[Enhancement] Lossy codable list property wrapper #19

javier merged 1 commits from enhancement/lossy-codable-list into main 2023-05-07 19:40:30 +00:00

This PR contains the work done to implement the LossyCodableList struct and property wrapper, which is used in lossy decoding/encoding processes.

This PR contains the work done to implement the `LossyCodableList` struct and property wrapper, which is used in lossy decoding/encoding processes.
javier added the
label 2023-05-07 19:40:22 +00:00
javier self-assigned this 2023-05-07 19:40:22 +00:00
javier added 1 commit 2023-05-07 19:40:23 +00:00
javier merged commit 28c9232962 into main 2023-05-07 19:40:30 +00:00
javier deleted branch enhancement/lossy-codable-list 2023-05-07 19:40:30 +00:00
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