import CocoaLumberjackSwift extension WMFArticle { func merge(_ article: WMFArticle) { guard article.objectID != objectID else { return } // merge important keys not set by the summary let keysToMerge = [#keyPath(WMFArticle.savedDate), #keyPath(WMFArticle.placesSortOrder), #keyPath(WMFArticle.pageViews)] for key in keysToMerge { guard let valueToMerge = article.value(forKey: key) else { continue } // keep the later date when both have date values if let dateValueToMerge = valueToMerge as? Date, let dateValue = value(forKey: key) as? Date, dateValue > dateValueToMerge { continue } // prefer existing values if value(forKey: key) != nil { continue } setValue(valueToMerge, forKey: key) } if let articleReadingLists = article.readingLists { addReadingLists(articleReadingLists) } if let articlePreviewReadingLists = article.previewReadingLists { addPreviewReadingLists(articlePreviewReadingLists) } if article.isExcludedFromFeed { isExcludedFromFeed = true } let mergeViewedProperties: Bool if let viewedDateToMerge = article.viewedDate { if let existingViewedDate = viewedDate, existingViewedDate > viewedDateToMerge { mergeViewedProperties = false } else { mergeViewedProperties = true } } else { mergeViewedProperties = false } if mergeViewedProperties { viewedDate = article.viewedDate viewedFragment = article.viewedFragment viewedScrollPosition = article.viewedScrollPosition wasSignificantlyViewed = article.wasSignificantlyViewed } } @objc public func update(withSummary summary: ArticleSummary) { if let original = summary.original { imageURLString = original.source imageWidth = NSNumber(value: original.width) imageHeight = NSNumber(value: original.height) } else { imageURLString = nil imageWidth = NSNumber(value: 0) imageHeight = NSNumber(value: 0) } if let thumbnail = summary.thumbnail { thumbnailURLString = thumbnail.source thumbnailURL = thumbnail.url } wikidataDescription = summary.articleDescription wikidataID = summary.wikidataID displayTitleHTML = summary.displayTitle ?? summary.title ?? "" snippet = summary.extract?.wmf_summaryFromText() if let summaryCoordinate = summary.coordinates { coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude:, longitude: summaryCoordinate.lon) } else { coordinate = nil } if let id = { pageID = NSNumber(value: id) } else { pageID = nil } if let timestamp = summary.timestamp { lastModifiedDate = DateFormatter.wmf_iso8601()?.date(from: timestamp) } else { lastModifiedDate = nil } } } extension NSManagedObjectContext { @objc public func wmf_createOrUpdateArticleSummmaries(withSummaryResponses summaryResponses: [WMFInMemoryURLKey: ArticleSummary]) throws -> [WMFInMemoryURLKey: WMFArticle] { guard !summaryResponses.isEmpty else { return [:] } var keys: [WMFInMemoryURLKey] = [] var reverseRedirectedKeys: [WMFInMemoryURLKey: WMFInMemoryURLKey] = [:] keys.reserveCapacity(summaryResponses.count) for (key, summary) in summaryResponses { guard let summaryKey = summary.key, key != summaryKey // find the mismatched keys else { keys.append(key) continue } reverseRedirectedKeys[summaryKey] = key keys.append(summaryKey) do { let articlesWithKey = try fetchArticles(with: key.url) let articlesWithSummaryKey = try fetchArticles(with: summaryKey.url) guard let canonicalArticle = articlesWithSummaryKey.first ?? articlesWithKey.first else { continue } for article in articlesWithKey { canonicalArticle.merge(article) delete(article) } for article in articlesWithSummaryKey { canonicalArticle.merge(article) delete(article) } canonicalArticle.key = summaryKey.databaseKey canonicalArticle.variant = summaryKey.languageVariantCode } catch let error { DDLogError("Error fetching articles for merge: \(error)") } } var keysToCreate = Set(keys) var articles: [WMFInMemoryURLKey: WMFArticle] = [:] articles.reserveCapacity(keys.count) let fetchedArticles = try self.fetchArticlesWithInMemoryURLKeys(keys) for articleToUpdate in fetchedArticles { guard let articleKey = articleToUpdate.inMemoryKey else { continue } let requestedKey = reverseRedirectedKeys[articleKey] ?? articleKey guard let result = summaryResponses[requestedKey] else { articles[requestedKey] = articleToUpdate continue } articleToUpdate.update(withSummary: result) articles[requestedKey] = articleToUpdate keysToCreate.remove(articleKey) } for key in keysToCreate { let requestedKey = reverseRedirectedKeys[key] ?? key guard let result = summaryResponses[requestedKey], // responses are by requested key let article = self.createArticle(with: key.url) else { // article should have redirected key continue } article.update(withSummary: result) articles[requestedKey] = article } try return articles } }