/* Localizable.strings Browse Created by Javier Cicchelli on 03/12/2022. Copyright © 2022 Röck+Cöde. All rights reserved. */ // LoadingView "loading.loading_data.text" = "Loading data\nfrom the API..."; // MessageView "message.type_no_credentials.text.first" = "No user credentials have been found in your device"; "message.type_no_credentials.text.second" = "Please login again with your credentials to load this data."; "message.type_no_credentials.button.text" = "Log in"; "message.type_empty.text.first" = "No data has been found for this folder"; "message.type_empty.text.second" = "Please populate this folder by uploading some file from your device."; "message.type_empty.button.text" = "Upload a file"; "message.type_error.text.first" = "An error occurred while loading this data"; "message.type_error.text.second" = "Please try loading this data again at a later time."; "message.type_error.button.text" = "Try again"; "message.type_not_supported.text.first" = "This type of document cannot be opened yet"; "message.type_not_supported.text.second" = "Please be patient while the support for this type of document is being built by our development team."; "message.type_not_supported.button.text" = "Go back to folder"; // BrowseView "browse.toolbar_item.menu.add_actions.text" = "Add file and/or folder"; "browse.toolbar_item.button.add_folder.text" = "Create a new folder"; "browse.toolbar_item.button.add_file.text" = "Upload a file"; "browse.toolbar_item.button.show_profile.text" = "Show profile"; "browse.swipe_action.delete_item.text" = "Delete item"; "browse.swipe_action.download_item.text" = "Download item";