efab608220Fixed an issue encountered in the boilerplate of the DockerCompose resource file in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-22 02:04:02 +01:00
e3b3b7c1a6Integrated the BuildArtifactTask task into the BuildCommand command in the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-22 01:23:49 +01:00
40d5451447Renamed the BuildProjectTask in the library target as BuildArtifactTask and added support for building Swift executables and Docker images.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-22 01:23:15 +01:00
613444ccdeAdded the "artifact" property to the BuildOptions options in the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-22 01:00:18 +01:00
771f150f98Conformed the Artifact enumeration to the ExpressibleByArgument protocol in the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-22 00:58:18 +01:00
5676f91bcbDefined the Artifact enumeration in the library target and conformed it to the Randomable protocol.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-22 00:55:40 +01:00
a6b8c08125Conformed the IDE enumeration in the library target to the Randomable protocol.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-22 00:54:33 +01:00
c5fc608c23Defined the Randomable protocol in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-22 00:53:22 +01:00
17426f264aFixed some issues found in the DockerCompose and DockerFile file resources in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-22 00:17:10 +01:00
a6ddfb557fAdded the "dockerCompose" case to the File enumeration in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-21 23:51:55 +01:00
c1b69dc550Added the DockerCompose file source to the resources in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-21 23:51:10 +01:00
53086b0369Added the Update command to the subcommands lists of the Colibri command in the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-19 01:10:28 +01:00
97467f2ed8Implemented the UpdateCommand command in the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-19 01:09:12 +01:00
26a5e4232aUpdated the OutdatedCommand command in the executable target to use the UpdateDependenciesTask task with the "checkOutdated" flag enabled.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-19 01:08:24 +01:00
3139bfc811Renamed the OutdatedDependenciesTask task in the library target as UpdateDependenciesTask and also, added support for the "checkOutdated" flag to its "callAsFunction(at: checkOutdated: )" function.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-19 01:07:25 +01:00
bd3963b9f1Added the Outdated command to the subcommand lists of the Colibri command in the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-19 00:48:03 +01:00
a52cfb295cImplemented the OutdatedCommand command in the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-19 00:47:03 +01:00
7615e70758Implemented the OutdatedDependenciesTask task in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-19 00:41:56 +01:00
0079820222Fixed the percent encoding for the "pathString" computed property of the URL+Extensions extension in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-19 00:26:17 +01:00
03bb962cf8Defined the Create subcommand as the default command for the Colibri command in the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-18 23:56:35 +01:00
d548cf4e6cAdded the Build command to the subcommands lists of the Colibri command in the executable targetJavier Cicchelli2025-02-18 23:55:47 +01:00
4cf3eb6784Implemented the BuildCommand command in the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-18 23:53:08 +01:00
4425a1ce73Implemented the BuildProjectTask task in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-18 23:46:23 +01:00
a38c9e1d98Conformed the CreateOptions model in the executable target to the Locationable protocol.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-18 22:46:47 +01:00
5e35f12bb3Defined the Locationable protocol in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-18 22:45:12 +01:00
75b806af3dWritten test cases for the RenderFileTask task in the unit tests target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-17 23:01:27 +01:00
e27d72cdc2Integrated the TerminalService service as well as the InitGitInFolderTask and RenderFilesTask tasks in the CreatedCommand command in the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-08 12:57:35 +01:00
94e6070091Implemented the RenderFilesTask task in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-08 12:55:31 +01:00
5f5f902773Implemented the InitGitInFolderTask task in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-08 12:21:42 +01:00
2698e1e29cRemoved the RunProcessTask task from the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-08 12:20:53 +01:00
07e8012fafImplemented the TerminalService service for the library targetJavier Cicchelli2025-02-08 10:22:52 +01:00
33ae67fc58Implemented the "createFile(at: with: )" function for the FileService service in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-07 21:50:50 +01:00
3dcb110de1Fixed the names for some of the cases for the Template enumeration in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-05 01:22:27 +01:00
af73e6d1a2Removed the "app", "appTests", and "package" cases from the File enumeration in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-05 00:16:09 +01:00
91762b18cdImplemented the Template enumeration in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-05 00:00:22 +01:00
