import Foundation /// Configuration handles the current environment - production, beta, staging, labs /// It has the functions that build URLs for the various APIs utilized by the app. /// It also maintains the list of relevant domains - default domain, domains that require the CentralAuth cookies to be copied, etc. @objc(WMFConfiguration) public class Configuration: NSObject { public struct StagingOptions: OptionSet { public let rawValue: Int public static let appsLabsforPCS = StagingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 0) public static let deploymentLabsForEventLogging = StagingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 1) public static let betaCluster = StagingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 2) // note, this will force beta cluster for PCS (thus ignoring an appsLabsforPCS value if also set) and force deploymentLabsForEventLogging public init(rawValue: Int) { self.rawValue = rawValue } } public struct LocalOptions: OptionSet { public let rawValue: Int public static let localAnnouncements = LocalOptions(rawValue: 1 << 0) public static let localPCS = LocalOptions(rawValue: 1 << 1) public init(rawValue: Int) { self.rawValue = rawValue } } public enum Environment { case production case staging(StagingOptions) case local(LocalOptions) } public let environment: Environment @objc public static let current: Configuration = { #if WMF_LOCAL return Configuration.local(options: [.localPCS, .localAnnouncements]) #elseif WMF_STAGING /* NOTE: .betaCluster attempts to point to the MediaWiki beta cluster for all possible endpoints. Change this to .appsLabsForPCS and/or .deploymentLabsForEventLogging for alternative staging environments. Example: Configuration.staging(options: [.appsLabsForPCS, .deploymentLabsForEventLogging]) .appsLabsForPCS = Product Infrastructure team's labs instance for PCS endpoints .deploymentLabsForEventLogging = labs instance for testing event logging endpoints All other endpoints would point to production */ return Configuration.staging(options: [.deploymentLabsForEventLogging]) #else return .production #endif }() private let pageContentServiceAPIType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.RESTBase.BuilderType private let feedContentAPIType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.RESTBase.BuilderType private let announcementsAPIType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.RESTBase.BuilderType private let eventLoggingAPIType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.EventLogging.BuilderType private let mediaWikiRestAPIType = APIURLComponentsBuilder.MediaWiki.BuilderType.productionRest private let mediaWikiAPIType = APIURLComponentsBuilder.MediaWiki.BuilderType.production private let wikidataAPIType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.Wikidata.BuilderType private let commonsAPIType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.Commons.BuilderType private let metricsAPIType = APIURLComponentsBuilder.RESTBase.BuilderType.production // MARK: Configurations private static var commonProductionCentralAuthCookieTargetDomains = [ Domain.mediaWiki.withDotPrefix, Domain.wikimedia.withDotPrefix, Domain.wiktionary.withDotPrefix, Domain.wikiquote.withDotPrefix, Domain.wikibooks.withDotPrefix, Domain.wikisource.withDotPrefix, Domain.wikinews.withDotPrefix, Domain.wikiversity.withDotPrefix, Domain.wikispecies.withDotPrefix, Domain.wikivoyage.withDotPrefix ] public static let production: Configuration = { let centralAuthCookieTargetDomains = commonProductionCentralAuthCookieTargetDomains + [Domain.wikidata.withDotPrefix, Domain.commons.withDotPrefix] return Configuration( environment: .production, defaultSiteDomain: Domain.wikipedia, wikipediaCookieDomain: Domain.wikipedia.withDotPrefix, centralAuthCookieTargetDomains: centralAuthCookieTargetDomains, pageContentServiceAPIType: .production, feedContentAPIType: .production, announcementsAPIType: .production, wikidataAPIType: .production, commonsAPIType: .production, eventLoggingAPIType: .production) }() private static func staging(options: StagingOptions) -> Configuration { let defaultSiteDomain = options.contains(.betaCluster) ? Domain.wikipediaBetaLabs : Domain.wikipedia let wikipediaCookieDomain = options.contains(.betaCluster) ? Domain.wikipediaBetaLabs.withDotPrefix : Domain.wikipedia.withDotPrefix let