Template support for input parameters #4

javier merged 81 commits from feature/arguments-templating into main 2025-02-17 22:11:06 +00:00
2 changed files with 0 additions and 143 deletions
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@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
import Foundation
struct RunProcessTask {
// MARK: Type aliases
typealias Output = String
// MARK: Properties
private var process: Processable
// MARK: Initialisers
init(process: Processable) {
self.process = process
// MARK: Functions
mutating func callAsFunction(
path: String, arguments: [String] = []
) async throws (RunProcessError) -> Output {
process.executableURL = URL(at: path)
process.arguments = arguments
let pipeError = Pipe()
let pipeOutput = Pipe()
process.standardError = pipeError
process.standardOutput = pipeOutput
async let streamOutput = pipeOutput.availableData.append()
async let streamError = pipeError.availableData.append()
do {
try process.run()
let dataOutput = await streamOutput
let dataError = await streamError
guard dataError.isEmpty else {
guard let errorOutput = String(data: dataError, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw RunProcessError.unexpected
throw RunProcessError.output(errorOutput)
guard let output = String(data: dataOutput, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw RunProcessError.unexpected
return await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
process.terminationHandler = { _ in
continuation.resume(returning: output)
} catch let error as RunProcessError {
throw error
} catch {
throw RunProcessError.captured(error.localizedDescription)
// MARK: - Errors
public enum RunProcessError: Error, Equatable {
case captured(_ output: String)
case output(_ output: String)
case unexpected

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@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
import Foundation
import Testing
@testable import ColibriLibrary
struct RunProcessTaskTests {
// MARK: Properties
private var process: Process
// MARK: Initialisers
init() {
self.process = Process()
// MARK: Functions tests
@Test(arguments: [Argument.empty, Argument.listAllInFolder])
func run(with arguments: [String]) async throws {
var task = RunProcessTask(process: process)
let output = try await task(path: .ls, arguments: arguments)
#expect(output.isEmpty == false)
@Test(arguments: zip([Argument.help, Argument.listAllInPWD], Throw.outputs))
func runThrows(with arguments: [String], throws error: RunProcessError) async throws {
var task = RunProcessTask(process: process)
await #expect(throws: error) {
try await task(path: .ls, arguments: arguments)
// MARK: - String+Constants
private extension String {
static let ls = "/bin/ls"
// MARK: - Parameters
private extension RunProcessTaskTests {
enum Argument {
static let empty: [String] = []
static let help: [String] = ["--help"]
static let listAllInFolder: [String] = ["-la", "."]
static let listAllInPWD: [String] = ["-la", "~"]
enum Throw {
static let outputs: [RunProcessError] = [
.output("ls: unrecognized option `--help\'\nusage: ls [-@ABCFGHILOPRSTUWXabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxy1%,] [--color=when] [-D format] [file ...]\n"),
.output("ls: ~: No such file or directory\n")