122 lines
3.8 KiB
122 lines
3.8 KiB
@import XCTest;
@interface NSArrayBlocksKitTest : XCTestCase
@implementation NSArrayBlocksKitTest {
NSArray *_subject;
NSArray *_integers;
NSArray *_floats;
NSInteger _total;
- (void)setUp {
_subject = @[@"1", @"22", @"333"];
_integers = @[@(1), @(2), @(3)];
_floats = @[@(.1), @(.2), @(.3)];
_total = 0;
- (void)tearDown {
_subject = nil;
- (void)testMatch {
BOOL (^validationBlock)(id) = ^(NSString *obj) {
self->_total += [obj length];
BOOL match = ([obj intValue] == 22) ? YES : NO;
return match;
id found = [_subject wmf_match:validationBlock];
// wmf_match: is functionally identical to wmf_select:, but will stop and return on the first match
XCTAssertEqual(_total, (NSInteger)3, @"total length of \"122\" is %ld", (long)_total);
XCTAssertEqual(found, @"22", @"matched object is %@", found);
- (void)testNotMatch {
BOOL (^validationBlock)(id) = ^(NSString *obj) {
self->_total += [obj length];
BOOL match = ([obj intValue] == 4444) ? YES : NO;
return match;
id found = [_subject wmf_match:validationBlock];
// @return Returns the object if found, `nil` otherwise.
XCTAssertEqual(_total, (NSInteger)6, @"total length of \"122333\" is %ld", (long)_total);
XCTAssertNil(found, @"no matched object");
- (void)testSelect {
BOOL (^validationBlock)(id) = ^(NSString *obj) {
self->_total += [obj length];
BOOL match = ([obj intValue] < 300) ? YES : NO;
return match;
NSArray *found = [_subject wmf_select:validationBlock];
XCTAssertEqual(_total, (NSInteger)6, @"total length of \"122333\" is %ld", (long)_total);
NSArray *target = @[@"1", @"22"];
XCTAssertEqualObjects(found, target, @"selected items are %@", found);
- (void)testSelectedNone {
BOOL (^validationBlock)(id) = ^(NSString *obj) {
self->_total += [obj length];
BOOL match = ([obj intValue] > 400) ? YES : NO;
return match;
NSArray *found = [_subject wmf_select:validationBlock];
XCTAssertEqual(_total, (NSInteger)6, @"total length of \"122333\" is %ld", (long)_total);
XCTAssertTrue(found.count == 0, @"no item is selected");
- (void)testReject {
BOOL (^validationBlock)(id) = ^(NSString *obj) {
self->_total += [obj length];
BOOL match = ([obj intValue] > 300) ? YES : NO;
return match;
NSArray *left = [_subject wmf_reject:validationBlock];
XCTAssertEqual(_total, (NSInteger)6, @"total length of \"122333\" is %ld", (long)_total);
NSArray *target = @[@"1", @"22"];
XCTAssertEqualObjects(left, target, @"not rejected items are %@", left);
- (void)testRejectedAll {
BOOL (^validationBlock)(id) = ^(NSString *obj) {
self->_total += [obj length];
BOOL match = ([obj intValue] < 400) ? YES : NO;
return match;
NSArray *left = [_subject wmf_reject:validationBlock];
XCTAssertEqual(_total, (NSInteger)6, @"total length of \"122333\" is %ld", (long)_total);
XCTAssertTrue(left.count == 0, @"all items are rejected");
- (void)testMap {
id (^transformBlock)(id) = ^(NSString *obj) {
self->_total += [obj length];
return [obj substringToIndex:1];
NSArray *transformed = [_subject wmf_map:transformBlock];
XCTAssertEqual(_total, (NSInteger)6, @"total length of \"122333\" is %ld", (long)_total);
NSArray *target = @[@"1", @"2", @"3"];
XCTAssertEqualObjects(transformed, target, @"transformed items are %@", transformed);
- (void)testReduceWithBlock {
id (^accumlationBlock)(id, id) = ^(id sum, id obj) {
return [sum stringByAppendingString:obj];
NSString *concatenated = [_subject wmf_reduce:@"" withBlock:accumlationBlock];
XCTAssertTrue([concatenated isEqualToString:@"122333"], @"concatenated string is %@", concatenated);