deep-linking-sample/Apps/Wikipedia/WMF Framework/PermanentlyPersistableURLCache.swift

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import Foundation
import CocoaLumberjackSwift
public struct Header {
public static let persistentCacheItemType = "Persistent-Cache-Item-Type"
// existence of a PersistItemType in a URLRequest header indicates to the system that we want to reference the persistent cache for the use of passing through Etags (If-None-Match) and falling back on a cached response (or other variant of) in the case of a urlSession error.
// pass PersistItemType header value urlRequest headers to gain different behaviors on how a request interacts with the cache, such as:
// for reading:
// article & imageInfo both set If-None-Match request header value based on previous cached E-tags in response headers
// there might be different fallback ordering logic if that particular variant is not cached but others are (image prioritizes by variant size, article by device language preferences)
// for writing:
// .image Cache database keys are saved as [host + "__" + imageName] pattern, variants = size prefix in url
// article Cache database keys are saved as .wmf_databaseURL, variants = detected preferred language variant.
// imageInfo Cache database keys are malformed with wmf_databaseURL, so it is saved as absoluteString.precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping, variant = nil.
public enum PersistItemType: String {
case image = "Image"
case article = "Article"
case imageInfo = "ImageInfo"
class PermanentlyPersistableURLCache: URLCache {
let cacheManagedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext
init(moc: NSManagedObjectContext) {
cacheManagedObjectContext = moc
super.init(memoryCapacity: URLCache.shared.memoryCapacity, diskCapacity: URLCache.shared.diskCapacity, diskPath: nil)
// MARK: Public - Overrides
override func getCachedResponse(for dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, completionHandler: @escaping (CachedURLResponse?) -> Void) {
super.getCachedResponse(for: dataTask) { (response) in
if let response = response {
guard let request = dataTask.originalRequest else {
completionHandler(self.permanentlyCachedResponse(for: request))
override func cachedResponse(for request: URLRequest) -> CachedURLResponse? {
if let response = super.cachedResponse(for: request) {
return response
let cachedResponse = permanentlyCachedResponse(for: request)
return cachedResponse
override func storeCachedResponse(_ cachedResponse: CachedURLResponse, for request: URLRequest) {
super.storeCachedResponse(cachedResponse, for: request)
updateCacheWithCachedResponse(cachedResponse, request: request)
override func storeCachedResponse(_ cachedResponse: CachedURLResponse, for dataTask: URLSessionDataTask) {
super.storeCachedResponse(cachedResponse, for: dataTask)
if let request = dataTask.originalRequest {
updateCacheWithCachedResponse(cachedResponse, request: request)
// MARK: Public - URLRequest Creation
extension PermanentlyPersistableURLCache {
func urlRequestFromURL(_ url: URL, type: Header.PersistItemType, cachePolicy: WMFCachePolicy? = nil) -> URLRequest {
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
let typeHeaders = typeHeadersForType(type)
for (key, value) in typeHeaders {
request.setValue(value, forHTTPHeaderField: key)
let additionalHeaders = additionalHeadersForType(type, urlRequest: request)
for (key, value) in additionalHeaders {
request.setValue(value, forHTTPHeaderField: key)
if let cachePolicy = cachePolicy {
switch cachePolicy {
case .foundation(let cachePolicy):
request.cachePolicy = cachePolicy
request.prefersPersistentCacheOverError = true
case .noPersistentCacheOnError:
request.cachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData
request.prefersPersistentCacheOverError = false
return request
func typeHeadersForType(_ type: Header.PersistItemType) -> [String: String] {
return [Header.persistentCacheItemType: type.rawValue]
func additionalHeadersForType(_ type: Header.PersistItemType, urlRequest: URLRequest) -> [String: String] {
var headers: [String: String] = [:]
// add If-None-Match, otherwise it will not be populated if URLCache.shared is cleared but persistent cache exists.
