import Foundation /// Base class for operations that deal with fetching and persisting user notifications. Operation will recursively call the next page, with overrideable hooks to adjust this behavior. class RemoteNotificationsPagingOperation: RemoteNotificationsProjectOperation { private let needsCrossWikiSummary: Bool private(set) var crossWikiSummaryNotification: RemoteNotificationsAPIController.NotificationsResult.Notification? required init(project: WikimediaProject, apiController: RemoteNotificationsAPIController, modelController: RemoteNotificationsModelController, needsCrossWikiSummary: Bool) { self.needsCrossWikiSummary = needsCrossWikiSummary super.init(project: project, apiController: apiController, modelController: modelController) } required init(project: WikimediaProject, apiController: RemoteNotificationsAPIController, modelController: RemoteNotificationsModelController) { fatalError("init(project:apiController:modelController:) has not been implemented") } required init(apiController: RemoteNotificationsAPIController, modelController: RemoteNotificationsModelController) { fatalError("init(apiController:modelController:) has not been implemented") } // MARK: Overridable hooks /// Boolean logic for allowing operation execution. Override to add any validation before executing this operation. var shouldExecute: Bool { return true } /// Hook to exit early from recursively paging and persisting the API response. This is called right before the next page is fetched from the API. This value will take priority even if last response indicates that there are additional pages to fetch. /// - Parameter lastNotification: The last notification returned from the previous response /// - Returns: Boolean flag indicating recursive paging should continue or not in this operation. func shouldContinueToPage(lastNotification: RemoteNotificationsAPIController.NotificationsResult.Notification) -> Bool { return true } /// Hook that is called when the last page of notifications has been fetched and saved locally. Do any additional cleanup here. func didFetchAndSaveAllPages() { } /// Hook that is called when we are about to fetch and persist a new page from the API. /// - Parameter newContinueId: Continue Id the operation will send in the next API call. func willFetchAndSaveNewPage(newContinueId: String) { } /// Override to provide an initial continue Id to send into the first API call var initialContinueId: String? { return nil } /// Override to allow operation to page through a filtered list (read, unread, etc.) var filter: RemoteNotificationsAPIController.Query.Filter { return .none } // MARK: General Fetch and Save functionality override func execute() { guard shouldExecute else { finish() return } recursivelyFetchAndSaveNotifications(continueId: initialContinueId) } private func recursivelyFetchAndSaveNotifications(continueId: String? = nil) { apiController.getAllNotifications(from: project, needsCrossWikiSummary: needsCrossWikiSummary, filter: filter, continueId: continueId) { [weak self] apiResult, error in guard let self = self else { return } if let error = error { self.finish(with: error) return } guard let fetchedNotifications = apiResult?.list else { self.finish(with: RequestError.unexpectedResponse) return } var fetchedNotificationsToPersist = fetchedNotifications var lastNotification = fetchedNotifications.last if self.needsCrossWikiSummary { let notificationIsSummaryType: (RemoteNotificationsAPIController.NotificationsResult.Notification) -> Bool = { notification in == "-1" && notification.type == "foreign" } let crossWikiSummaryNotification = fetchedNotificationsToPersist.first(where: notificationIsSummaryType) self.crossWikiSummaryNotification = crossWikiSummaryNotification fetchedNotificationsToPersist = fetchedNotifications.filter({ notification in !notificationIsSummaryType(notification) }) lastNotification = fetchedNotificationsToPersist.last } guard let lastNotification = lastNotification else { // Empty notifications list so nothing to import. Exit early. self.didFetchAndSaveAllPages() self.finish() return } let backgroundContext = self.modelController.newBackgroundContext() self.modelController.createNewNotifications(moc: backgroundContext, notificationsFetchedFromTheServer: Set(fetchedNotificationsToPersist), completion: { [weak self] result in guard let self = self else { return } switch result { case .success: guard let newContinueId = apiResult?.continueId, newContinueId != continueId, self.shouldContinueToPage(lastNotification: lastNotification) else { self.didFetchAndSaveAllPages() self.finish() return } self.willFetchAndSaveNewPage(newContinueId: newContinueId) self.recursivelyFetchAndSaveNotifications(continueId: newContinueId) case .failure(let error): self.finish(with: error) } }) } } }