{ "nextRvStartId": 0, "sha": null, "timeline": [{ "revid": 670576931, "parentid": 670574458, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T21:16:25Z", "outputType": "large-change", "user": "CoffeeWithMarkets", "userid": 17771490, "significantChanges": [{ "outputType": "new-template", "sections": ["==Maine Coon=="], "templates": [{ "name": "citebook", "ISBN": "9781118813768", "author1": "Kara Burns", "author2": "Lori Renda-Franci", "date": "2014", "publisher": "John Wiley & Sons", "title": "Textbook for the Veterinary Assistant", "url": "https://books.google.com/books?id=EtZjAwAAQBAJ&pg=PT156&dq=Maine+Coon+dog-like&hl=en&sa=X&ei=vpGdVYGLBM7noAS9gaiYBg&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Maine%20Coon%20dog-like&f=false" }] }, { "outputType": "added-text", "snippet": "One of the largest breeds of cats, the origin of the Maine Coon has been shrouded in a great deal of myths and legends. The felines are labeled frequently as being similar to dogs not just in terms of their size and stature but also their pleasant mannerisms and tendency to closely follow their owners. Maine Coon cats also are often trainable given their intelligence and affectionate nature.[1]\n", "snippetType": 1, "characterCount": 775, "sections": ["==Maine Coon=="] }], "userGroups": ["autoreviewer", "extendedconfirmed", "*", "user", "autoconfirmed"], "userEditCount": 15850 }, { "revid": 670574458, "parentid": 670572707, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T20:59:32Z", "outputType": "small-change" }, { "revid": 670572707, "parentid": 670572410, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T20:47:43Z", "outputType": "large-change", "user": "CoffeeWithMarkets", "userid": 17771490, "significantChanges": [{ "outputType": "added-text", "snippet": "... name=taylor> Unknown parameter |publisher= ignored (help); Unknown parameter |last= ignored (help); |first= missing |last= (help); Check date values in: |date= (help)</ref><ref name=md>...", "snippetType": 3, "characterCount": 286, "sections": ["==Manx=="] }, { "outputType": "deleted-text", "characterCount": 7, "sections": ["==Manx=="] }], "userGroups": ["autoreviewer", "extendedconfirmed", "*", "user", "autoconfirmed"], "userEditCount": 15850 }, { "revid": 670572410, "parentid": 670571268, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T20:45:43Z", "outputType": "large-change", "user": "CoffeeWithMarkets", "userid": 17771490, "significantChanges": [{ "outputType": "new-template", "sections": ["==Manx=="], "templates": [{ "name": "citebook", "ISBN": "9780715336410", "date": "2011", "first": "David Taylor", "last": "David & Charles", "pages": "22", "title": "The Complete Contented Cat" }] }, { "outputType": "added-text", "snippet": "...whistle or call their names. Cats of this breed are known for jumping and climbing about obstacles as well as burying things, even collecting and burying toys at times. Manx felines will also display strong affection generally.[1]...", "snippetType": 3, "characterCount": 278, "sections": ["==Manx=="] }], "userGroups": ["autoreviewer", "extendedconfirmed", "*", "user", "autoconfirmed"], "userEditCount": 15850 }, { "revid": 670571268, "parentid": 670570763, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T20:38:01Z", "outputType": "small-change" }, { "revid": 670570763, "parentid": 670570693, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T20:34:48Z", "outputType": "small-change" }, { "revid": 670570693, "parentid": 670569662, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T20:34:22Z", "outputType": "large-change", "user": "CoffeeWithMarkets", "userid": 17771490, "significantChanges": [{ "outputType": "added-text", "snippet": "While these attributes are found desirable for owners interacting with their cats, problems can occur when the felines are exposed to dogs and strange people, with the cats possibly being too trusting and too friendly for their own good.