import Foundation @objc(WMFPermanentCacheController) public final class PermanentCacheController: NSObject { public let imageCache: ImageCacheController public let articleCache: ArticleCacheController let urlCache: PermanentlyPersistableURLCache let managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext /// - Parameter moc: the managed object context for the cache /// - Parameter session: the session to utilize for image and article requests /// - Parameter configuration: the configuration to utilize for configuring requests /// - Parameter preferredLanguageDelegate: the preferredLanguageDelegate to utilize for determining the user's preferred languages @objc public init(moc: NSManagedObjectContext, session: Session, configuration: Configuration, preferredLanguageDelegate: WMFPreferredLanguageInfoProvider) { imageCache = ImageCacheController(moc: moc, session: session, configuration: configuration) articleCache = ArticleCacheController(moc: moc, imageCacheController: imageCache, session: session, configuration: configuration, preferredLanguageDelegate: preferredLanguageDelegate) urlCache = PermanentlyPersistableURLCache(moc: moc) managedObjectContext = moc super.init() session.permanentCache = self } /// Performs any necessary migrations on the CacheController's internal storage /// Exists on this @objc PermanentCacheController so it can be accessed from WMFDataStore @objc public static func setupCoreDataStack(_ completion: @escaping (NSManagedObjectContext?, Error?) -> Void) { CacheController.setupCoreDataStack(completion) } /// Performs any necessary teardown on CacheController's internal storage /// Exists on this @objc PermanentCacheController so it can be accessed from WMFDataStore @objc public func teardown(_ completion: @escaping () -> Void) { imageCache.cancelAllTasks() articleCache.cancelAllTasks() managedObjectContext.perform { // Give a bit of a buffer for other async activity to cease DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(100), execute: completion) } } @objc public func fetchImage(withURL url: URL?, failure: @escaping (Error) -> Void, success: @escaping (ImageDownload) -> Void) { imageCache.fetchImage(withURL: url, failure: failure, success: success) } @objc public func memoryCachedImage(withURL url: URL) -> Image? { return imageCache.memoryCachedImage(withURL: url) } @objc public func fetchImage(withURL url: URL?, priority: Float, failure: @escaping (Error) -> Void, success: @escaping (ImageDownload) -> Void) -> String? { return imageCache.fetchImage(withURL: url, priority: priority, failure: failure, success: success) } @objc public func cancelImageFetch(withURL url: URL?, token: String?) { imageCache.cancelFetch(withURL: url, token: token) } @objc public func cachedImage(withURL url: URL?) -> Image? { return imageCache.cachedImage(withURL: url) } @objc public func fetchData(withURL url: URL, failure: @escaping (Error) -> Void, success: @escaping (Data, URLResponse) -> Void) { imageCache.fetchData(withURL: url, failure: failure, success: success) } @objc public func imageData(withURL url: URL) -> TypedImageData? { return url) } #if TEST @objc public static func testController(with directory: URL, dataStore: MWKDataStore) -> PermanentCacheController { let moc = CacheController.createCacheContext(cacheURL: directory)! return PermanentCacheController(moc: moc, session: dataStore.session, configuration: dataStore.configuration, preferredLanguageDelegate: dataStore.languageLinkController) } #endif }