• javier released this 2023-04-19 14:20:36 +00:00 | 14 commits to main since this release

    This release contains a small fix and also, a tiny addition:

    • adds a missing public initialiser to the MockURLRequest struct of the Communications library;
    • implements the gmt static property for the TimeZone+Zone extension included in the Core library.
  • javier released this 2023-04-18 22:56:52 +00:00 | 15 commits to main since this release

    This release contains the work done to implement some bugfixes to the existing source code related to the Communications library of this package.

    To provide further details about the work done:

    • removed an unnecessary function from the Client public protocol;
    • moved the MakeURLRequestError public error to its own file;
    • added the parameters property to the Endpoint public protocol;
    • added support for the parameters handling in the MakeURLRequestUseCase use case.
  • javier released this 2023-04-18 14:23:49 +00:00 | 16 commits to main since this release

    This release contains the work done to set this multi-platform library, its license and, of course, some basic but handy features, patterns, protocols, classes, structs and enumerations to:

    • enhance a few primitives of the Foundation framework;
    • implement the Coordinator pattern with Routers (focused on the iOS platform);
    • use a simple but effective Dependency injection mechanism in your code;
    • define communications to remote APIs endpoints with clients;
    • help setting up a Core Data stack and simplify the use of a NSFetchedResultController controller.