import UIKit public protocol CardContent { var view: UIView! { get } func contentHeight(forWidth: CGFloat) -> CGFloat } // Allows the card background view to communicate with the cell to detect taps in the title area // A Random article card navigates to different destinations depending on whether the area // above or below the card content is tapped. fileprivate protocol CardBackgroundViewDelegate: UIView { func titleAreaYThreshold(for cardBackgroundView: CardBackgroundView) -> CGFloat // Return value in the coordinate system of the card background view var titleAreaTapped: Bool { get set } } private class CardBackgroundView: UIView { fileprivate weak var delegate: CardBackgroundViewDelegate? override public func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? { if let delegate = delegate { let yThreshold = delegate.titleAreaYThreshold(for: self) delegate.titleAreaTapped = point.y < yThreshold } return super.hitTest(point, with: event) } } public protocol ExploreCardCollectionViewCellDelegate: AnyObject { func exploreCardCollectionViewCellWantsCustomization(_ cell: ExploreCardCollectionViewCell) func exploreCardCollectionViewCellWantsToUndoCustomization(_ cell: ExploreCardCollectionViewCell) } public class ExploreCardCollectionViewCell: CollectionViewCell, CardBackgroundViewDelegate, Themeable { private let titleLabel = UILabel() private let subtitleLabel = UILabel() public let customizationButton = UIButton() private let undoButton = UIButton() private let undoLabel = UILabel() private let footerButton = AlignedImageButton() public weak var delegate: ExploreCardCollectionViewCellDelegate? private let cardBackgroundView = CardBackgroundView() private let cardCornerRadius = Theme.exploreCardCornerRadius private let cardShadowRadius = CGFloat(10) private let cardShadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 2) public var titleAreaTapped: Bool = false static let overflowImage = UIImage(named: "overflow") public override func setup() { super.setup() titleLabel.numberOfLines = 0 contentView.addSubview(titleLabel) subtitleLabel.numberOfLines = 0 contentView.addSubview(subtitleLabel) customizationButton.setImage(ExploreCardCollectionViewCell.overflowImage, for: .normal) customizationButton.contentEdgeInsets = .zero customizationButton.imageEdgeInsets = .zero customizationButton.titleEdgeInsets = .zero customizationButton.titleLabel?.textAlignment = .center customizationButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(customizationButtonPressed), for: .touchUpInside) cardBackgroundView.layer.cornerRadius = cardCornerRadius cardBackgroundView.layer.shadowOffset = cardShadowOffset cardBackgroundView.layer.shadowRadius = cardShadowRadius cardBackgroundView.layer.shadowColor = cardShadowColor.cgColor cardBackgroundView.layer.shadowOpacity = cardShadowOpacity cardBackgroundView.layer.masksToBounds = false cardBackgroundView.isOpaque = true cardBackgroundView.delegate = self contentView.addSubview(cardBackgroundView) contentView.addSubview(customizationButton) footerButton.imageIsRightAligned = true let image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "places-more").imageFlippedForRightToLeftLayoutDirection() footerButton.setImage(image, for: .normal) footerButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = false footerButton.titleLabel?.numberOfLines = 0 footerButton.titleLabel?.textAlignment = .right contentView.addSubview(footerButton) undoLabel.numberOfLines = 0 contentView.addSubview(undoLabel) undoButton.titleLabel?.numberOfLines = 0 undoButton.setTitle(CommonStrings.undo, for: .normal) undoButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(undoButtonPressed), for: .touchUpInside) undoButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = true undoButton.titleLabel?.textAlignment = .right contentView.addSubview(undoButton) } // This method is called to reset the cell to the default configuration. It is called on initial setup and