585 lines
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585 lines
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import CocoaLumberjackSwift
public class RemoteNotificationsAPIController: Fetcher {
// MARK: Decodable: NotificationsResult
struct ResultError: Decodable {
let code, info: String?
public struct NotificationsResult: Decodable {
struct Query: Decodable {
struct Notifications: Decodable {
let list: [Notification]
let continueId: String?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case list
case continueId = "continue"
let notifications: Notifications?
let error: ResultError?
let query: Query?
public struct Notification: Codable, Hashable {
struct Timestamp: Codable, Hashable {
let utciso8601: String
let utcunix: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case utciso8601
case utcunix
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
utciso8601 = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .utciso8601)
do {
utcunix = String(try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .utcunix))
} catch {
utcunix = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .utcunix)
struct Agent: Codable, Hashable {
let id: String?
let name: String?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id
case name
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
name = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .name)
do {
id = String(try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .id))
} catch {
id = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .id)
struct Title: Codable, Hashable {
let full: String?
let namespace: String?
let namespaceKey: Int?
let text: String?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case full
case namespace
case namespaceKey = "namespace-key"
case text
struct Message: Codable, Hashable {
let header: String?
let body: String?
let links: RemoteNotificationLinks?
let wiki: String
let id: String
let type: String
let category: String
let section: String
let timestamp: Timestamp
let title: Title?
let agent: Agent?
let readString: String?
let revisionID: String?
let message: Message?
let sources: [String: [String: String]]?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case wiki
case id
case type
case category
case section
case timestamp
case title = "title"
case agent
case readString = "read"
case revisionID = "revid"
case message = "*"
case sources
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public static func ==(lhs: Notification, rhs: Notification) -> Bool {
return lhs.key == rhs.key &&
lhs.readString == rhs.readString
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
wiki = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .wiki)
do {
id = String(try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .id))
} catch {
id = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .id)
type = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .type)
category = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .category)
section = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .section)
timestamp = try values.decode(Timestamp.self, forKey: .timestamp)
title = try? values.decode(Title.self, forKey: .title)
agent = try? values.decode(Agent.self, forKey: .agent)
readString = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .readString)
if let intRevID = try? values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .revisionID) {
revisionID = String(intRevID)
} else {
revisionID = (try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .revisionID)) ?? nil
message = try? values.decode(Message.self, forKey: .message)
sources = try? values.decode([String: [String: String]].self, forKey: .sources)
// MARK: Decodable: MarkReadResult
private struct MarkReadResult: Decodable {
let query: Query?
let error: ResultError?
var succeeded: Bool {
return query?.markAsRead?.result == .success
struct Query: Decodable {
let markAsRead: MarkedAsRead?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case markAsRead = "echomarkread"
struct MarkedAsRead: Decodable {
let result: Result?
enum Result: String, Decodable {
case success
enum MarkReadError: LocalizedError {
case noResult
case unknown
case multiple([Error])
var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .multiple(let errors):
if let firstError = errors.first {
return (firstError as NSError).alertMessage()
case .noResult, .unknown:
return RequestError.unexpectedResponse.errorDescription ?? CommonStrings.genericErrorDescription
return CommonStrings.genericErrorDescription
// MARK: Decodable: MarkSeenResult
struct MarkSeenResult: Decodable {
let query: Query?
let error: ResultError?
var succeeded: Bool {
return query?.markAsSeen?.result == .success
struct Query: Decodable {
let markAsSeen: MarkAsSeen?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case markAsSeen = "echomarkseen"
struct MarkAsSeen: Decodable {
let result: Result?
enum Result: String, Decodable {
case success
enum MarkSeenError: LocalizedError {
case noResult
case unknown
var errorDescription: String? {
return RequestError.unexpectedResponse.errorDescription ?? CommonStrings.genericErrorDescription
// MARK: Public
public func getUnreadPushNotifications(from project: WikimediaProject, completion: @escaping (Set<NotificationsResult.Notification>, Error?) -> Void) {
let completion: (NotificationsResult?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void = { result, _, error in
guard error == nil else {
completion([], error)
let result = result?.query?.notifications?.list ?? []
completion(Set(result), nil)
request(project: project, queryParameters: Query.notifications(limit: .max, filter: .unread, notifierType: .push, continueId: nil), completion: completion)
func getAllNotifications(from project: WikimediaProject, needsCrossWikiSummary: Bool = false, filter: Query.Filter = .none, continueId: String?, completion: @escaping (NotificationsResult.Query.Notifications?, Error?) -> Void) {
let completion: (NotificationsResult?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void = { result, _, error in
guard error == nil else {
completion(nil, error)
completion(result?.query?.notifications, result?.error)
request(project: project, queryParameters: Query.notifications(from: [project], limit: .max, filter: filter, needsCrossWikiSummary: needsCrossWikiSummary, continueId: continueId), completion: completion)
