2023-04-23 13:17:54 +02:00
/// This filter provides all the possible parameters (and combinations) available at the remote API applies when filtering amiibos.
2023-04-21 18:16:38 +00:00
public struct AmiiboFilter {
// MARK: Properties
private let id: String?
private let head: String?
private let tail: String?
private let name: String?
private let type: String?
private let gameSeries: String?
private let amiiboSeries: String?
private let character: String?
private let showExtras: ShowExtras
// MARK: Initialisers
2023-04-23 13:17:54 +02:00
/// Initialises this filter.
/// - Parameters:
/// - id: An amiibo `id` value to match against.
/// - head: An amiibo `head` value to match against.
/// - tail: An amiibo `tail` value to match against.
/// - name: An amiibo `name` value to match against.
/// - type: An amiibo `type` key or name value to match against.
/// - gameSeries: An amiibo `gameSeries` key or name value to match against.
/// - amiiboSeries: An amiibo `amiiboSeries` key or name value to match against.
/// - character: An amiibo `character` key or name value to match against.
/// - showExtras: A ``ShowExtras`` enumeration that indicates whether amiibo extra information need to be retrieved or not.
2023-04-21 18:16:38 +00:00
public init(
id: String? = nil,
head: String? = nil,
tail: String? = nil,
name: String? = nil,
type: String? = nil,
gameSeries: String? = nil,
amiiboSeries: String? = nil,
character: String? = nil,
showExtras: ShowExtras = .none
) {
self.id = id
self.head = head
self.tail = tail
self.name = name
self.type = type
self.gameSeries = gameSeries
self.amiiboSeries = amiiboSeries
self.character = character
self.showExtras = showExtras
// MARK: - Filter
extension AmiiboFilter: Filter {
// MARK: Functions
func makeParameters() -> [String : String?] {
var parameters: [String : String?] = [:]
if let id {
parameters[.Key.id] = id
if let head {
parameters[.Key.head] = head
if let tail {
parameters[.Key.tail] = tail
if let name {
parameters[.Key.name] = name
if let type {
parameters[.Key.type] = type
if let gameSeries {
parameters[.Key.gameSeries] = gameSeries
if let amiiboSeries {
parameters[.Key.amiiboSeries] = amiiboSeries
if let character {
parameters[.Key.character] = character
switch showExtras {
case .games:
parameters[.Key.showGames] = nil
case .usage:
parameters[.Key.showUsage] = nil
return parameters
// MARK: - Enumerations
2023-04-23 14:49:03 +02:00
extension AmiiboFilter {
/// This enumeration indicates if extra information for amiibos need to be retrieved.
public enum ShowExtras {
/// No extra information needs to be retrieved.
case none
/// Amiibo games information needs to be retrieved.
case games
/// Amiibo games and its usage information needs to be retrieved.
case usage
2023-04-21 18:16:38 +00:00
// MARK: - String+Key
private extension String {
enum Key {
static let id = "id"
static let head = "head"
static let tail = "tail"
static let name = "name"
static let type = "type"
static let gameSeries = "gameSeries"
static let amiiboSeries = "amiiboSeries"
static let character = "character"
static let showGames = "showgames"
static let showUsage = "showusage"