[Feature] Communications #4

javier merged 11 commits from feature/remote into main 2023-04-16 18:48:00 +00:00

This PR constains the work done to define the necessary protocols and enumerations to start defining remote API service as well as an implementation of the URLProtocol to mock requests and responses when using the URLSession to make remote calls.

To provide further details about this work:

  • declared the Communications library in the Package file;
  • defined the minimum Apple platform versions in the Package file to support the async/await feature;
  • defined the HTTPRequestMethod and HTTPResponseCode public enumerations;
  • defined the Endpoint and Client public protocols;
  • implemented the internal MakeURLRequestUseCase use case;
  • implemented the MockURLProtocol class that mocks requests and responses on URLSession instances;
  • started writing and updating the README file.
This PR constains the work done to define the necessary protocols and enumerations to start defining remote API service as well as an implementation of the `URLProtocol` to mock requests and responses when using the `URLSession` to make remote calls. To provide further details about this work: - [x] declared the `Communications` library in the `Package` file; - [x] defined the minimum Apple platform versions in the `Package` file to support the async/await feature; - [x] defined the `HTTPRequestMethod` and `HTTPResponseCode` public enumerations; - [x] defined the `Endpoint` and `Client` public protocols; - [x] implemented the internal `MakeURLRequestUseCase` use case; - [x] implemented the `MockURLProtocol` class that mocks requests and responses on `URLSession` instances; - [x] started writing and updating the `README` file.
javier self-assigned this 2023-04-16 18:47:50 +00:00
javier added 11 commits 2023-04-16 18:47:51 +00:00
javier merged commit cd47043a30 into main 2023-04-16 18:48:00 +00:00
javier deleted branch feature/remote 2023-04-16 18:48:00 +00:00
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