct FileServiceTests {
// MARK: Properties
private let spy = FileServiceSpy()
// MARK: Properties tests
@Test func currentFolder() async {
let url: URL = .someCurrentFolder
let service = FileServiceMock(currentFolder: url)
let folder = await service.currentFolder
#expect(folder == url)
#expect(folder.isFileURL == true)
// MARK: Functions
@Test(arguments: [URL.someNewFolder, .someNewFile])
func createFolder(with url: URL) async throws {
let service = FileServiceMock(
currentFolder: .someCurrentFolder,
action: .createFolder(url),
spy: spy
try await service.createFolder(at: url)
#expect(spy.isCreateFolderCalled == true)
#expect(spy.urlCalled == url)
@Test(arguments: zip([URL.someExistingFolder, .someExistingFile, .someRandomURL],
[FileServiceError.urlAlreadyExists, .urlAlreadyExists, .urlNotFileURL]))
func createFolder(
with url: URL,
throws error: FileServiceError
) async throws {
let service = FileServiceMock(
currentFolder: .someCurrentFolder,
action: .error(error),
spy: spy
await #expect(throws: error) {
try await service.createFolder(at: url)
#expect(spy.isCreateFolderCalled == false)
#expect(spy.urlCalled == nil)
@Test(arguments: [URL.someNewFolder, .someNewFile])
func delete(with url: URL) async throws {
let service = FileServiceMock(
currentFolder: .someCurrentFolder,
action: .delete(url),
spy: spy
try await service.delete(at: url)
#expect(spy.isDeleteCalled == true)
#expect(spy.urlCalled == url)
@Test(arguments: zip([URL.someNewFolder, .someNewFile, .someRandomURL],
[FileServiceError.urlNotExists, .urlNotExists, .urlNotFileURL]))
func delete(
with url: URL,
throws error: FileServiceError
) async throws {
let service = FileServiceMock(
currentFolder: .someCurrentFolder,
action: .error(error),
spy: spy
await #expect(throws: error) {
try await service.delete(at: url)
#expect(spy.isDeleteCalled == false)
#expect(spy.urlCalled == nil)
@Test(arguments: zip([URL.someExistingFolder, .someExistingFile, .someNewFolder, .someNewFile],
[true, true, false, false]))
func exists(
with url: URL,
expects outcome: Bool
) async throws {
let service = FileServiceMock(
currentFolder: .someCurrentFolder,
action: .exists(url, outcome),
spy: spy
let result = try await service.exists(at: url)
#expect(result == outcome)
#expect(spy.isExistsAtCalled == true)
#expect(spy.urlCalled == url)
@Test(arguments: zip([URL.someRandomURL], [FileServiceError.urlNotFileURL]))
func exists(
with url: URL,
throws error: FileServiceError
) async throws {
let service = FileServiceMock(
currentFolder: .someCurrentFolder,
action: .error(error),
spy: spy
await #expect(throws: error) {
try await service.exists(at: url)
#expect(spy.isExistsAtCalled == false)
#expect(spy.urlCalled == nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
import ColibriLibrary
import Foundation
import Testing
struct CreateRootFolderTaskTests {
// MARK: Functions tests
@Test(arguments: [String.someProjectName], [URL.someCurrentProjectFolder, .someNewProjectFolder, .someDotProjectFolder, .someTildeProjectFolder])
func task(
name: String,
expects folder: URL
) async throws {
let location: URL? = switch folder {
case .someNewProjectFolder: .someNewFolder
case .someDotProjectFolder: .someDotFolder
case .someTildeProjectFolder: .someTildeFolder
default: nil
let fileService = FileServiceMock(
currentFolder: .someCurrentFolder,
action: .createFolder(folder)
let task = CreateRootFolderTask(fileService: fileService)
let result = try await task(name: name,
at: location)
#expect(result == folder)
#expect(result.isFileURL == true)
@Test(arguments: [String.someProjectName], [FileServiceError.urlAlreadyExists])
func task(
name: String,
throws error: FileServiceError
) async throws {
let fileService = FileServiceMock(
currentFolder: .someCurrentFolder,
action: .error(error)
let task = CreateRootFolderTask(fileService: fileService)
await #expect(throws: error) {
try await task(name: name)
@Test(arguments: [String.someEmptyName], [CreateRootFolderError.nameIsEmpty])
func task(
name: String,
throws error: CreateRootFolderError
) async throws {
let fileService = FileServiceMock(currentFolder: .someCurrentFolder)
let task = CreateRootFolderTask(fileService: fileService)
await #expect(throws: error) {
try await task(name: name)
// MARK: - String+Constants
private extension String {
static let someEmptyName = ""
static let someProjectName = "SomeProjectName"
// MARK: - URL+Constants
private extension URL {
static let someCurrentProjectFolder = URL.someCurrentFolder.appending(component: String.someProjectName)
static let someDotProjectFolder = URL.someDotFolder.appending(component: String.someProjectName)
static let someNewProjectFolder = URL.someNewFolder.appending(component: String.someProjectName)
static let someTildeProjectFolder = URL.someTildeFolder.appending(component: String.someProjectName)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import Foundation
@testable import ColibriLibrary
extension URL {
// MARK: Constants
static let someCurrentFolder = URL(at: "/some/current/folder")
static let someDotFolder = URL(at: ".")
static let someExistingFolder = URL(at: "/some/existing/folder")
static let someExistingFile = URL(at: "/some/existing/file")
static let someNewFolder = URL(at: "/some/new/folder")
static let someNewFile = URL(at: "/some/new/file")
static let someRandomURL = URL(string: "http://some.random.url")!
static let someTildeFolder = URL(at: "~")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
import ColibriLibrary
import Foundation
struct FileServiceMock {
// MARK: Properties
private let action: Action?
private let folder: URL
private weak var spy: FileServiceSpy?
// MARK: Initialisers
currentFolder: URL,
action: Action? = nil,
spy: FileServiceSpy? = nil
) {
self.action = action
self.folder = currentFolder
self.spy = spy
// MARK: - FileServicing
extension FileServiceMock: FileServicing {
// MARK: Computed
var currentFolder: URL {
get async { folder }
// MARK: Functions
func createFolder(at url: URL) async throws(FileServiceError) {
switch action {
case .error(let error):
throw error
case let .createFolder(url):
try await spy?.createFolder(at: url)
func delete(at url: URL) async throws(FileServiceError) {
switch action {
case .error(let error):
throw error
case let .delete(url):
try await spy?.delete(at: url)
func exists(at url: URL) async throws(FileServiceError) -> Bool {
switch action {
case .error(let error):
throw error
case let .exists(url, exists):
try await spy?.exists(at: url)
return exists
return false
// MARK: - Enumerations
extension FileServiceMock {
enum Action {
case createFolder(URL)
case delete(URL)
case error(FileServiceError)
case exists(URL, Bool)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import Foundation
@testable import ColibriLibrary
final class FileServiceSpy {
// MARK: Properties
private(set) var isCreateFolderCalled: Bool = false
private(set) var isDeleteCalled: Bool = false
private(set) var isExistsAtCalled: Bool = false
private(set) var urlCalled: URL?
// MARK: - FileServicing
extension FileServiceSpy: FileServicing {
var currentFolder: URL {
get async { .someCurrentFolder }
func createFolder(at url: URL) async throws(FileServiceError) {
isCreateFolderCalled = true
urlCalled = url
func delete(at url: URL) async throws(FileServiceError) {
isDeleteCalled = true
urlCalled = url
func exists(at url: URL) async throws(FileServiceError) -> Bool {
isExistsAtCalled = true
urlCalled = url
return .random()