import Foundation /// **THIS IS NOT PART OF THE MAIN APP - IT'S A COMMAND LINE UTILITY** fileprivate var dictionaryRegex: NSRegularExpression? = { do { return try NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(?:[{][{])(:?[^{]*)(?:[}][}])", options: []) } catch { assertionFailure("Localization regex failed to compile") } return nil }() fileprivate var curlyBraceRegex: NSRegularExpression? = { do { return try NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(?:[{][{][a-z]+:)(:?[^{]*)(?:[}][}])", options: [.caseInsensitive]) } catch { assertionFailure("Localization regex failed to compile") } return nil }() fileprivate var twnTokenRegex: NSRegularExpression? = { do { return try NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(?:[$])(:?[0-9]+)", options: []) } catch { assertionFailure("Localization token regex failed to compile") } return nil }() fileprivate var iOSTokenRegex: NSRegularExpression? = { do { return try NSRegularExpression(pattern: "%([0-9]*)\\$?([@dDuUxXoOfeEgGcCsSpaAF])", options: []) } catch { assertionFailure("Localization token regex failed to compile") } return nil }() fileprivate var mwLocalizedStringRegex: NSRegularExpression? = { do { return try NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(?:WMLocalizedString\\(@\\\")(:?[^\"]+)(?:[^\\)]*\\))", options: []) } catch { assertionFailure("mwLocalizedStringRegex failed to compile") } return nil }() fileprivate var countPrefixRegex: NSRegularExpression? = { do { return try NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(:?^[^\\=]+)(?:=)", options: []) } catch { assertionFailure("countPrefixRegex failed to compile") } return nil }() // lookup from translatewiki prefix to iOS-supported stringsdict key let keysByPrefix = [ "0":"zero", // "1":"one" digits on translatewiki mean only use the translation when the replacement number === that digit. On iOS one, two, and few are more generic. for example, the translation for one could map to 1, 21, 31, etc // "2":"two", // "3":"few" "zero":"zero", "one":"one", "two":"two", "few":"few", "many":"many", "other":"other" ] extension String { var fullRange: NSRange { return NSRange(startIndex.. NSDictionary? { // guard let dictionaryRegex = dictionaryRegex else { return nil } var remainingKeys = keys let fullRange = self.fullRange let mutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary(capacity: 5) let results = dictionaryRegex.matches(in: self, options: [], range: fullRange) let nsSelf = self as NSString // format is the full string with the plural tokens replaced by variables // it will be built by enumerating through the matches for the plural regex var format = "" var location = 0 for result in results { // append the next part of the string after the last match and before this one format += nsSelf.substring(with: NSRange(location: location, length: result.range.location - location)).iOSNativeLocalization(tokens: tokens) location = result.range.location + result.range.length // get the contents of the match - the content between {{ and }} let contents = dictionaryRegex.replacementString(for: result, in: self, offset: 0, template: "$1") let components = contents.components(separatedBy: "|") let countOfComponents = components.count guard countOfComponents > 1 else { continue } let pluralPrefix = "PLURAL:" let firstComponent = components[0] guard firstComponent.hasPrefix(pluralPrefix) else { continue } if firstComponent == pluralPrefix { print("Incorrectly formatted plural: \(self)") abort() } let token = firstComponent.suffix(from: firstComponent.index(firstComponent.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)).trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines) let nsToken = (token as NSString) let tokenNumber = nsToken.substring(from: 1) guard let tokenInt = Int(tokenNumber), tokenInt > 0 else { continue } let keyDictionary = NSMutableDictionary(capacity: 5) let formatValueType = tokens[tokenNumber] ?? "d" keyDictionary["NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey"] = "NSStringPluralRuleType" keyDictionary["NSStringFormatValueTypeKey"] = formatValueType guard let countPrefixRegex = countPrefixRegex else { abort() } var unlabeledComponents: [String] = [] for component in components[1.. Bool in return key != aKey }) actualComponent = String(component.suffix(from: