[Feature] All endpoints #2

javier merged 11 commits from feature/endpoints into main 2023-04-18 20:03:13 +00:00

This PR contains the work done in implementing the endpoints needed for the remote calls: GetAmiiboEndpoint, GetTypeEndpoint, GetGameSeriesEndpoint, GetSeriesEndpoint, GetSeriesEndpoint and GetLastUpdatedEndpoint endpoints definitions. Furthermore, I added the the SwiftLibs package as a dependency and also, I defined constants for String+Scheme, String+Host and the String+Path extensions.

This PR contains the work done in implementing the endpoints needed for the remote calls: `GetAmiiboEndpoint`, `GetTypeEndpoint`, `GetGameSeriesEndpoint`, `GetSeriesEndpoint`, `GetSeriesEndpoint` and `GetLastUpdatedEndpoint` endpoints definitions. Furthermore, I added the the **SwiftLibs** package as a dependency and also, I defined constants for `String+Scheme`, `String+Host` and the `String+Path` extensions.
javier self-assigned this 2023-04-18 20:03:04 +00:00
javier added 11 commits 2023-04-18 20:03:05 +00:00
javier merged commit e12fce9ddc into main 2023-04-18 20:03:13 +00:00
javier deleted branch feature/endpoints 2023-04-18 20:03:13 +00:00
javier referenced this issue from a commit 2023-04-18 20:03:13 +00:00
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