# VARIABLES BINARY_FOLDER = $(prefix)/bin BUILD_FOLDER = .build/release EXECUTABLE_FILE = colibri # INPUT ARGUMENTS prefix ?= /usr/local # EXECUTABLE MANAGEMENT build: ## Build the executable from source code @swift build -c release --disable-sandbox install: build ## Install the built executable into the system @install -d "$(BINARY_FOLDER)" @install "$(BUILD_FOLDER)/$(EXECUTABLE_FILE)" "$(BINARY_FOLDER)" uninstall: ## Uninstall the built executable from the system @rm -rf "$(BINARY_FOLDER)/$(EXECUTABLE_FILE)" # PACKAGE MANAGEMENT clean: ## Delete built SPM artifacts from the package @swift package clean outdated: ## List the SPM package dependencies that can be updated @swift package update --dry-run purge: ## Purge the global SPM package repository @swift package purge-cache reset: ## Reset the complete SPM cache/build folder from the package @swift package reset update: ## Update the SPM package dependencies @swift package update wipe: clean reset purge ## Wipe all SPM package dependencies and purge the global SPM repository