prepareForReuse. Subclassers should call super. override open func reset() { super.reset() layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: 15, left: 13, bottom: 15, right: 13) footerButton.isHidden = true undoButton.isHidden = true undoLabel.isHidden = true } public var cardContent: (CardContent & Themeable)? = nil { didSet { oldValue?.view?.removeFromSuperview() guard let view = cardContent?.view else { return } view.layer.cornerRadius = cardCornerRadius contentView.addSubview(view) } } fileprivate func titleAreaYThreshold(for cardBackgroundView: CardBackgroundView) -> CGFloat { // The title area is defined to include card background from its top down to the bottom of the card content // This registers taps on the side margins of the card content as in the title area let yThreshold = cardContent?.view?.frame.maxY ?? 0.0 let convertedPoint = convert(CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: yThreshold), to: cardBackgroundView) return convertedPoint.y } private var undoTitle: String? { didSet { undoLabel.text = undoTitle } } public var footerTitle: String? { get { return footerButton.title(for: .normal) } set { footerButton.setTitle(newValue, for: .normal) footerButton.isHidden = newValue == nil setNeedsLayout() } } public var title: String? { get { return titleLabel.text } set { titleLabel.text = newValue setNeedsLayout() } } public var subtitle: String? { get { return subtitleLabel.text } set { subtitleLabel.text = newValue setNeedsLayout() } } public var isCustomizationButtonHidden: Bool { get { return customizationButton.isHidden } set { customizationButton.isHidden = newValue setNeedsLayout() } } public var undoType: WMFContentGroupUndoType = .none { didSet { switch undoType { case .contentGroup: undoTitle = WMFLocalizedString("explore-feed-preferences-card-hidden-title", value: "Card hidden", comment: "Title for button that appears in place of feed card hidden by user via the overflow button") isCollapsed = true case .contentGroupKind: guard let title = title else { return } undoTitle = String.localizedStringWithFormat(WMFLocalizedString("explore-feed-preferences-feed-cards-hidden-title", value: "All %@ cards hidden", comment: "Title for cell that appears in place of feed card hidden by user via the overflow button - %@ is replaced with feed card type"), title) isCollapsed = true default: isCollapsed = false } } } private var isCollapsed: Bool = false { didSet { if isCollapsed { undoLabel.isHidden = false customizationButton.isHidden = true undoButton.isHidden = false cardContent?.view.isHidden = true titleLabel.isHidden = true subtitleLabel.isHidden = true footerButton.isHidden = true UIAccessibility.Notification.layoutChanged, argument: undoButton) } else { cardContent?.view.isHidden = false undoLabel.isHidden = true undoButton.isHidden = true titleLabel.isHidden = title == nil subtitleLabel.isHidden = subtitle == nil footerButton.isHidden = footerTitle == nil } setNeedsLayout() } } override public func sizeThatFits(_ size: CGSize, apply: Bool) -> CGSize { let size = super.sizeThatFits(size, apply: apply) // intentionally shade size var origin = CGPoint(x: layoutMargins.left, y: let widthMinusMargins = size.width - layoutMargins.left - layoutMargins.right let isRTL = traitCollection.layoutDirection == .rightToLeft let labelHorizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment = isRTL ? .right : .left let buttonHorizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment = isRTL ? .left : .right var customizationButtonDeltaWidthMinusMargins: CGFloat = 0 if !customizationButton.isHidden { let customizationButtonSize = CGSize(width: 50, height: 50) let customizationButtonNudgeWidth = round(0.55 * customizationButtonSize.width) customizationButtonDeltaWidthMinusMargins = customizationButtonNudgeWidth if apply { let originX = isRTL ? layoutMargins.left - customizationButtonSize.width + customizationButtonNudgeWidth : size.width - layoutMargins.right - customizationButtonNudgeWidth let originY = origin.y - round(0.25 * customizationButtonSize.height) let customizationButtonOrigin = CGPoint(x: originX, y: originY) customizationButton.frame = CGRect(origin: customizationButtonOrigin, size: customizationButtonSize) } } var labelOrigin = origin if isRTL { labelOrigin.x += customizationButtonDeltaWidthMinusMargins } if !titleLabel.isHidden { origin.y += titleLabel.wmf_preferredHeight(at: labelOrigin, maximumWidth: widthMinusMargins - customizationButtonDeltaWidthMinusMargins, horizontalAlignment: labelHorizontalAlignment, spacing: 4, apply: apply) labelOrigin.y = origin.y } if !subtitleLabel.isHidden { origin.y += subtitleLabel.wmf_preferredHeight(at: labelOrigin, maximumWidth: widthMinusMargins - customizationButtonDeltaWidthMinusMargins, horizontalAlignment: labelHorizontalAlignment, spacing: 20, apply: apply) } if let cardContent = cardContent, !cardContent.view.isHidden { let view = cardContent.view let height = cardContent.contentHeight(forWidth: widthMinusMargins) let cardContentViewFrame = CGRect(origin: origin, size: CGSize(width: widthMinusMargins, height: height)) if apply { view?.frame = cardContentViewFrame cardBackgroundView.frame = cardContentViewFrame.insetBy(dx: -cardBorderWidth, dy: -cardBorderWidth) } origin.y += cardContentViewFrame.height } if isCollapsed, !undoLabel.isHidden, !undoButton.isHidden { let undoOffset: UIOffset = UIOffset(horizontal: 15, vertical: 16) labelOrigin.x += undoOffset.horizontal labelOrigin.y += undoOffset.vertical let undoButtonMaxWidthPercentage: CGFloat = 0.25 let undoLabelMaxWidth = widthMinusMargins - (widthMinusMargins * undoButtonMaxWidthPercentage) let undoLabelMinWidth = widthMinusMargins * 0.5 let undoLabelX = isRTL ? widthMinusMargins - undoLabelMaxWidth : labelOrigin.x let undoLabelFrameHeight = undoLabel.wmf_preferredHeight(at: CGPoint(x: undoLabelX, y: labelOrigin.y), maximumWidth: undoLabelMaxWidth, minimumWidth: undoLabelMinWidth, horizontalAlignment: labelHorizontalAlignment, spacing: 0, apply: apply) let undoButtonMaxWidth = widthMinusMargins * undoButtonMaxWidthPercentage let undoButtonX = isRTL ? labelOrigin.x : widthMinusMargins - undoButtonMaxWidth let undoButtonMinSize = CGSize(width: UIView.noIntrinsicMetric, height: undoLabelFrameHeight) let undoButtonMaxSize = CGSize(width: undoButtonMaxWidth, height: UIView.noIntrinsicMetric) let undoButtonFrame = undoButton.wmf_preferredFrame(at: CGPoint(x: undoButtonX, y: labelOrigin.y), maximumSize: undoButtonMaxSize, minimumSize: undoButtonMinSize, horizontalAlignment: buttonHorizontalAlignment, apply: apply) let undoHeight = max(undoLabelFrameHeight, undoButtonFrame.height) // If cardBackgroundView metrics change double check the hitTest() override in CardBackgroundView let cardBackgroundViewHeight = undoHeight + undoOffset.vertical * 2 let cardBackgroundViewFrame = CGRect(x: layoutMargins.left, y:, width: widthMinusMargins, height: cardBackgroundViewHeight) if apply { cardBackgroundView.frame = cardBackgroundViewFrame } origin.y += cardBackgroundViewFrame.height } if !footerButton.isHidden { origin.y += layoutMargins.bottom origin.y += footerButton.wmf_preferredHeight(at: origin, maximumWidth: widthMinusMargins, horizontalAlignment: buttonHorizontalAlignment, spacing: 0, apply: apply) } origin.y += layoutMargins.bottom let totalSize = CGSize(width: size.width, height: ceil(origin.y)) if apply { cardBackgroundView.layer.shadowPath = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: cardBackgroundView.bounds, cornerRadius: cardBackgroundView.layer.cornerRadius).cgPath } return totalSize } public override func updateFonts(with traitCollection: UITraitCollection) { super.updateFonts(with: traitCollection) titleLabel.font = UIFont.wmf_font(.semiboldSubheadline, compatibleWithTraitCollection: traitCollection) subtitleLabel.font = UIFont.wmf_font(.subheadline, compatibleWithTraitCollection: traitCollection) footerButton.