• javier released this 2023-08-14 21:18:35 +00:00 | 0 commits to main since this release

    This release contains the work done to update the swift-libs package dependency to its latest version, and it also includes the fixes to the references to the Communication and Foundation libraries.

  • javier released this 2023-07-25 07:50:05 +00:00 | 1 commits to main since this release

    This release contains the work done to improve the DTO.Amiibo model, especially with regards on how it renders its image URL. Given this change has a direct impact on the project documentation, both Xcode and Web documentations have been regenerated.

  • javier released this 2023-07-23 14:46:33 +00:00 | 2 commits to main since this release

    This release contains the work done to encapsulate all the model structs under the DTO namespace to avoid any possible ambiguities a developer might run into when using this package. In addition, these models now conform to the Codable protocol so the developer can easily decode/encode these models after the service returns them.

  • javier released this 2023-07-22 20:41:33 +00:00 | 4 commits to main since this release

    This release contains the work done to upgrade the package dependencies to their latest versions. In addition, both Xcode and Web documentation has been re-generated.

  • javier released this 2023-04-30 14:01:29 +00:00 | 5 commits to main since this release

    This release contains the work done to provide full Linux platform support for this package, by removing the restriction on the AmiiboClient client and the AmiiboService service put in place on the v1.0.2 release.

    To provide further details about the work done:

    • updated the SwiftLibs package dependency to v0.1.7;
    • made the AmiiboClient client and the AmiiboService service available to Linux platforms by importing the FoundationNetworking framework when available;
    • updated the content of some DocC documentation pages;
    • regenerated the Xcode and Github pages documentation;
    • updated some text in the README file.
  • javier released this 2023-04-28 23:51:20 +00:00 | 6 commits to main since this release

    This release contains the work done to provide basic Linux support to this package.

    To provide further details about the work done:

    • updated the SwiftLibs dependency to v0.1.5;
    • updated the Swift tools version in the Package file to v5.7;
    • added the /.vscode folder to the .gitignore file;
    • filtered out the AmiiboClient and AmiiboService entities from Linux platforms;
    • added several targets to the Makefile to smooth several development work-flows;
    • updated the Xcode and Github pages documentation.
  • javier released this 2023-04-25 14:31:33 +00:00 | 7 commits to main since this release

    This release contains the work done to tweak the generated documentation targeting Xcode and Github pages.

    To provide further details about the work included in this release:

    • written the Getting Started article in the documentation catalog;
    • written the AmiiboService article in the documentation catalog;
    • updated the text of the README file;
    • downgraded the Swift tool version in the Package file to v5.5;
    • added the missing header file to the Package file;
    • updated the SwiftLibs package dependency to its latest release;
    • re-generated the documentation targeting Xcode and Github pages.
  • javier released this 2023-04-24 15:24:38 +00:00 | 8 commits to main since this release

    This release contains the work done to provide a ready-to-use AmiiboService service that retrieves data as decoded models from any of the Amiibo API available endpoints.

    To provide further details about the work that this release includes:

    • implemented the models that will be returned to the developer;
    • implemented the endpoints that are used in generating the requests to the remote endpoints;
    • implemented the client that is used to make the requests to the remote endpoints and also, to handle its respective responses and the subsequent data decoding into models;
    • written the documentation for all the public accessed components;
    • defined the European Union Public License v1.2 for the project;
    • implemented basic DocC support for the project, including the implementation of workflows for documentation preview, Xcode and Github pages documentation generation and for documentation cleanup;