switch type {
case .article, .imageInfo:
guard let cachedHeaders = permanentlyCachedHeaders(for: urlRequest) else {
headers[URLRequest.ifNoneMatchHeaderKey] = cachedHeaders[HTTPURLResponse.etagHeaderKey]
case .image:
return headers
func isCachedWithURLRequest(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
guard let itemKey = itemKeyForURLRequest(urlRequest) else {
let moc = cacheManagedObjectContext
let variant = variantForURLRequest(urlRequest)
return CacheDBWriterHelper.isCached(itemKey: itemKey, variant: variant, in: moc, completion: completion)
// MARK: Private - URLRequest header creation
private extension PermanentlyPersistableURLCache {
func addEtagHeaderToURLRequest(_ urlRequest: inout URLRequest, type: Header.PersistItemType) {
if let cachedUrlResponse = self.cachedResponse(for: urlRequest)?.response as? HTTPURLResponse {
for (key, value) in cachedUrlResponse.allHeaderFields {
if let keyString = key as? String,
let valueString = value as? String,
keyString == HTTPURLResponse.etagHeaderKey {
urlRequest.setValue(valueString, forHTTPHeaderField: URLRequest.ifNoneMatchHeaderKey)
// MARK: Database key and variant creation
extension PermanentlyPersistableURLCache {
func itemKeyForURLRequest(_ urlRequest: URLRequest) -> String? {
guard let url = urlRequest.url,
let type = typeFromURLRequest(urlRequest: urlRequest) else {
return nil
return itemKeyForURL(url, type: type)
func variantForURLRequest(_ urlRequest: URLRequest) -> String? {
guard let url = urlRequest.url,
let type = typeFromURLRequest(urlRequest: urlRequest) else {
return nil
return variantForURL(url, type: type)
func itemKeyForURL(_ url: URL, type: Header.PersistItemType) -> String? {
switch type {
case .image:
return imageItemKeyForURL(url)
case .article:
return articleItemKeyForURL(url)
case .imageInfo:
return imageInfoItemKeyForURL(url)
func variantForURL(_ url: URL, type: Header.PersistItemType) -> String? {
switch type {
case .image:
return imageVariantForURL(url)
case .article:
return articleVariantForURL(url)
case .imageInfo:
return imageInfoVariantForURL(url)
private extension PermanentlyPersistableURLCache {
func imageItemKeyForURL(_ url: URL) -> String? {
guard let host =, let imageName = WMFParseImageNameFromSourceURL(url) else {
return url.absoluteString.precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping
return (host + "__" + imageName).precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping
func articleItemKeyForURL(_ url: URL) -> String? {
return url.wmf_databaseKey
func imageInfoItemKeyForURL(_ url: URL) -> String? {
return url.absoluteString.precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping
func imageVariantForURL(_ url: URL) -> String? {
let sizePrefix = WMFParseSizePrefixFromSourceURL(url)
return sizePrefix == NSNotFound ? "0" : String(sizePrefix)
func articleVariantForURL(_ url: URL) -> String? {
return url.wmf_languageVariantCode
func imageInfoVariantForURL(_ url: URL) -> String? {
return nil
extension PermanentlyPersistableURLCache {
func uniqueHeaderFileNameForItemKey(_ itemKey: CacheController.ItemKey, variant: String?) -> String {
let fileName = uniqueFileNameForItemKey(itemKey, variant: variant)
return fileName + "__Header"
func uniqueFileNameForURLRequest(_ urlRequest: URLRequest) -> String? {
guard let url = urlRequest.url,
let type = typeFromURLRequest(urlRequest: urlRequest) else {
return nil
return uniqueFileNameForURL(url, type: type)
func uniqueFileNameForItemKey(_ itemKey: CacheController.ItemKey, variant: String?) -> String {
guard let variant = variant else {
let fileName = itemKey.precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping
return fileName.sha256 ?? fileName
let fileName = "\(itemKey)__\(variant)".precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping
return fileName.sha256 ?? fileName
func uniqueFileNameForURL(_ url: URL, type: Header.PersistItemType) -> String? {
guard let itemKey = itemKeyForURL(url, type: type) else {
return nil
let variant = variantForURL(url, type: type)
return uniqueFileNameForItemKey(itemKey, variant: variant)
func uniqueHeaderFileNameForURL(_ url: URL, type: Header.PersistItemType) -> String? {
guard let itemKey = itemKeyForURL(url, type: type) else {
return nil
let variant = variantForURL(url, type: type)
return uniqueHeaderFileNameForItemKey(itemKey, variant: variant)
// MARK: Private - Helpers
private extension PermanentlyPersistableURLCache {
func typeFromURLRequest(urlRequest: URLRequest) -> Header.PersistItemType? {
guard let typeRaw = urlRequest.allHTTPHeaderFields?[Header.persistentCacheItemType],
