import Foundation extension NSMutableAttributedString { /// Applies a bold font to the first portion of the string that matches the given string /// - Parameter matchingString: the string to search for and bold /// - Parameter textStyle: The text style to use for the bolded string /// - Parameter weight: The font weight to use for the bolded string /// - Parameter traitCollection: The trait collection used for generating the font public func applyBoldFont(to matchingString: String, textStyle: DynamicTextStyle, weight: UIFont.Weight = .semibold, matching traitCollection: UITraitCollection) { // NSString and NSRange are used here for better compatability with NSAttributedString let range = (string as NSString).range(of: matchingString, options: .caseInsensitive) guard range.location != NSNotFound else { return } let boldFont = UIFont.wmf_font(textStyle.with(weight: weight), compatibleWithTraitCollection: traitCollection) addAttribute(.font, value: boldFont, range: range) } }