import UIKit // Presently it is assumed this view controller will be used only as a // child view controller of another view controller. extension UIStackView { fileprivate var wmf_isCollapsed: Bool { get { for subview in arrangedSubviews { if !subview.isHidden { return false } } return true } set { for subview in arrangedSubviews { subview.isHidden = newValue } } } } @objc public protocol WMFCaptchaViewControllerDelegate { func captchaReloadPushed(_ sender: AnyObject) func captchaSolutionChanged(_ sender: AnyObject, solutionText: String?) func captchaSiteURL() -> URL func captchaKeyboardReturnKeyTapped() func captchaHideSubtitle() -> Bool } class WMFCaptchaViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate, Themeable { @IBOutlet fileprivate var captchaImageView: UIImageView! @IBOutlet fileprivate var captchaTextFieldTitleLabel: UILabel! @IBOutlet fileprivate var captchaTextField: ThemeableTextField! @IBOutlet fileprivate var stackView: UIStackView! @IBOutlet fileprivate var titleLabel: UILabel! @IBOutlet fileprivate var subTitleLabel: WMFAuthLinkLabel! @IBOutlet fileprivate var infoButton: UIButton! @IBOutlet fileprivate var refreshButton: UIButton! @objc public weak var captchaDelegate: WMFCaptchaViewControllerDelegate? fileprivate let captchaResetter = WMFCaptchaResetter() fileprivate var theme = Theme.standard @objc var captcha: WMFCaptcha? { didSet { guard let captcha = captcha else { captchaTextField.text = nil stackView.wmf_isCollapsed = true return } stackView.wmf_isCollapsed = false captchaTextField.text = "" refreshImage(for: captcha) if let captchaDelegate = captchaDelegate { subTitleLabel.isHidden = captchaDelegate.captchaHideSubtitle() } } } @objc var solution:String? { guard let captchaSolution = captchaTextField.text, !captchaSolution.isEmpty else { return nil } return captchaTextField.text } public func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool { if textField == captchaTextField { guard let captchaDelegate = captchaDelegate else { assertionFailure("Expected delegate not set") return true } captchaDelegate.captchaKeyboardReturnKeyTapped() } return true } fileprivate func refreshImage(for captcha: WMFCaptcha) { guard let fullCaptchaImageURL = fullCaptchaImageURL(from: captcha.captchaURL) else { assertionFailure("Unable to determine fullCaptchaImageURL") return } captchaImageView.wmf_setImage(with: fullCaptchaImageURL, detectFaces: false, onGPU: false, failure: { (error) in }) { } } public func captchaTextFieldBecomeFirstResponder() { // Reminder: captchaTextField is private so this vc maintains control over the captcha solution. captchaTextField.becomeFirstResponder() } fileprivate func fullCaptchaImageURL(from captchaURL: URL) -> URL? { guard let components = URLComponents(url: captchaURL, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false) else { assertionFailure("Could not extract url components") return nil } return components.url(relativeTo: captchaBaseURL()) } fileprivate func captchaBaseURL() -> URL? { guard let captchaDelegate = captchaDelegate else { assertionFailure("Expected delegate not set") return nil } let captchaSiteURL = captchaDelegate.captchaSiteURL() guard var components = URLComponents(url: captchaSiteURL, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false) else { assertionFailure("Could not extract url components") return nil } components.queryItems = nil guard let url = components.url else { assertionFailure("Could not extract url") return nil } return url } @IBAction func textFieldDidChange(_ sender: UITextField) { captchaDelegate?.captchaSolutionChanged(self, solutionText:sender.text) } override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool { return true } override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() guard let captchaDelegate = captchaDelegate else { assertionFailure("Required delegate is unset") return } assert(stackView.wmf_firstArrangedSubviewWithRequiredNonZeroHeightConstraint() == nil, stackView.wmf_anArrangedSubviewHasRequiredNonZeroHeightConstraintAssertString()) captcha = nil captchaTextFieldTitleLabel.text = WMFLocalizedString("field-captcha-title", value:"Enter the text you see above", comment: "Title for captcha field") captchaTextField.placeholder = WMFLocalizedString("field-captcha-placeholder", value:"CAPTCHA text", comment: "Placeholder text shown inside captcha field until user taps on it") titleLabel.text = WMFLocalizedString("account-creation-captcha-title", value:"CAPTCHA security check", comment: "Title for account creation CAPTCHA interface") // Reminder: used a label instead of a button for subtitle because of multi-line string issues with UIButton. subTitleLabel.strings = WMFAuthLinkLabelStrings(dollarSignString: WMFLocalizedString("account-creation-captcha-cannot-see-image", value:"Can't see the image? %1$@", comment: "Text asking the user if they cannot see the captcha image. %1$@ is the message {{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-account-creation-captcha-request-account}}"), substitutionString: WMFLocalizedString("account-creation-captcha-request-account", value:"Request account.", comment: "Text for link to 'Request an account' page.")) subTitleLabel.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(requestAnAccountTapped(_:)))) subTitleLabel.isHidden = (captcha == nil) || captchaDelegate.captchaHideSubtitle() view.wmf_configureSubviewsForDynamicType() apply(theme: theme) } @objc func requestAnAccountTapped(_ recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) { navigate(to: URL(string: "")) } @IBAction fileprivate func infoButtonTapped(withSender sender: UIButton) { navigate(to: URL(string: "")) } @IBAction fileprivate func refreshButtonTapped(withSender sender: UIButton) { captchaDelegate?.captchaReloadPushed(self) let failure: WMFErrorHandler = {error in } WMFAlertManager.sharedInstance.showAlert(WMFLocalizedString("account-creation-captcha-obtaining", value:"Obtaining a new CAPTCHA...", comment: "Alert shown when user wants a new captcha when creating account"), sticky: false, dismissPreviousAlerts: true, tapCallBack: nil) self.captchaResetter.resetCaptcha(siteURL: captchaBaseURL()!, success: { result in DispatchQueue.main.async { guard let previousCaptcha = self.captcha else { assertionFailure("If resetting a captcha, expect to have a previous one here") return } let previousCaptchaURL = previousCaptcha.captchaURL let previousCaptchaNSURL = previousCaptchaURL as NSURL let newCaptchaID = result.index // Resetter only fetches captchaID, so use previous captchaURL changing its wpCaptchaId. let newCaptchaURL = previousCaptchaNSURL.wmf_url(withValue: newCaptchaID, forQueryKey:"wpCaptchaId") let newCaptcha = WMFCaptcha.init(captchaID: newCaptchaID, captchaURL: newCaptchaURL) self.captcha = newCaptcha } }, failure:failure) } func apply(theme: Theme) { self.theme = theme guard viewIfLoaded != nil else { return } titleLabel.textColor = theme.colors.primaryText captchaTextFieldTitleLabel.textColor = theme.colors.secondaryText subTitleLabel.apply(theme: theme) view.backgroundColor = theme.colors.paperBackground captchaTextField.apply(theme: theme) view.tintColor = } }