let type = Header.PersistItemType(rawValue: typeRaw) else {
return nil
return type
// MARK: Public - Permanent Cache Writing
enum PermanentlyPersistableURLCacheError: Error {
case unableToDetermineURLFromRequest
case unableToDetermineTypeFromRequest
case unableToDetermineHeaderOrContentFileName
public enum CacheResponseContentType {
case data(Data)
case string(String)
extension PermanentlyPersistableURLCache {
func cacheResponse(httpUrlResponse: HTTPURLResponse, content: CacheResponseContentType, urlRequest: URLRequest, success: @escaping () -> Void, failure: @escaping (Error) -> Void) {
guard let url = urlRequest.url else {
guard let type = typeFromURLRequest(urlRequest: urlRequest) else {
guard let headerFileName = uniqueHeaderFileNameForURL(url, type: type),
let contentFileName = uniqueFileNameForURL(url, type: type) else {
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
var headerSaveError: Error? = nil
var contentSaveError: Error? = nil
CacheFileWriterHelper.saveResponseHeader(httpUrlResponse: httpUrlResponse, toNewFileName: headerFileName) { (result) in
defer {
switch result {
case .success, .exists:
case .failure(let error):
headerSaveError = error
switch content {
case .data((let data)):
CacheFileWriterHelper.saveData(data: data, toNewFileWithKey: contentFileName) { (result) in
defer {
switch result {
case .success, .exists:
case .failure(let error):
contentSaveError = error
case .string(let string):
CacheFileWriterHelper.saveContent(string, toNewFileName: contentFileName) { (result) in
defer {
switch result {
case .success, .exists:
case .failure(let error):
contentSaveError = error
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .default)) { [headerSaveError, contentSaveError] in
if let contentSaveError = contentSaveError {
self.remove(fileName: headerFileName) {
if let headerSaveError = headerSaveError {
self.remove(fileName: contentFileName) {
// Bundled migration only - copies files into cache
func writeBundledFiles(mimeType: String, bundledFileURL: URL, urlRequest: URLRequest, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
guard let url = urlRequest.url else {
guard let type = typeFromURLRequest(urlRequest: urlRequest) else {
guard let headerFileName = uniqueHeaderFileNameForURL(url, type: type),
let contentFileName = uniqueFileNameForURL(url, type: type) else {
CacheFileWriterHelper.copyFile(from: bundledFileURL, toNewFileWithKey: contentFileName) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success, .exists:
CacheFileWriterHelper.saveResponseHeader(headerFields: ["Content-Type": mimeType], toNewFileName: headerFileName) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success, .exists:
case .failure(let error):
case .failure(let error):
private func remove(fileName: String, completion: () -> Void) {
// remove from file system
let fileURL = CacheFileWriterHelper.fileURL(for: fileName)
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: fileURL)
} catch let error as NSError {
DDLogError("Error removing file: \(error)")
private func updateCacheWithCachedResponse(_ cachedResponse: CachedURLResponse, request: URLRequest) {
func customCacheUpdatingItemKeyForURLRequest(_ urlRequest: URLRequest) -> String? {
// this inner method is a workaround to allow the mobile-html URLRequest with a revisionID in the url to update the cached response under the revisionless url.
// we intentionally don't want to modify the itemKeyForURLRequest(_ urlRequest: URLRequest) method to keep this a lighter touch
guard let url = urlRequest.customCacheUpdatingURL ?? urlRequest.url,
let type = typeFromURLRequest(urlRequest: urlRequest) else {
return nil
return itemKeyForURL(url, type: type)
func clearCustomCacheUpdatingResponseFromFoundation(with urlRequest: URLRequest) {
// If we have a custom cache url to update, we need to remove that from foundation's URLCache, otherwise that
// will still take over even if we have updated the saved article cache.
if let customCacheUpdatingURL = urlRequest.customCacheUpdatingURL {
let updatingRequest = URLRequest(url: customCacheUpdatingURL)
removeCachedResponse(for: updatingRequest)
let isArticleOrImageInfoRequest: Bool
if let typeRaw = request.allHTTPHeaderFields?[Header.persistentCacheItemType],
let type = Header.PersistItemType(rawValue: typeRaw),
(type == .article || type == .imageInfo) {
isArticleOrImageInfoRequest = true
} else {
isArticleOrImageInfoRequest = false
// we only want to update specific variant for image types
// for articles and imageInfo's it's okay to update the alternative language variants in the cache.