component.index(component.startIndex, offsetBy: match.range.length))) } else { #if DEBUG print("Translatewiki prefix \(numberString) not supported on iOS for this language. Ignoring \(String(describing: component))") #endif } guard let keyToInsert = keyForComponent, let componentToInsert = actualComponent else { continue } keyDictionary[keyToInsert] = componentToInsert.iOSNativeLocalization(tokens: tokens) } if let other = unlabeledComponents.last { keyDictionary["other"] = other.iOSNativeLocalization(tokens: tokens) for (keyIndex, component) in unlabeledComponents.enumerated() { guard keyIndex < unlabeledComponents.count - 1, keyIndex < remainingKeys.count else { break } keyDictionary[remainingKeys[keyIndex]] = component.iOSNativeLocalization(tokens: tokens) } } else if keyDictionary["other"] == nil { if keyDictionary["many"] != nil { keyDictionary["other"] = keyDictionary["many"] } else { print("missing default translation") abort() } } // set the variable name for the plural replacement let key = "v\(tokenInt)" // include the dictionary of possible replacements for the plural token mutableDictionary[key] = keyDictionary // append the variable name to the format string where the plural token used to be format += "%#@\(key)@" } // append the final part of the string after the last match format += nsSelf.substring(with: NSRange(location: location, length: nsSelf.length - location)).iOSNativeLocalization(tokens: tokens) mutableDictionary["NSStringLocalizedFormatKey"] = format return mutableDictionary } public func replacingMatches(fromRegex regex: NSRegularExpression, withFormat format: String) -> String { let nativeLocalization = NSMutableString(string: self) var offset = 0 let fullRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: nativeLocalization.length) var index = 1 regex.enumerateMatches(in: self, options: [], range: fullRange) { (result, flags, stop) in guard let result = result else { return } var token = regex.replacementString(for: result, in: nativeLocalization as String, offset: offset, template: "$1") // If the token doesn't have an index, give it one // This allows us to support unordered tokens for single token strings if token == "" { token = "\(index)" } let replacement = String(format: format, token) let replacementRange = NSRange(location: result.range.location + offset, length: result.range.length) nativeLocalization.replaceCharacters(in: replacementRange, with: replacement) offset += (replacement as NSString).length - result.range.length index += 1 } return nativeLocalization as String } public func replacingMatches(fromTokenRegex regex: NSRegularExpression, withFormat format: String, tokens: [String: String]) -> String { let nativeLocalization = NSMutableString(string: self) var offset = 0 let fullRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: nativeLocalization.length) regex.enumerateMatches(in: self, options: [], range: fullRange) { (result, flags, stop) in guard let result = result else { return } let token = regex.replacementString(for: result, in: nativeLocalization as String, offset: offset, template: "$1") let replacement = String(format: format, token, tokens[token] ?? "@") let replacementRange = NSRange(location: result.range.location + offset, length: result.range.length) nativeLocalization.replaceCharacters(in: replacementRange, with: replacement) offset += (replacement as NSString).length - result.range.length } return nativeLocalization as String } func iOSNativeLocalization(tokens: [String: String]) -> String { guard let tokenRegex = twnTokenRegex, let braceRegex = curlyBraceRegex else { return "" } return self.replacingMatches(fromRegex: braceRegex, withFormat: "%@").replacingMatches(fromTokenRegex: tokenRegex, withFormat: "%%%@$%@", tokens: tokens) } var twnNativeLocalization: String { guard let tokenRegex = iOSTokenRegex else { return "" } return self.replacingMatches(fromRegex: tokenRegex, withFormat: "$%@") } var iOSTokenDictionary: [String: String] { guard let iOSTokenRegex = iOSTokenRegex else { print("Unable to compile iOS token regex") abort() } var tokenDictionary = [String:String]() iOSTokenRegex.enumerateMatches(in: self, options: [], range:self.fullRange, using: { (result, flags, stop) in guard let result = result else { return } var number = iOSTokenRegex.replacementString(for: result, in: self as String, offset: 