import Foundation import CocoaLumberjackSwift protocol SamplingControllerDelegate: AnyObject { var sessionID: String { get } } class SamplingController: NSObject { /** * Serial dispatch queue that enables working with properties in a thread-safe * way */ private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "EventPlatformClientSampling-" + UUID().uuidString) /** * Cache of "in sample" / "out of sample" determination for each stream * * The process of determining only has to happen the first time an event is * logged to a stream for which stream configuration is available. All other * times `in_sample` simply returns the cached determination. * * Only cache determinations asynchronously via `queue.async` */ private var samplingCache: [EventPlatformClient.Stream: Bool] = [:] weak var delegate: SamplingControllerDelegate? /** * Compute a boolean function on a random identifier * - Parameter stream: name of the stream * - Parameter config: stream configuration for the provided stream name * - Returns: `true` if in sample or `false` otherwise * * The determinations are lazy and cached, so each stream's in-sample vs * out-of-sample determination is computed only once, the first time an event * is logged to that stream.ß * * Refer to sampling settings section in * [mw:Wikimedia Product/Analytics Infrastructure/Stream configuration]( * for more information. */ func inSample(stream: EventPlatformClient.Stream, config: EventPlatformClient.StreamConfiguration) -> Bool { if let cachedValue = getSamplingForStream(stream) { return cachedValue } guard let rate = config.sampling?.rate else { /* * If stream is present in streamConfigurations but doesn't have * sampling settings, it is always in-sample. */ cacheSamplingForStream(stream, inSample: true) return true } /* * All platforms use session ID as the default identifier for determining * in- vs out-of-sample of events sent to streams. On the web, streams can * be set to use pageview token instead. On the apps, streams can be set * to use device token instead. */ let sessionIdentifierType = "session" let deviceIdentifierType = "device" let identifierType = config.sampling?.identifier ?? sessionIdentifierType let appInstallID = UserDefaults.standard.wmf_appInstallId guard identifierType == sessionIdentifierType || identifierType == deviceIdentifierType else { DDLogDebug("EPC: Logged to stream which is not configured for sampling based on \(sessionIdentifierType) or \(deviceIdentifierType) identifier") cacheSamplingForStream(stream, inSample: false) return false } guard let identifier = identifierType == sessionIdentifierType ? delegate?.sessionID : appInstallID else { DDLogError("EPC: Missing token for determining in- vs out-of-sample. Falling back to out-of-sample.") cacheSamplingForStream(stream, inSample: false) return false } let result = determine(identifier, rate) cacheSamplingForStream(stream, inSample: result) return result } /** * Yields a deterministic (not stochastic) determination of whether the * provided `id` is in-sample or out-of-sample according to the `acceptance` * rate * - Parameter id: identifier to use for determining sampling * - Parameter acceptance: the desired proportion of many `token`-s being * accepted * * The algorithm works in a "widen the net on frozen fish" fashion -- tokens * continue evaluating to true as the acceptance rate increases. For example, * a device determined to be in-sample for a stream "A" having rate 0.1 will * be determined to be in-sample for a stream "B" having rate 0.2, and its * events will show up in tables "A" and "B". */ private func determine(_ id: String, _ acceptance: Double) -> Bool { guard let token = UInt32(id.prefix(8), radix: 16) else { return false } return (Double(token) / Double(UInt32.max)) < acceptance } /** * Thread-safe asynchronous caching of a stream's in-vs-out-of-sample * determination * - Parameter stream: name of stream to cache determination for * - Parameter inSample: whether the stream was determined to be in-sample * this session */ func cacheSamplingForStream(_ stream: EventPlatformClient.Stream, inSample: Bool) { queue.async { self.samplingCache[stream] = inSample } } /** * Thread-safe synchronous retrieval of a stream's cached in-vs-out-of-sample determination * - Parameter stream: name of stream to retrieve determination for from the cache * - Returns: `true` if stream was determined to be in-sample this session, `false` otherwise */ func getSamplingForStream(_ stream: EventPlatformClient.Stream) -> Bool? { queue.sync { return self.samplingCache[stream] } } /** * Thread-safe asynchronous clearance of cached stream in-vs-out-of-sample determinations */ func removeAllSamplingCache() { queue.async { self.samplingCache.removeAll() } } }