87dc069917Defined the Package, App, and AppTests mustache templates in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-04 23:49:56 +01:00
7b1cb9ae2aImplemented the Project model in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-04 23:24:35 +01:00
a515747c21Implemented the TemplateService service in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-04 21:57:47 +01:00
1de9738e6eDefined the "render(_: on: )" function for the TemplateServicing protocol in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-02-04 20:58:14 +01:00
17734dadeeMerge branch 'main' into feature/arguments-templatingJavier Cicchelli2025-01-28 01:09:53 +01:00
bc765705a8Defined the "render(_: on: )" function for the TemplateServicing protocol in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-25 00:27:47 +01:00
8bc446ca68Added the "resourcePath" property to the Bundleable protocol in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-24 23:52:30 +01:00
7dfddb8d4cAdded the Swift Mustache package dependency to the Package file, and attached its product to the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-19 01:27:06 +01:00
36f1b8fe5cImplemented some tests for the RunProcessTaskTests case tests in the tests target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 23:12:55 +01:00
c7a1258273Integrated the InitGitInFolderTask task into the CreateCommand command in the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 20:34:12 +01:00
1fcbc38253Implemented the InitGitInFolderTask task in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 20:33:26 +01:00
7081f7b755Implemented the RunProcessTask task in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 20:05:37 +01:00
245529f88fImplemented the Processable protocol in the library target and conformed the Process object to it.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 20:04:24 +01:00
02fb6b9345Implemented the "availableData" property for the Pipe+Properties extension in the library target and also, implemented its "append()" function that appends its data concurrently.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 20:03:11 +01:00
d3283c912fRenamed the BundleServicing protocol in the library target as Bundleable.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 19:52:40 +01:00
c08dbe5602Added some more cases to the File enumeration in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 13:32:59 +01:00
0b69973537Moved the files under the "Resources/Files" folder in the library target to the "Resources/Files/Sources" folder.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 12:41:09 +01:00
3f8651ca52Implemented the "allCasesWithRoot" static property for the Folder enumeration in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 12:31:13 +01:00
6fe45db4f1Implemented the "folder" property for the File enumeration in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 12:19:29 +01:00
29dad1d688Added the "dockerFile" case to the File enumeration in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 12:07:57 +01:00
f558465b62Renamed the ResourceFile enumeration in the library target as File and also, implemented its "filePath" and "resourcePath" properties.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 11:50:26 +01:00
720ad687fbImplemented the "path" property for the Folder enumeration in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 11:38:01 +01:00
504b3be447Fixed the package resource file in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 04:46:59 +01:00
1094bbb6c8Restructured the folder structure in the library and test targets.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 03:50:18 +01:00
1466bff250Implemented the CopyFilesTask task in the library module.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 03:06:39 +01:00
647c5bd32aDefined the ResourceFile enumeration in the library target and also, implemented its "fileName" computed property.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 01:45:29 +01:00
b8d5bea7aeImplemented the "copyFile(from: to: )" function for the FileService service in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 01:07:52 +01:00
af4958a5e8Conformed the Bundle representation of the Foundation framework to the BundleServicing protocol in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 00:19:59 +01:00
5a3654a68fImplemented the BundleServicing protocol in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-18 00:18:11 +01:00
6720464026Renamed the project file assets in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-17 23:27:19 +01:00
640683063eRestructured the folder structure of the test target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-17 23:23:10 +01:00
04bd2a1160Restructured the folder structure of the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-17 23:21:25 +01:00
6955d816efRestructured the folder structure of the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-17 23:19:01 +01:00
94e28a324bMoved the project files from the executable target to the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-17 23:17:20 +01:00
02299f1cc2Integrated the CopyFilesTask task into the "run()" function for the CreateCommand command in the executable target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-16 01:46:42 +01:00
fbb5d2d2a4Improved upon the implementation of the "callAsFunction(at: )" function for the CreateFoldersTask task in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-16 01:45:41 +01:00
72230c5337Implemented the CopyFilesTask task in the library target.Javier Cicchelli2025-01-16 01:35:52 +01:00