0, template: "$1") // treat an un-numbered token as 1 if number == "" { number = "1" } let token = iOSTokenRegex.replacementString(for: result, in: self as String, offset: 0, template: "$2") if tokenDictionary[number] == nil { tokenDictionary[number] = token } else if token != tokenDictionary[number] { print("Internal token mismatch: \(self)") abort() } }) return tokenDictionary } } func writeStrings(fromDictionary dictionary: NSDictionary, toFile: String) throws { var shouldWrite = true if let existingDictionary = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: toFile) { shouldWrite = existingDictionary.count != dictionary.count if !shouldWrite { for (key, value) in dictionary { guard let value = value as? String, let existingValue = existingDictionary[key] as? NSString else { shouldWrite = true break } shouldWrite = !existingValue.isEqual(to: value) if shouldWrite { break } } } } guard shouldWrite else { return } let folder = (toFile as NSString).deletingLastPathComponent do { try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: folder, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil) } catch { } let output = dictionary.descriptionInStringsFileFormat try output.write(toFile: toFile, atomically: true, encoding: .utf16) // From Apple: Note: It is recommended that you save strings files using the UTF-16 encoding, which is the default encoding for standard strings files. It is possible to create strings files using other property-list formats, including binary property-list formats and XML formats that use the UTF-8 encoding, but doing so is not recommended. For more information about Unicode and its text encodings, go to or } // See "Localized Metadata" section here: func fileURLForFastlaneMetadataFolder(for locale: String) -> URL { return URL(fileURLWithPath:"\(path)/fastlane/metadata/\(locale)") } func fileURLForFastlaneMetadataFile(_ file: String, for locale: String) -> URL { return fileURLForFastlaneMetadataFolder(for: locale).appendingPathComponent(file) } let defaultAppStoreMetadataLocale = "en-us" func writeFastlaneMetadata(_ metadata: Any?, to filename: String, for locale: String) throws { let metadataFileURL = fileURLForFastlaneMetadataFile(filename, for: locale) guard let metadata = metadata as? String, metadata.count > 0 else { let defaultDescriptionFileURL = fileURLForFastlaneMetadataFile(filename, for: defaultAppStoreMetadataLocale) let fm = FileManager.default try fm.removeItem(at: metadataFileURL) try fm.copyItem(at: defaultDescriptionFileURL, to: metadataFileURL) return } try metadata.write(to: metadataFileURL, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8) } func writeTWNStrings(fromDictionary dictionary: [String: String], toFile: String, escaped: Bool) throws { var output = "" let sortedDictionary = dictionary.sorted(by: { (kv1, kv2) -> Bool in return kv1.key < kv2.key }) for (key, value) in sortedDictionary { output.append("\"\(key)\" = \"\(escaped ? value.escapedString : value)\";\n") } try output.write(toFile: toFile, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8) } func exportLocalizationsFromSourceCode(_ path: String) { let iOSENPath = "\(path)/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings" let twnQQQPath = "\(path)/Wikipedia/Localizations/qqq.lproj/Localizable.strings" let twnENPath = "\(path)/Wikipedia/Localizations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings" guard let iOSEN = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: iOSENPath) else { print("Unable to read \(iOSENPath)") abort() } let twnQQQ = NSMutableDictionary() let twnEN = NSMutableDictionary() do { let commentSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "/* ") let quoteSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "\"") let string = try String(contentsOfFile: iOSENPath) let lines = string.components(separatedBy: .newlines) var currentComment: String? var currentKey: String? var commentsByKey = [String: String]() for line in lines { let cleanedLine = line.