Javier Cicchelli 9bcdaa697b [Setup] Basic project structure (#1)
This PR contains all the work related to setting up this project as required to implement the [Assignment](https://repo.rock-n-code.com/rock-n-code/deep-linking-assignment/wiki/Assignment) on top, as intended.

To summarise this work:
- [x] created a new **Xcode** project;
- [x] cloned the `Wikipedia` app and inserted it into the **Xcode** project;
- [x] created the `Locations` app and also, its `Libraries` package;
- [x] created the `Shared` package to share dependencies between the apps;
- [x] added a `Makefile` file and implemented some **environment** and **help** commands.

Co-authored-by: Javier Cicchelli <javier@rock-n-code.com>
Reviewed-on: rock-n-code/deep-linking-assignment#1
2023-04-08 18:37:13 +00:00

288 lines
12 KiB
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// MTLJSONAdapter.h
// Mantle
// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2013-02-12.
// Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@protocol MTLModel;
@protocol MTLTransformerErrorHandling;
/// A MTLModel object that supports being parsed from and serialized to JSON.
@protocol MTLJSONSerializing <MTLModel>
/// Specifies how to map property keys to different key paths in JSON.
/// Subclasses overriding this method should combine their values with those of
/// `super`.
/// Values in the dictionary can either be key paths in the JSON representation
/// of the receiver or an array of such key paths. If an array is used, the
/// deserialized value will be a dictionary containing all of the keys in the
/// array.
/// Any keys omitted will not participate in JSON serialization.
/// Examples
/// + (NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey {
/// return @{
/// @"name": @"POI.name",
/// @"point": @[ @"latitude", @"longitude" ],
/// @"starred": @"starred"
/// };
/// }
/// This will map the `starred` property to `JSONDictionary[@"starred"]`, `name`
/// to `JSONDictionary[@"POI"][@"name"]` and `point` to a dictionary equivalent
/// to:
/// @{
/// @"latitude": JSONDictionary[@"latitude"],
/// @"longitude": JSONDictionary[@"longitude"]
/// }
/// Returns a dictionary mapping property keys to one or multiple JSON key paths
/// (as strings or arrays of strings).
+ (NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey;
/// Specifies how to convert a JSON value to the given property key. If
/// reversible, the transformer will also be used to convert the property value
/// back to JSON.
/// If the receiver implements a `+<key>JSONTransformer` method, MTLJSONAdapter
/// will use the result of that method instead.
/// Returns a value transformer, or nil if no transformation should be performed.
+ (NSValueTransformer *)JSONTransformerForKey:(NSString *)key;
/// Overridden to parse the receiver as a different class, based on information
/// in the provided dictionary.
/// This is mostly useful for class clusters, where the abstract base class would
/// be passed into -[MTLJSONAdapter initWithJSONDictionary:modelClass:], but
/// a subclass should be instantiated instead.
/// JSONDictionary - The JSON dictionary that will be parsed.
/// Returns the class that should be parsed (which may be the receiver), or nil
/// to abort parsing (e.g., if the data is invalid).
+ (Class)classForParsingJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary;
/// The domain for errors originating from MTLJSONAdapter.
extern NSString * const MTLJSONAdapterErrorDomain;
/// +classForParsingJSONDictionary: returned nil for the given dictionary.
extern const NSInteger MTLJSONAdapterErrorNoClassFound;
/// The provided JSONDictionary is not valid.
extern const NSInteger MTLJSONAdapterErrorInvalidJSONDictionary;
/// The model's implementation of +JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey included a key which
/// does not actually exist in +propertyKeys.
extern const NSInteger MTLJSONAdapterErrorInvalidJSONMapping;
/// An exception was thrown and caught.
extern const NSInteger MTLJSONAdapterErrorExceptionThrown;
/// Associated with the NSException that was caught.
extern NSString * const MTLJSONAdapterThrownExceptionErrorKey;
/// Converts a MTLModel object to and from a JSON dictionary.
@interface MTLJSONAdapter : NSObject
/// Attempts to parse a JSON dictionary into a model object.
/// modelClass - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from the JSON.
/// This class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>. This
/// argument must not be nil.
/// JSONDictionary - A dictionary representing JSON data. This should match the
/// format returned by NSJSONSerialization. If this argument is
/// nil, the method returns nil.
/// error - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
/// parsing or initializing an instance of `modelClass`.
/// Returns an instance of `modelClass` upon success, or nil if a parsing error
/// occurred.
+ (id)modelOfClass:(Class)modelClass fromJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary error:(NSError **)error;
/// Attempts to parse an array of JSON dictionary objects into a model objects
/// of a specific class.
/// modelClass - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from the JSON. This
/// class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>. This argument must
/// not be nil.
/// JSONArray - A array of dictionaries representing JSON data. This should
/// match the format returned by NSJSONSerialization. If this
/// argument is nil, the method returns nil.
/// error - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
/// parsing or initializing an any of the instances of
/// `modelClass`.
/// Returns an array of `modelClass` instances upon success, or nil if a parsing
/// error occurred.
+ (NSArray *)modelsOfClass:(Class)modelClass fromJSONArray:(NSArray *)JSONArray error:(NSError **)error;
/// Converts a model into a JSON representation.
/// model - The model to use for JSON serialization. This argument must not be
/// nil.
/// error - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
/// serializing.
/// Returns a JSON dictionary, or nil if a serialization error occurred.
+ (NSDictionary *)JSONDictionaryFromModel:(id<MTLJSONSerializing>)model error:(NSError **)error;
/// Converts a array of models into a JSON representation.
/// models - The array of models to use for JSON serialization. This argument
/// must not be nil.
/// error - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
/// serializing.
/// Returns a JSON array, or nil if a serialization error occurred for any
/// model.