let variant: String? = isArticleOrImageInfoRequest ? nil : variantForURLRequest(request)
clearCustomCacheUpdatingResponseFromFoundation(with: request)
guard let itemKey = customCacheUpdatingItemKeyForURLRequest(request),
let httpResponse = cachedResponse.response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else {
let moc = cacheManagedObjectContext
CacheDBWriterHelper.isCached(itemKey: itemKey, variant: variant, in: moc, completion: { (isCached) in
guard isCached else {
let cachedHeaders = self.permanentlyCachedHeaders(for: request)
let cachedETag = cachedHeaders?[HTTPURLResponse.etagHeaderKey]
let responseETag = httpResponse.allHeaderFields[HTTPURLResponse.etagHeaderKey] as? String
guard cachedETag == nil || cachedETag != responseETag else {
let headerFileName: String
let contentFileName: String
if isArticleOrImageInfoRequest,
let topVariant = CacheDBWriterHelper.allDownloadedVariantItems(itemKey: itemKey, in: moc).first {
headerFileName = self.uniqueHeaderFileNameForItemKey(itemKey, variant: topVariant.variant)
contentFileName = self.uniqueFileNameForItemKey(itemKey, variant: topVariant.variant)
} else {
headerFileName = self.uniqueHeaderFileNameForItemKey(itemKey, variant: variant)
contentFileName = self.uniqueFileNameForItemKey(itemKey, variant: variant)
CacheFileWriterHelper.replaceResponseHeaderWithURLResponse(httpResponse, atFileName: headerFileName) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success:
case .failure(let error):
DDLogError("Failed updating cached header file: \(error)")
case .exists:
assertionFailure("This shouldn't happen.")
CacheFileWriterHelper.replaceFileWithData(, fileName: contentFileName) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success:
case .failure(let error):
DDLogError("Failed updating cached content file: \(error)")
case .exists:
assertionFailure("This shouldn't happen.")
// MARK: Private - Permanent Cache Fetching
private extension PermanentlyPersistableURLCache {
func permanentlyCachedHeaders(for request: URLRequest) -> [String: String]? {
guard let url = request.url,
let typeRaw = request.allHTTPHeaderFields?[Header.persistentCacheItemType],
let type = Header.PersistItemType(rawValue: typeRaw) else {
return nil
guard let responseHeaderFileName = uniqueHeaderFileNameForURL(url, type: type) else {
return nil
guard let responseHeaderData = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: CacheFileWriterHelper.fileURL(for: responseHeaderFileName).path) else {
return nil
return try? NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData(responseHeaderData) as? [String: String]
func permanentlyCachedResponse(for request: URLRequest) -> CachedURLResponse? {
// 1. try pulling from Persistent Cache
if let persistedCachedResponse = persistedResponseWithURLRequest(request) {
return persistedCachedResponse
// 2. else try pulling a fallback from Persistent Cache
} else if let fallbackCachedResponse = fallbackPersistedResponse(urlRequest: request, moc: cacheManagedObjectContext) {
return fallbackCachedResponse
return nil
enum PersistedResponseRequest {
case urlAndType(url: URL, type: Header.PersistItemType)
case fallbackItemKeyAndVariant(url: URL, itemKey: String, variant: String?)
func persistedResponseWithURLRequest(_ urlRequest: URLRequest) -> CachedURLResponse? {
guard let url = urlRequest.url,
let typeRaw = urlRequest.allHTTPHeaderFields?[Header.persistentCacheItemType],
let type = Header.PersistItemType(rawValue: typeRaw) else {
return nil
let request = PersistedResponseRequest.urlAndType(url: url, type: type)
return persistedResponseWithRequest(request)
func persistedResponseWithRequest(_ request: PersistedResponseRequest) -> CachedURLResponse? {
let maybeResponseFileName: String?
let maybeResponseHeaderFileName: String?
let url: URL
switch request {
case .urlAndType(let inURL, let type):
url = inURL
maybeResponseFileName = uniqueFileNameForURL(url, type: type)
maybeResponseHeaderFileName = uniqueHeaderFileNameForURL(url, type: type)
case .fallbackItemKeyAndVariant(let inURL, let itemKey, let variant):
url = inURL
maybeResponseFileName = uniqueFileNameForItemKey(itemKey, variant: variant)
maybeResponseHeaderFileName = uniqueHeaderFileNameForItemKey(itemKey, variant: variant)
guard let responseFileName = maybeResponseFileName,
let responseHeaderFileName = maybeResponseHeaderFileName else {
return nil
// assert(!Thread.isMainThread)
guard let responseData = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: CacheFileWriterHelper.fileURL(for: responseFileName).path) else {
return nil
guard let responseHeaderData = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: CacheFileWriterHelper.fileURL(for: responseHeaderFileName).path) else {
return nil
var responseHeaders: [String: String]?