wikidataCookieDomain = options.contains(.betaCluster) ? Domain.wikidataBetaLabs.withDotPrefix : Domain.wikidata.withDotPrefix let commonsCookieDomain = options.contains(.betaCluster) ? Domain.commonsBetaLabs.withDotPrefix : Domain.commons.withDotPrefix let centralAuthCookieTargetDomains = commonProductionCentralAuthCookieTargetDomains + [wikidataCookieDomain, commonsCookieDomain] let pcsApiType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.RESTBase.BuilderType = options.contains(.appsLabsforPCS) && !options.contains(.betaCluster) ? .stagingAppsLabsPCS : .production let wikidataApiType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.Wikidata.BuilderType = options.contains(.betaCluster) ? .betaLabs : .production let commonsApiType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.Commons.BuilderType = options.contains(.betaCluster) ? .betaLabs : .production let eventLoggingApiType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.EventLogging .BuilderType = options.contains(.deploymentLabsForEventLogging) || options.contains(.betaCluster) ? .staging : .production return Configuration( environment: .staging(options), defaultSiteDomain: defaultSiteDomain, wikipediaCookieDomain: wikipediaCookieDomain, centralAuthCookieTargetDomains: centralAuthCookieTargetDomains, pageContentServiceAPIType: pcsApiType, feedContentAPIType: .production, announcementsAPIType: .production, wikidataAPIType: wikidataApiType, commonsAPIType: commonsApiType, eventLoggingAPIType: eventLoggingApiType ) } private static func local(options: LocalOptions) -> Configuration { let pcsApiType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.RESTBase.BuilderType = options.contains(.localPCS) ? .localPCS : .production let announcementsApiType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.RESTBase.BuilderType = options.contains(.localAnnouncements) ? .localAnnouncements : .production let centralAuthCookieTargetDomains = commonProductionCentralAuthCookieTargetDomains + [Domain.wikidata.withDotPrefix, Domain.commons.withDotPrefix] return Configuration( environment: .local(options), defaultSiteDomain: Domain.wikipedia, wikipediaCookieDomain: Domain.wikipedia.withDotPrefix, centralAuthCookieTargetDomains: centralAuthCookieTargetDomains, pageContentServiceAPIType: pcsApiType, feedContentAPIType: .production, announcementsAPIType: announcementsApiType, wikidataAPIType: .production, commonsAPIType: .production, eventLoggingAPIType: .production) } // MARK: Constants struct Scheme { static let http = "http" static let https = "https" } public struct Domain { public static let wikipedia = "" public static let wikipediaBetaLabs = "" public static let wikidata = "" public static let wikidataBetaLabs = "" public static let commons = "" public static let commonsBetaLabs = "" public static let mediaWiki = "" public static let wikispecies = "" public static let appsLabs = "" // Product Infrastructure team's labs instance public static let localhost = "localhost" public static let englishWikipedia = "" public static let testWikipedia = "" public static let wikimedia = "" public static let metaWiki = "" public static let wikimediafoundation = "" public static let uploads = "" public static let wikibooks = "" public static let wiktionary = "" public static let wikiquote = "" public static let wikisource = "" public static let wikinews = "" public static let wikiversity = "" public static let wikivoyage = "" } struct Path { static let wikiResourceComponent = ["wiki"] static let restBaseAPIComponents = ["api", "rest_v1"] static let mediaWikiAPIComponents = ["w", "api.php"] static let mediaWikiRestAPIComponents = ["w", "rest.php"] static let expandedWikiResourceComponents = ["w", "index.php"] } // MARK: State @objc public let defaultSiteDomain: String public let defaultSiteURL: URL public let wikipediaCookieDomain: String public let centralAuthCookieSourceDomain: String // copy cookies from public let centralAuthCookieTargetDomains: [String] // copy cookies to // Wikipedia Domains public let wikipediaDomains: [String] // Domains that can fall back to in-app web view public let inAppWebViewRoutingDomains: [String] @objc public lazy var router: Router = { return Router(configuration: self) }() required init(environment: Environment, defaultSiteDomain: String, wikipediaCookieDomain: String, centralAuthCookieTargetDomains: [String] = [], pageContentServiceAPIType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.RESTBase.BuilderType, feedContentAPIType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.RESTBase.BuilderType, announcementsAPIType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.RESTBase.BuilderType, wikidataAPIType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.Wikidata.BuilderType, commonsAPIType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.Commons.BuilderType, eventLoggingAPIType: APIURLComponentsBuilder.EventLogging.BuilderType) { self.environment = environment self.defaultSiteDomain = defaultSiteDomain var components = URLComponents() components.scheme = "https" = defaultSiteDomain self.defaultSiteURL = components.url! self.wikipediaCookieDomain = wikipediaCookieDomain self.centralAuthCookieSourceDomain = self.wikipediaCookieDomain self.centralAuthCookieTargetDomains = centralAuthCookieTargetDomains self.wikipediaDomains = [Domain.wikipedia, Domain.wikipediaBetaLabs, Domain.appsLabs] self.inAppWebViewRoutingDomains = wikipediaDomains + [Domain.mediaWiki, Domain.wikidata, Domain.wikimedia, Domain.wikimediafoundation] self.pageContentServiceAPIType = pageContentServiceAPIType self.feedContentAPIType = feedContentAPIType self.announcementsAPIType = announcementsAPIType self.wikidataAPIType = wikidataAPIType self.commonsAPIType = commonsAPIType self.eventLoggingAPIType = eventLoggingAPIType } // MARK: Page Content Service public func pageContentServiceBuilder(withWikiHost wikiHost: String? = nil) -> APIURLComponentsBuilder { let builder = pageContentServiceAPIType.builder(withWikiHost: wikiHost) return builder } /// The Page Content Service includes mobile-html and the associated endpoints. It can be run locally with this repository: /// On production, it is run through RESTBase at (works for all language wikis) @objc(pageContentServiceAPIURLForURL:appendingPathComponents:) public func pageContentServiceAPIURLForURL(_ url: URL? = nil, appending pathComponents: [String] = [""]) -> URL? { let builder = pageContentServiceAPIType.builder(withWikiHost: url?.host) let components = builder.components(byAppending: pathComponents) return components.wmf_URLWithLanguageVariantCode(url?.wmf_languageVariantCode) } /// Returns the default request headers for Page Content Service API requests public func pageContentServiceHeaders(for url: URL) -> [String: String] { // If the language supports variants, only send a single code with variant for that language. // This is a workaround for an issue with server-side Accept-Language header handling and // can be removed when is fixed. // NOTE: In general it does not seem that most sites process multi-language Accept-Language headers. // For variants, sending a single Accept-Language header is sufficient and seems the least error-prone. if let languageVariantCode = url.wmf_languageVariantCode { return ["Accept-Language": languageVariantCode] } else { return [:] } } // MARK: Metrics /// The metrics API lives only on @objc(metricsAPIURLComponentsAppendingPathComponents:) public func metricsAPIURLComponents(appending pathComponents: [String] = [""]) -> URLComponents { let builder = metricsAPIType.builder(withWikiHost: Domain.wikimedia) return builder.components(byAppending: ["metrics"] + pathComponents) } // MARK: Wikifeeds (Feed Content and Announcements) /// Feed content is located in the wikifeeds repository. It can be run locally with: /// On production, it is run through RESTBase at (works for all language wikis) @objc(feedContentAPIURLForURL:appendingPathComponents:) public func feedContentAPIURLForURL(_ url: URL?, appending pathComponents: [String] = [""]) -> URL? { let builder = feedContentAPIType.builder(withWikiHost: url?.host) let components = builder.components(byAppending: pathComponents) return components.wmf_URLWithLanguageVariantCode(url?.wmf_languageVariantCode) } /// Announcements are located in the wikifeeds repository. It can be run locally with: /// On production, it is run through RESTBase at (works for all language wikis) @objc(announcementsAPIURLForURL:appendingPathComponents:) public func announcementsAPIURLForURL(_ url: URL?, appending pathComponents: [String] = [""]) -> URL? { let builder = announcementsAPIType.builder(withWikiHost: url?.host) let components = builder.components(byAppending: pathComponents) return components.wmf_URLWithLanguageVariantCode(url?.wmf_languageVariantCode) } // MARK: Event Logging @objc(eventLoggingAPIURLWithPayload:) public func eventLoggingAPIURL(with payload: NSObject) -> URL? { let builder = eventLoggingAPIType.builder() let components = try? builder.components(byAssigningPayloadToPercentEncodedQuery: payload) return components?.url } // MARK: MediaWiki Rest public func mediaWikiRestAPIURLForURL(_ url: URL? = nil, appending pathComponents: [String] = [""], queryParameters: [String: Any]? = nil) -> URL? { let builder = mediaWikiRestAPIType.builder(withWikiHost: url?.host) let components = builder.components(byAppending: pathComponents, queryParameters: queryParameters) return components.wmf_URLWithLanguageVariantCode(url?.wmf_languageVariantCode) } // MARK: MediaWiki @objc(mediaWikiAPIURLForURL:withQueryParameters:) public func mediaWikiAPIURLForURL(_ url: URL?, with queryParameters: [String: Any]? = nil) -> URL? { let components = mediaWikiAPIURLForHost(url?.host, with: queryParameters) return components.wmf_URLWithLanguageVariantCode(url?.wmf_languageVariantCode) } public func mediaWikiAPIURLForHost(_ host: String? = nil, with queryParameters: [String: Any]? = nil) -> URLComponents { let builder = mediaWikiAPIType.builder(withWikiHost: host) guard let queryParameters = queryParameters else { return builder.components() } return builder.components(queryParameters: queryParameters) } public func mediaWikiAPIURLForLanguageCode(_ languageCode: String, siteDomain: String? = nil, queryParameters: [String: Any]?) -> URLComponents { let domain = siteDomain ?? defaultSiteDomain let host = "\(languageCode).\(domain)" return mediaWikiAPIURLForHost(host, with: queryParameters) } // MARK: Wikidata public func wikidataAPIURLComponents(with queryParameters: [String: Any]?) -> URLComponents { let builder = wikidataAPIType.builder() return builder.components(queryParameters: queryParameters) } // MARK: Commons @objc(commonsAPIURLComponentsWithQueryParameters:) public func commonsAPIURLComponents(with queryParameters: [String: Any]?) -> URLComponents { let builder = commonsAPIType.builder() return builder.components(queryParameters: queryParameters) } // MARK: Article URLs func articleURLComponentsBuilder(for host: String) -> APIURLComponentsBuilder { var components = URLComponents() = host components.scheme = Scheme.https return APIURLComponentsBuilder(hostComponents: components, basePathComponents: Path.wikiResourceComponent) } func expandedArticleURLComponentsBuilder(for host: String) -> APIURLComponentsBuilder { var components = URLComponents() = host components.scheme = Scheme.https return APIURLComponentsBuilder(hostComponents: components, basePathComponents: Path.expandedWikiResourceComponents) } public func articleURLForHost(_ host: String, languageVariantCode: String?, appending pathComponents: [String]) -> URL? { let builder = articleURLComponentsBuilder(for: host) let components = builder.components(byAppending: pathComponents) return components.wmf_URLWithLanguageVariantCode(languageVariantCode) } // Uses format // As opposed to public func expandedArticleURLForHost(_ host: String, languageVariantCode: String?, queryParameters: [String: Any]?) -> URL? { let builder = expandedArticleURLComponentsBuilder(for: host) let components = builder.components(byAppending: [], queryParameters: queryParameters) return components.wmf_URLWithLanguageVariantCode(languageVariantCode) } // MARK: Routing Helpers public func isWikipediaHost(_ host: String?) -> Bool { guard let host = host else { return false } for domain in wikipediaDomains { if host.isDomainOrSubDomainOf(domain) { return true } } return false } /// Indicates if a url should fall back to an in-app web view or not /// Please inspect url namespace first and confirm url cannot display natively before using this method. /// - Parameter host: url host that you are trying to route /// - Returns: true = host should fall back to app web view, route to in-app web view. false = host should fall back to external Safari web browser (business logic for parental controls). public func hostCanRouteToInAppWebView(_ host: String?) -> Bool { guard let host = host else { return false } for domain in inAppWebViewRoutingDomains { if host.isDomainOrSubDomainOf(domain) { return true } } return false } }