• javier released this 2023-04-13 13:35:17 +00:00 | 0 commits to main since this release

    This release contains some things that either were forgotten or improved upon the previous release.

    To give further details about the work done:

    • implemented the Service protocol in the Persistence library and conformed the PersistenceService service to it;
    • implemented the Service protocol in the Remote library and conformed the RemoteService service to it;
    • implemented the Application protocol in the Core library and conformed the UIApplication class to it;
    • improved the dependency keys used by the DependencyService service to use these protocols instead;
    • tweaked the text of the README file.
  • javier released this 2023-04-13 09:29:08 +00:00 | 1 commits to main since this release

    This release contains the implementation of the Locations and the Wikipedia apps, as defined in the assignment document.

    For further details, please refer to the README file attached to it.