+ (NSArray *)JSONArrayFromModels:(NSArray *)models error:(NSError **)error;
/// Initializes the receiver with a given model class.
/// modelClass - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from the JSON and
/// back. This class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>. This
/// argument must not be nil.
/// Returns an initialized adapter.
- (id)initWithModelClass:(Class)modelClass;
/// Deserializes a model from a JSON dictionary.
/// The adapter will call -validate: on the model and consider it an error if the
/// validation fails.
/// JSONDictionary - A dictionary representing JSON data. This should match the
/// format returned by NSJSONSerialization. This argument must
/// not be nil.
/// error - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
/// deserializing or validation.
/// Returns a model object, or nil if a deserialization error occurred or the
/// model did not validate successfully.
- (id)modelFromJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary error:(NSError **)error;
/// Serializes a model into JSON.
/// model - The model to use for JSON serialization. This argument must not be
/// nil.
/// error - If not NULL, this may be set to an error that occurs during
/// serializing.
/// Returns a model object, or nil if a serialization error occurred.
- (NSDictionary *)JSONDictionaryFromModel:(id<MTLJSONSerializing>)model error:(NSError **)error;
/// Filters the property keys used to serialize a given model.
/// propertyKeys - The property keys for which `model` provides a mapping.
/// model - The model being serialized.
/// Subclasses may override this method to determine which property keys should
/// be used when serializing `model`. For instance, this method can be used to
/// create more efficient updates of server-side resources.
/// The default implementation simply returns `propertyKeys`.
/// Returns a subset of propertyKeys that should be serialized for a given
/// model.
- (NSSet *)serializablePropertyKeys:(NSSet *)propertyKeys forModel:(id<MTLJSONSerializing>)model;
/// An optional value transformer that should be used for properties of the given
/// class.
/// A value transformer returned by the model's +JSONTransformerForKey: method
/// is given precedence over the one returned by this method.
/// The default implementation invokes `+<class>JSONTransformer` on the
/// receiver if it's implemented. It supports NSURL conversion through
/// +NSURLJSONTransformer.
/// modelClass - The class of the property to serialize. This property must not be
/// nil.
/// Returns a value transformer or nil if no transformation should be used.
+ (NSValueTransformer *)transformerForModelPropertiesOfClass:(Class)modelClass;
/// A value transformer that should be used for a properties of the given
/// primitive type.
/// If `objCType` matches @encode(id), the value transformer returned by
/// +transformerForModelPropertiesOfClass: is used instead.
/// The default implementation transforms properties that match @encode(BOOL)
/// using the MTLBooleanValueTransformerName transformer.
/// objCType - The type encoding for the value of this property. This is the type
/// as it would be returned by the @encode() directive.
/// Returns a value transformer or nil if no transformation should be used.
+ (NSValueTransformer *)transformerForModelPropertiesOfObjCType:(const char *)objCType;
@interface MTLJSONAdapter (ValueTransformers)
/// Creates a reversible transformer to convert a JSON dictionary into a MTLModel
/// object, and vice-versa.
/// modelClass - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from the JSON. This
/// class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>. This argument must
/// not be nil.
/// Returns a reversible transformer which uses the class of the receiver for
/// transforming values back and forth.
+ (NSValueTransformer<MTLTransformerErrorHandling> *)dictionaryTransformerWithModelClass:(Class)modelClass;
/// Creates a reversible transformer to convert an array of JSON dictionaries
/// into an array of MTLModel objects, and vice-versa.
/// modelClass - The MTLModel subclass to attempt to parse from each JSON
/// dictionary. This class must conform to <MTLJSONSerializing>.
/// This argument must not be nil.
/// Returns a reversible transformer which uses the class of the receiver for
/// transforming array elements back and forth.
+ (NSValueTransformer<MTLTransformerErrorHandling> *)arrayTransformerWithModelClass:(Class)modelClass;
/// This value transformer is used by MTLJSONAdapter to automatically convert
/// NSURL properties to JSON strings and vice versa.
+ (NSValueTransformer *)NSURLJSONTransformer;
/// This value transformer is used by MTLJSONAdapter to automatically convert
/// NSUUID properties to JSON strings and vice versa.
+ (NSValueTransformer *)NSUUIDJSONTransformer;
@class MTLModel;
@interface MTLJSONAdapter (Deprecated)
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) id<MTLJSONSerializing> model __attribute__((unavailable("Replaced by -modelFromJSONDictionary:error:")));
+ (NSArray *)JSONArrayFromModels:(NSArray *)models __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +JSONArrayFromModels:error:"))) NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Replaced by +JSONArrayFromModels:error:");
+ (NSDictionary *)JSONDictionaryFromModel:(MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing> *)model __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +JSONDictionaryFromModel:error:"))) NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Replaced by +JSONDictionaryFromModel:error:");
- (NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary __attribute__((unavailable("Replaced by -JSONDictionaryFromModel:error:"))) NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Replaced by -JSONDictionaryFromModel:error:");
- (NSString *)JSONKeyPathForPropertyKey:(NSString *)key __attribute__((unavailable("Replaced by -serializablePropertyKeys:forModel:")));
- (id)initWithJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary modelClass:(Class)modelClass error:(NSError **)error __attribute__((unavailable("Replaced by -initWithModelClass:")));
- (id)initWithModel:(id<MTLJSONSerializing>)model __attribute__((unavailable("Replaced by -initWithModelClass:"))) NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Replaced by -initWithModelClass:");
- (NSDictionary *)serializeToJSONDictionary:(NSError **)error __attribute__((unavailable("Replaced by -JSONDictionaryFromModel:error:"))) NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Replaced by -JSONDictionaryFromModel:error:");