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.wmf_font(.semiboldSubheadline, compatibleWithTraitCollection: traitCollection) undoLabel.font = UIFont.wmf_font(.subheadline, compatibleWithTraitCollection: traitCollection) undoButton.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.wmf_font(.semiboldSubheadline, compatibleWithTraitCollection: traitCollection) customizationButton.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.wmf_font(.boldTitle1, compatibleWithTraitCollection: traitCollection) } private var cardShadowColor: UIColor = .black { didSet { cardBackgroundView.layer.shadowColor = cardShadowColor.cgColor } } private var cardShadowOpacity: Float = 0 { didSet { guard cardBackgroundView.layer.shadowOpacity != cardShadowOpacity else { return } cardBackgroundView.layer.shadowOpacity = cardShadowOpacity } } private var cardBorderWidth: CGFloat = 1 { didSet { cardBackgroundView.layer.borderWidth = cardBorderWidth } } public override func updateBackgroundColorOfLabels() { super.updateBackgroundColorOfLabels() titleLabel.backgroundColor = labelBackgroundColor subtitleLabel.backgroundColor = labelBackgroundColor footerButton.backgroundColor = labelBackgroundColor undoLabel.backgroundColor = labelBackgroundColor undoButton.backgroundColor = labelBackgroundColor customizationButton.backgroundColor = labelBackgroundColor } public func apply(theme: Theme) { contentView.tintColor = let backgroundColor = isCollapsed ? theme.colors.cardButtonBackground : theme.colors.paperBackground let selectedBackgroundColor = isCollapsed ? theme.colors.cardButtonBackground : theme.colors.midBackground let cardBackgroundViewBorderColor = isCollapsed ? backgroundColor.cgColor : theme.colors.cardBorder.cgColor cardBackgroundView.layer.borderColor = cardBackgroundViewBorderColor setBackgroundColors(.clear, selected: selectedBackgroundColor) titleLabel.textColor = theme.colors.primaryText subtitleLabel.textColor = theme.colors.secondaryText customizationButton.setTitleColor(, for: .normal) footerButton.setTitleColor(, for: .normal) undoLabel.textColor = theme.colors.primaryText undoButton.setTitleColor(, for: .normal) updateSelectedOrHighlighted() cardBackgroundView.backgroundColor = backgroundColor cardShadowOpacity = theme.cardShadowOpacity cardShadowColor = theme.colors.cardShadow cardContent?.apply(theme: theme) let displayScale = max(1, traitCollection.displayScale) cardBorderWidth = CGFloat(theme.cardBorderWidthInPixels) / displayScale } @objc func customizationButtonPressed() { delegate?.exploreCardCollectionViewCellWantsCustomization(self) } @objc func undoButtonPressed() { delegate?.exploreCardCollectionViewCellWantsToUndoCustomization(self) } // MARK: - Accessibility override open func updateAccessibilityElements() { var updatedAccessibilityElements: [Any] = [] if isCollapsed { updatedAccessibilityElements.append(undoLabel) updatedAccessibilityElements.append(undoButton) } else { let groupedLabels = [titleLabel, subtitleLabel] let customizeActionTitle = WMFLocalizedString("explore-feed-customize-accessibility-title", value: "Customize", comment: "Accessibility title for feed customization") let customizeAction = UIAccessibilityCustomAction(name: customizeActionTitle, target: self, selector: #selector(customizationButtonPressed)) updatedAccessibilityElements.append(LabelGroupAccessibilityElement(view: self, labels: groupedLabels, actions: [customizeAction])) if let contentView = cardContent?.view { updatedAccessibilityElements.append(contentView) } if !footerButton.isHidden, let label = footerButton.titleLabel { let footerElement = UIAccessibilityElement(accessibilityContainer: self) footerElement.isAccessibilityElement = true footerElement.accessibilityLabel = label.text footerElement.accessibilityTraits = footerElement.accessibilityFrameInContainerSpace = footerButton.frame updatedAccessibilityElements.append(footerElement) } } accessibilityElements = updatedAccessibilityElements } }