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) if cleanedLine.hasPrefix("/*") { currentComment = cleanedLine.trimmingCharacters(in: commentSet) currentKey = nil } else if currentComment != nil { let quotesRemoved = cleanedLine.trimmingCharacters(in: quoteSet) if let range = quotesRemoved.range(of: "\" = \"") { currentKey = String(quotesRemoved.prefix(upTo: range.lowerBound)) } } if let key = currentKey, let comment = currentComment { commentsByKey[key] = comment } } for (key, comment) in commentsByKey { twnQQQ[key] = comment.twnNativeLocalization } try writeTWNStrings(fromDictionary: twnQQQ as! [String: String], toFile: twnQQQPath, escaped: false) for (key, value) in iOSEN { guard let value = value as? String, let key = key as? String else { continue } twnEN[key] = value.twnNativeLocalization } try writeTWNStrings(fromDictionary: twnEN as! [String: String], toFile: twnENPath, escaped: true) } catch let error { print("Error exporting localizations: \(error)") abort() } } let locales: Set = { var identifiers = Locale.availableIdentifiers if let filenames = try? FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: "\(path)/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations") { let additional = filenames.compactMap { $0.components(separatedBy: ".").first?.lowercased() } identifiers += additional } identifiers += ["ku"] // iOS 13 added support for ku but macOS 10.14 doesn't include it, add it manually. This line can be removed when macOS 10.15 ships. return Set(identifiers) }() // See supportsOneEquals documentation. Utilized this list: to verify languages where that applies for the cardinal -> one rule let localesWhereMediaWikiPluralRulesDoNotMatchiOSPluralRulesForOne = { return Set(["be", "bs", "br", "ceb", "tzm", "hr", "fil", "is", "lv", "lt", "dsb", "mk", "gv", "prg", "ru", "gd", "sr", "sl", "uk", "hsb"]).intersection(locales) }() func localeIsAvailable(_ locale: String) -> Bool { let prefix = locale.components(separatedBy: "-").first ?? locale return locales.contains(prefix) } func importLocalizationsFromTWN(_ path: String) { let enPath = "\(path)/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings" guard let enDictionary = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: enPath) as? [String: String] else { print("Unable to read \(enPath)") abort() } var enTokensByKey = [String: [String: String]]() for (key, value) in enDictionary { enTokensByKey[key] = value.iOSTokenDictionary } let fm = FileManager.default do { let keysByLanguage = ["pl": ["one", "few"], "sr": ["one", "few", "many"], "ru": ["one", "few", "many"]] let defaultKeys = ["one"] let appStoreMetadataLocales: [String: [String]] = [ "da": ["da"], "de": ["de-de"], "el": ["el"], // "en": ["en-au", "en-ca", "en-gb"], "es": ["es-mx", "es-es"], "fi": ["fi"], "fr": ["fr-ca", "fr-fr"], "id": ["id"], "it": ["it"], "ja": ["ja"], "ko": ["ko"], "ms": ["ms"], "nl": ["nl-nl"], "no": ["no"], "pt": ["pt-br", "pt-pt"], "ru": ["ru"], "sv": ["sv"], "th": ["th"], "tr": ["tr"], "vi": ["vi"], "zh-hans": ["zh-hans"], "zh-hant": ["zh-hant"] ] let contents = try fm.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: "\(path)/Wikipedia/Localizations") var pathsForEnglishPlurals: [String] = [] // write english plurals to these paths as placeholders var englishPluralDictionary: NSMutableDictionary? for filename in contents { guard let locale = filename.components(separatedBy: ".").first?.lowercased() else { continue } let localeFolder = "\(path)/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/\(locale).lproj" guard localeIsAvailable(locale), let twnStrings = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: "\(path)/Wikipedia/Localizations/\(locale).lproj/Localizable.strings") else { try? fm.removeItem(atPath: localeFolder) continue } let stringsDictFilePath = "\(localeFolder)/Localizable.stringsdict" let stringsFilePath = "\(localeFolder)/Localizable.strings" let stringsDict = NSMutableDictionary(capacity: twnStrings.count) let strings = NSMutableDictionary(capacity: twnStrings.count) for (key, value) in twnStrings { guard let twnString = value as? String, let key = key as? String, let enTokens = enTokensByKey[key] else { continue } let nativeLocalization = twnString.iOSNativeLocalization(tokens: enTokens) let nativeLocalizationTokens = nativeLocalization.iOSTokenDictionary guard nativeLocalizationTokens == enTokens else { #if DEBUG print("Mismatched tokens in \(locale) for \(key):\n\(enDictionary[key] ?? "")\n\(nativeLocalization)") #endif continue } if twnString.contains("{{PLURAL:") { let lang = locale.components(separatedBy: "-").first ?? "" let keys = keysByLanguage[lang] ?? defaultKeys let supportsOneEquals = !localesWhereMediaWikiPluralRulesDoNotMatchiOSPluralRulesForOne.contains(lang) stringsDict[key] = twnString.pluralDictionary(with: keys, tokens:enTokens, supportsOneEquals: supportsOneEquals) strings[key] = nativeLocalization } else { strings[key] = nativeLocalization } } if locale != "en" { // only write the english plurals, skip the main file if strings.count > 0 { try writeStrings(fromDictionary: strings, toFile: stringsFilePath) } else { try? fm.removeItem(atPath: stringsFilePath) } } else { englishPluralDictionary = stringsDict } if let metadataLocales = appStoreMetadataLocales[locale] { for metadataLocale in metadataLocales { let folderURL = fileURLForFastlaneMetadataFolder(for: metadataLocale) try fm.createDirectory(at: folderURL, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil) let infoPlistPath = "\(path)/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/\(locale).lproj/InfoPlist.strings" let infoPlist = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: infoPlistPath) try? writeFastlaneMetadata(strings["app-store-short-description"], to: "description.txt", for: metadataLocale) try? writeFastlaneMetadata(strings["app-store-keywords"], to: "keywords.txt", for: metadataLocale) try? writeFastlaneMetadata(nil, to: "marketing_url.txt", for: metadataLocale) // use nil to copy from en-US. all fields need to be specified. try? writeFastlaneMetadata(infoPlist?["CFBundleDisplayName"], to: "name.txt", for: metadataLocale) try? writeFastlaneMetadata(nil, to: "privacy_url.txt", for: metadataLocale) // use nil to copy from en-US. all fields need to be specified. try? writeFastlaneMetadata(nil, to: "promotional_text.txt", for: metadataLocale) // use nil to copy from en-US. all fields need to be specified. try? writeFastlaneMetadata(nil, to: "release_notes.txt", for: metadataLocale) // use nil to copy from en-US. all fields need to be specified. try? writeFastlaneMetadata(strings["app-store-subtitle"], to: "subtitle.txt", for: metadataLocale) try? writeFastlaneMetadata(nil, to: "support_url.txt", for: metadataLocale) // use nil to copy from en-US. all fields need to be specified. } } else { let folderURL = fileURLForFastlaneMetadataFolder(for: locale) try? fm.removeItem(at: folderURL) } if stringsDict.count > 0 { stringsDict.write(toFile: stringsDictFilePath, atomically: true) } else { pathsForEnglishPlurals.append(stringsDictFilePath) } } for stringsDictFilePath in pathsForEnglishPlurals { englishPluralDictionary?.write(toFile: stringsDictFilePath, atomically: true) } } catch let error { print("Error importing localizations: \(error)") abort() } } // Code that updated source translations // var replacements = [String: String]() // for (key, comment) in qqq { // guard let value = en[key] else { // continue // } // replacements[key] = "WMFLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(@\"\(key.escapedString)\", nil, NSBundle.mainBundle, @\"\(value.iOSNativeLocalization.escapedString)\", \"\(comment.escapedString)\")" // } // // let codePath = "WMF Framework" // let contents = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: codePath) // guard let mwLocalizedStringRegex = mwLocalizedStringRegex else { // abort() // } // for filename in contents { // do { // let path = codePath + "/" + filename // let string = try String(contentsOfFile: path) // //let string = try String(contentsOf: #fileLiteral(resourceName: "WMFContentGroup+WMFFeedContentDisplaying.m")) // let mutableString = NSMutableString(string: string) // var offset = 0 // let fullRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: mutableString.length) // mwLocalizedStringRegex.enumerateMatches(in: string, options: [], range: fullRange) { (result, flags, stop) in // guard let result = result else { // return // } // let key = mwLocalizedStringRegex.replacementString(for: result, in: mutableString as String, offset: offset, template: "$1") // guard let replacement = replacements[key] else { // return // } // let replacementRange = NSRange(location: result.range.location + offset, length: result.range.length) // mutableString.replaceCharacters(in: replacementRange, with: replacement) // offset += (replacement as NSString).length - replacementRange.length // } // try mutableString.write(toFile: path, atomically: true, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) // } catch { } // }