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// MTLValueTransformer.h
// Mantle
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2012-09-11.
// Copyright (c) 2012 GitHub. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#if __has_include(<Mantle/MTLTransformerErrorHandling.h>)
#import <Mantle/MTLTransformerErrorHandling.h>
#import "MTLTransformerErrorHandling.h"
/// A block that represents a transformation.
/// value - The value to transform.
/// success - The block must set this parameter to indicate whether the
/// transformation was successful.
/// MTLValueTransformer will always call this block with *success
/// initialized to YES.
/// error - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
/// transforming the value.
/// Returns the result of the transformation, which may be nil.
typedef id (^MTLValueTransformerBlock)(id value, BOOL *success, NSError **error);
/// A value transformer supporting block-based transformation.
@interface MTLValueTransformer : NSValueTransformer <MTLTransformerErrorHandling>
/// Returns a transformer which transforms values using the given block. Reverse
/// transformations will not be allowed.
+ (instancetype)transformerUsingForwardBlock:(MTLValueTransformerBlock)transformation;
/// Returns a transformer which transforms values using the given block, for
/// forward or reverse transformations.
+ (instancetype)transformerUsingReversibleBlock:(MTLValueTransformerBlock)transformation;
/// Returns a transformer which transforms values using the given blocks.
+ (instancetype)transformerUsingForwardBlock:(MTLValueTransformerBlock)forwardTransformation reverseBlock:(MTLValueTransformerBlock)reverseTransformation;
@interface MTLValueTransformer (Deprecated)
+ (NSValueTransformer *)transformerWithBlock:(id (^)(id))transformationBlock __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +transformerUsingForwardBlock:")));
+ (NSValueTransformer *)reversibleTransformerWithBlock:(id (^)(id))transformationBlock __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +transformerUsingReversibleBlock:")));
+ (NSValueTransformer *)reversibleTransformerWithForwardBlock:(id (^)(id))forwardBlock reverseBlock:(id (^)(id))reverseBlock __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +transformerUsingForwardBlock:reverseBlock:")));