[1]\n", "snippetType": 1, "characterCount": 336, "sections": ["Intro", "==See also=="] }], "userGroups": ["autoreviewer", "extendedconfirmed", "*", "user", "autoconfirmed"], "userEditCount": 15850 }, { "revid": 670569662, "parentid": 670568587, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T20:28:04Z", "outputType": "large-change", "user": "CoffeeWithMarkets", "userid": 17771490, "significantChanges": [{ "outputType": "added-text", "snippet": "...fur. The Cat Fanciers Association recognized the breed in 1993 in the 'miscellaneous' class. Physically, the cats generally have light-colored coats with Siamese-like points, with darker edges...", "snippetType": 3, "characterCount": 114, "sections": ["Intro", "==Ragdoll==", "==See also=="] }, { "outputType": "deleted-text", "characterCount": 55, "sections": ["Intro", "==Ragdoll=="] }], "userGroups": ["autoreviewer", "extendedconfirmed", "*", "user", "autoconfirmed"], "userEditCount": 15850 }, { "revid": 670568587, "parentid": 670567738, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T20:21:48Z", "outputType": "large-change", "user": "CoffeeWithMarkets", "userid": 17771490, "significantChanges": [{ "outputType": "added-text", "snippet": ".... The felines will sometime even play games such as 'fetch' given their love for socializing-type activities...", "snippetType": 3, "characterCount": 200, "sections": ["==Ragdoll=="] }, { "outputType": "deleted-text", "characterCount": 9, "sections": ["==Ragdoll=="] }], "userGroups": ["autoreviewer", "extendedconfirmed", "*", "user", "autoconfirmed"], "userEditCount": 15850 }, { "revid": 670567738, "parentid": 670566911, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T20:16:24Z", "outputType": "large-change", "user": "CoffeeWithMarkets", "userid": 17771490, "significantChanges": [{ "outputType": "added-text", "snippet": "Ann Baker, a Persian cat breeder, developed the Ragdoll in the 1960s, selecting for positive temperaments, pleasing looks, and non-matting coats. The Cat Fanciers Association recognized the breed in 1993 in the 'miscellaneous' class. Physically, the cats generally have light-colored coats with Siamese-like points, dark edges shown in areas such as the cats' paws and ears. ...", "snippetType": 3, "characterCount": 440, "sections": ["==Ragdoll=="] }, { "outputType": "deleted-text", "characterCount": 10, "sections": ["==Ragdoll=="] }], "userGroups": ["autoreviewer", "extendedconfirmed", "*", "user", "autoconfirmed"], "userEditCount": 15850 }, { "revid": 670566911, "parentid": 670566127, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T20:09:59Z", "outputType": "large-change", "user": "CoffeeWithMarkets", "userid": 17771490, "significantChanges": [{ "outputType": "added-text", "snippet": "...tendencies within the general, broad scope of feline behavior being enhanced through selective breeding. Specific examples include the tendency to follow owners and other people around from room to room, the desire to receive frequent moments of physical affection such as being held and pet, a lack of aggression toward some fellow animals (such as other felines), and a general placid nature. \"Puppy cat\" and related terms (such as \"dog-like cat\") have been used to label breeds such as the 'Ragdoll',<ref name=vca> External link in |publisher= (help)</ref><ref name=ideal/...", "snippetType": 3, "characterCount": 252, "sections": ["Intro", "==Manx==", "==Ragdoll=="] }, { "outputType": "deleted-text", "characterCount": 92, "sections": ["Intro", "==Manx==", "==Ragdoll=="] }], "userGroups": ["autoreviewer", "extendedconfirmed", "*", "user", "autoconfirmed"], "userEditCount": 15850 }, { "revid": 670566127, "parentid": 670565873, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T20:03:46Z", "outputType": "small-change" }, { "revid": 670565873, "parentid": 670565872, "timestamp": "2015-07-08T20:02:00Z", "outputType": "small-change" }], "summary": { "earliestTimestamp": "2015-07-08T20:02:00Z", "numChanges": 133, "numUsers": 25 } }