do {
if let unarchivedHeaders = try NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData(responseHeaderData) as? [String: String] {
responseHeaders = unarchivedHeaders
} catch {
if let httpResponse = HTTPURLResponse(url: url, statusCode: 200, httpVersion: nil, headerFields: responseHeaders) {
return CachedURLResponse(response: httpResponse, data: responseData)
return nil
func fallbackPersistedResponse(urlRequest: URLRequest, moc: NSManagedObjectContext) -> CachedURLResponse? {
guard let url = urlRequest.url,
let typeRaw = urlRequest.allHTTPHeaderFields?[Header.persistentCacheItemType],
let type = Header.PersistItemType(rawValue: typeRaw),
let itemKey = itemKeyForURL(url, type: type) else {
return nil
// lookup fallback itemKey/variant in DB (language fallback logic for article item type, size fallback logic for image item type)
var response: CachedURLResponse? = nil
moc.performAndWait {
var allVariantItems = CacheDBWriterHelper.allDownloadedVariantItems(itemKey: itemKey, in: moc)
switch type {
case .image:
case .article, .imageInfo:
if let fallbackItemKey = allVariantItems.first?.key {
let fallbackVariant = allVariantItems.first?.variant
// migrated images do not have urls. defaulting to url passed in here.
let fallbackURL = allVariantItems.first?.url ?? url
// first see if URLCache has the fallback
let quickCheckRequest = URLRequest(url: fallbackURL)
if let systemCachedResponse = URLCache.shared.cachedResponse(for: quickCheckRequest) {
response = systemCachedResponse
// then see if persistent cache has the fallback
let request = PersistedResponseRequest.fallbackItemKeyAndVariant(url: fallbackURL, itemKey: fallbackItemKey, variant: fallbackVariant)
response = persistedResponseWithRequest(request)
return response
public extension HTTPURLResponse {
static let etagHeaderKey = "Etag"
static let varyHeaderKey = "Vary"
static let acceptLanguageHeaderValue = "Accept-Language"
public extension URLRequest {
static let ifNoneMatchHeaderKey = "If-None-Match"
static let customCachePolicyHeaderKey = "Custom-Cache-Policy"
static let customCacheUpdatingURL = "Custom-Cache-Updating-URL"
var prefersPersistentCacheOverError: Bool {
get {
if let customCachePolicyValue = allHTTPHeaderFields?[URLRequest.customCachePolicyHeaderKey],
let intCustomCachePolicyValue = UInt(customCachePolicyValue),
intCustomCachePolicyValue == WMFCachePolicy.noPersistentCacheOnError.rawValue {
return false
return true
set {
let value = newValue ? nil : String(WMFCachePolicy.noPersistentCacheOnError.rawValue)
setValue(value, forHTTPHeaderField: URLRequest.customCachePolicyHeaderKey)
// if you need the response to this request written to the cache stored at a different url, set this value
var customCacheUpdatingURL: URL? {
get {
guard let urlString = allHTTPHeaderFields?[URLRequest.customCacheUpdatingURL] else {
return nil
return URL(string: urlString)
set {
setValue(newValue?.absoluteString, forHTTPHeaderField: URLRequest.customCacheUpdatingURL)
public extension Array where Element == CacheController.ItemKeyAndVariant {
mutating func sortAsImageItemKeyAndVariants() {
sort { (lhs, rhs) -> Bool in
guard let lhsVariant = lhs.variant,
let lhsSize = Int64(lhsVariant),
let rhsVariant = rhs.variant,
let rhsSize = Int64(rhsVariant) else {
return true
// 0 is original so treat it as larger than others
if rhsSize == 0 {
return true
} else if lhsSize == 0 {
return false
return lhsSize < rhsSize
public extension Array where Element: CacheItem {
mutating func sortAsImageCacheItems() {
sort { (lhs, rhs) -> Bool in
guard let lhsVariant = lhs.variant,
let lhsSize = Int64(lhsVariant),
let rhsVariant = rhs.variant,
let rhsSize = Int64(rhsVariant) else {
return true
// 0 is original so treat it as larger than others
if rhsSize == 0 {
return true
} else if lhsSize == 0 {
return false
return lhsSize < rhsSize