@import Foundation; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface NSArray <__covariant ObjectType> (WMFMapping) /** * Map the array using the provided block. * If nil is returned by the block an assertion will be thrown in DEBUG * If not in debug, then [NSNull null] will be added to the array * * @param block The block to map * * @return The new array of mapped objects */ - (NSArray *)wmf_strictMap : (id (^)(id obj))block; /** * Transform the elements in the receiver, returning @c nil for those that should be excluded. * * Reduces a common pattern of mapping/filtering in one step. * * @param flatMap Block which takes a single parameter of the type of elements in the receiver, and returns * another object or @c nil if the object should be excluded from the result. * * @return A new array with the objects transformed by @c flatMap, excluding the @c nil results. */ - (NSArray *)wmf_mapAndRejectNil:(id _Nullable (^_Nonnull)(ObjectType _Nonnull obj))flatMap; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END