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// This source file is part of the AmiiboService open source project
// Copyright (c) 2023 Röck+Cöde VoF. and the AmiiboService project authors
// Licensed under the EUPL 1.2 or later.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of AmiiboService project authors
import Foundation
#if canImport(FoundationNetworking)
import FoundationNetworking
/// This service provides the interface to make remote API calls to the [Amiibo API]( and, subsequently, handle its responses.
/// Given that this remote service is a read-only API, this service will exclusively return decoded models or entities in cases the requests are successful, or it will throw errors otherwise.
public actor AmiiboService {
// MARK: Properties
private let client: AmiiboClient
// MARK: Initialisers
/// Initialises this service.
/// - Parameter configuration: The `URLSessionConfiguration` configuration to use to set this service.
public init(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration) {
self.client = .init(configuration: configuration)
// MARK: - Service
extension AmiiboService: Service {
// MARK: Functions
/// Retrieves a list of amiibos from a remote location that matches a given filter criteria.
/// - Parameter filter: A ``AmiiboFilter`` instance that contains the filtering criteria.
/// - Returns: A list of decoded ``DTO.Amiibo`` instances that matches the given filter criteria.
/// - Throws: A ``AmiiboClientError`` is thrown in case a request failed, or a `DecodingError` is thrown in case the decoding of some object failed.
public func amiibos(
filter: AmiiboFilter = .init()
) async throws -> [DTO.Amiibo] {
return try await client.request(
endpoint: GetAmiiboEndpoint(parameters: filter.makeParameters()),
as: Result<DTO.Amiibo>.self
/// Retrieves a list of amiibo series from a remote location that matches a given filter criteria.
/// - Parameter filter: A ``AmiiboSeriesFilter`` instance that contains the filtering criteria.
/// - Returns: A list of decoded ``DTO.AmiiboSeries`` instances that matches the given filter criteria.
/// - Throws: A ``AmiiboClientError`` is thrown in case a request failed, or a `DecodingError` is thrown in case the decoding of some object failed.
public func amiiboSeries(
filter: AmiiboSeriesFilter = .init()
) async throws -> [DTO.AmiiboSeries] {
return try await client.request(
endpoint: GetSeriesEndpoint(parameters: filter.makeParameters()),
as: Result<DTO.AmiiboSeries>.self
/// Retrieves a list of amiibo types from a remote location that matches a given filter criteria.
/// - Parameter filter: A ``AmiiboTypeFilter`` instance that contains the filtering criteria.
/// - Returns: A list of decoded ``DTO.AmiiboType`` instances that matches the given filter criteria.
/// - Throws: A ``AmiiboClientError`` is thrown in case a request failed, or a `DecodingError` is thrown in case the decoding of some object failed.
public func amiiboTypes(
filter: AmiiboTypeFilter = .init()
) async throws -> [DTO.AmiiboType] {
return try await client.request(
endpoint: GetTypeEndpoint(parameters: filter.makeParameters()),
as: Result<DTO.AmiiboType>.self
/// Retrieves a list of characters from a remote location that matches a given filter criteria.
/// - Parameter filter: A ``CharacterFilter`` instance that contains the filtering criteria.
/// - Returns: A list of decoded ``DTO.Character`` instances that matches the given filter criteria.
/// - Throws: A ``AmiiboClientError`` is thrown in case a request failed, or a `DecodingError` is thrown in case the decoding of some object failed.
public func characters(
filter: CharacterFilter = .init()
) async throws -> [DTO.Character] {
return try await client.request(
endpoint: GetCharacterEndpoint(parameters: filter.makeParameters()),
as: Result<DTO.Character>.self
/// Retrieves a list of game series from a remote location that matches a given filter criteria.
/// - Parameter filter: A ``GameSeriesFilter`` instance that contains the filtering criteria.
/// - Returns: A list of decoded ``DTO.GameSeries`` instances that matches the given filter criteria.
/// - Throws: A ``AmiiboClientError`` is thrown in case a request failed, or a `DecodingError` is thrown in case the decoding of some object failed.
public func gameSeries(
filter: GameSeriesFilter = .init()
) async throws -> [DTO.GameSeries] {
return try await client.request(
endpoint: GetGameSeriesEndpoint(parameters: filter.makeParameters()),
as: Result<DTO.GameSeries>.self
/// Retrieves the date in which the remote API was last updated.
/// - Returns: A decoded `DTO.LastUpdated` instance that represents the date in which the remote API was last updated.
/// - Throws: A ``AmiiboClientError`` is thrown in case a request failed, or a `DecodingError` is thrown in case the decoding of some object failed.
public func lastUpdated() async throws -> DTO.LastUpdated {
return try await client.request(
endpoint: GetLastUpdatedEndpoint(),
as: DTO.LastUpdated.self