import Foundation @objc(WMFSurveyAnnouncementsController) public final class SurveyAnnouncementsController: NSObject { @objc public static let shared = SurveyAnnouncementsController() private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "SurveyAnnouncementsQueue") // ex: '' typealias AnnouncementsHost = String private var announcementsByHost: [AnnouncementsHost: [WMFAnnouncement]] = [:] public struct SurveyAnnouncementResult { public let campaignIdentifier: String public let announcement: WMFAnnouncement public let actionURLString: String public let displayDelay: TimeInterval } public private(set) var failureDeterminingABTestBucket = false @objc public func setAnnouncements(_ announcements: [WMFAnnouncement], forSiteURL siteURL: URL, dataStore: MWKDataStore) { guard let components = URLComponents(url: siteURL, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false), let host = else { return } let surveyAnnouncements = announcements.filter { $0.announcementType == .survey } queue.sync { announcementsByHost[host] = surveyAnnouncements } // assign and persist ab test bucket & percentage // this works for now since we only have one experiment for this release but will likely need to change as we expand if let articleAsLivingDocAnnouncement = surveyAnnouncements.first(where: { ($0.identifier?.hasPrefix("IOSAAALDSURVEY")) ?? false }), let percentage = articleAsLivingDocAnnouncement.percentReceivingExperiment { do { if dataStore.abTestsController.percentageForExperiment(.articleAsLivingDoc) == nil { try dataStore.abTestsController.setPercentage(percentage, forExperiment: .articleAsLivingDoc) } try dataStore.abTestsController.determineBucketForExperiment(.articleAsLivingDoc, withPercentage: percentage) failureDeterminingABTestBucket = false } catch { failureDeterminingABTestBucket = true } } } private func getAnnouncementsForSiteURL(_ siteURL: URL) -> [WMFAnnouncement]? { guard let components = URLComponents(url: siteURL, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false), let host = else { return nil } var announcements: [WMFAnnouncement]? = [] queue.sync { announcements = announcementsByHost[host] } return announcements } // Use for determining whether to show user a survey prompt or not. // Considers domain, campaign start/end dates, and whether articleURL is within allowlist of article titles in campaign public func activeSurveyAnnouncementResultForArticleURL(_ articleURL: URL) -> SurveyAnnouncementResult? { guard let articleTitle = articleURL.wmf_title?.denormalizedPageTitle, let siteURL = articleURL.wmf_site else { return nil } guard let announcements = getAnnouncementsForSiteURL(siteURL) else { return nil } for announcement in announcements { guard let startTime = announcement.startTime, let endTime = announcement.endTime, let domain = announcement.domain, let articleTitles = announcement.articleTitles, let displayDelay = announcement.displayDelay, let components = URLComponents(url: siteURL, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false), let host =, let identifier = announcement.identifier, let normalizedArticleTitle = articleTitle.normalizedPageTitle, let actionURLString = announcement.actionURLString else { continue } let now = Date() if now > startTime && now < endTime && host == domain, articleTitles.contains(normalizedArticleTitle) { return SurveyAnnouncementResult(campaignIdentifier: identifier, announcement: announcement, actionURLString: actionURLString, displayDelay: displayDelay.doubleValue) } } return nil } public func userHasSeenSurveyPrompt(forCampaignIdentifier identifier: String) -> Bool { // Note any value indicates survey was seen. // true = they tapped through to the Google survey, false = they dismissed the survey prompt. guard UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: identifier) == nil else { return true } return false } public func markSurveyAnnouncementAnswer(_ answer: Bool, campaignIdentifier: String) { UserDefaults.standard.setValue(answer, forKey: campaignIdentifier) } }