func markAllAsSeen(project: WikimediaProject, completion: @escaping ((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)) {
request(project: project, queryParameters: Query.markAllAsSeen(project: project), method: .post) { (result: MarkSeenResult?, _, error) in
if let error = error {
guard let result = result else {
assertionFailure("Expected result")
if let error = result.error {
if !result.succeeded {
func markAllAsRead(project: WikimediaProject, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
request(project: project, queryParameters: Query.markAllAsRead(project: project), method: .post) { (result: MarkReadResult?, _, error) in
if let error = error {
guard let result = result else {
assertionFailure("Expected result; make sure MarkReadResult maps the expected result correctly")
if let error = result.error {
if !result.succeeded {
func markAsReadOrUnread(project: WikimediaProject, identifierGroups: Set<RemoteNotification.IdentifierGroup>, shouldMarkRead: Bool, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
let maxNumberOfNotificationsPerRequest = 50
let identifierGroups = Array(identifierGroups)
let split = identifierGroups.chunked(into: maxNumberOfNotificationsPerRequest)
split.asyncCompactMap({ (identifierGroups, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) in
request(project: project, queryParameters: Query.markAsReadOrUnread(identifierGroups: identifierGroups, shouldMarkRead: shouldMarkRead), method: .post) { (result: MarkReadResult?, _, error) in
if let error = error {
guard let result = result else {
assertionFailure("Expected result; make sure MarkReadResult maps the expected result correctly")
if let error = result.error {
if !result.succeeded {
}) { (errors) in
if errors.isEmpty {
} else {
DDLogError("\(errors.count) of \(split.count) mark as read requests failed")
// MARK: Private
private func request<T: Decodable>(project: WikimediaProject?, queryParameters: Query.Parameters?, method: Session.Request.Method = .get, completion: @escaping (T?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void) {
guard let url = project?.mediaWikiAPIURL(configuration: configuration, queryParameters: queryParameters) else {
completion(nil, nil, RequestError.invalidParameters)
if method == .get {
session.jsonDecodableTask(with: url, method: .get, completionHandler: completion)
} else {
requestMediaWikiAPIAuthToken(for:url, type: .csrf) { (result) in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
completion(nil, nil, error)
case .success(let token):
self.session.jsonDecodableTask(with: url, method: method, bodyParameters: ["token": token.value], bodyEncoding: .form, completionHandler: completion)
// MARK: Query parameters
struct Query {
typealias Parameters = [String: Any]
enum Limit {
case max
case numeric(Int)
var value: String {
switch self {
case .max:
return "max"
case .numeric(let number):
return "\(number)"
enum Filter: String {
case read = "read"
case unread = "!read"
case none = "read|!read"
enum NotifierType: String {
case web
case push
case email
static func notifications(from projects: [WikimediaProject] = [], limit: Limit = .max, filter: Filter = .none, notifierType: NotifierType? = nil, needsCrossWikiSummary: Bool = false, continueId: String?) -> Parameters {
var dictionary: [String: Any] = ["action": "query",
"format": "json",
"formatversion": "2",
"notformat": "model",
"meta": "notifications",
"notlimit": limit.value,
"notfilter": filter.rawValue]
if let continueId = continueId {
dictionary["notcontinue"] = continueId
if let notifierType = notifierType {
dictionary["notnotifiertypes"] = notifierType.rawValue
if needsCrossWikiSummary {
dictionary["notcrosswikisummary"] = 1
let wikis = projects.map { $0.notificationsApiWikiIdentifier }
dictionary["notwikis"] = wikis.isEmpty ? "*" : wikis.joined(separator: "|")
return dictionary
static func markAsReadOrUnread(identifierGroups: [RemoteNotification.IdentifierGroup], shouldMarkRead: Bool) -> Parameters? {
let IDs = identifierGroups.compactMap { $0.id }
var dictionary = ["action": "echomarkread",
"format": "json"]
if shouldMarkRead {
dictionary["list"] = IDs.joined(separator: "|")
} else {
dictionary["unreadlist"] = IDs.joined(separator: "|")
return dictionary
static func markAllAsRead(project: WikimediaProject) -> Parameters? {
let dictionary = ["action": "echomarkread",
"all": "true",
"wikis": project.notificationsApiWikiIdentifier,
"format": "json"]
return dictionary
static func markAllAsSeen(project: WikimediaProject) -> Parameters? {
let dictionary = ["action": "echomarkseen",
"wikis": project.notificationsApiWikiIdentifier,
"format": "json",
"type": "all"]
return dictionary
extension RemoteNotificationsAPIController.ResultError: LocalizedError {
var errorDescription: String? {
return info
// MARK: Public Notification Extensions
public extension RemoteNotificationsAPIController.NotificationsResult.Notification {
var key: String {
return "\(wiki)-\(id)"
var date: Date? {
return DateFormatter.wmf_iso8601()?.date(from: timestamp.utciso8601)
var pushContentText: String? {
return self.message?.header?.removingHTML
var namespaceKey: Int? {
return self.title?.namespaceKey
var titleFull: String? {
return self.title?.full
func isNewerThan(timeAgo: TimeInterval) -> Bool {
guard let date = date else {
return false
return date > Date().addingTimeInterval(-timeAgo)
var namespace: PageNamespace? {
return PageNamespace(namespaceValue: title?.namespaceKey)
// MARK: Test Helpers
#if TEST
extension RemoteNotificationsAPIController.NotificationsResult.Notification {
init?(project: WikimediaProject, titleText: String, titleNamespace: PageNamespace, remoteNotificationType: RemoteNotificationType, date: Date, customID: String? = nil) {
switch remoteNotificationType {
case .userTalkPageMessage:
self.category = "edit-user-talk"
self.type = "edit-user-talk"
self.section = "alert"
case .editReverted:
self.category = "reverted"
self.type = "reverted"
self.section = "alert"
assertionFailure("Haven't set up test models for this type.")
return nil
self.wiki = project.notificationsApiWikiIdentifier
let identifier = customID ?? UUID().uuidString
self.id = identifier
let timestamp = Timestamp(date: date)
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.title = Title(titleText: titleText, titleNamespace: titleNamespace)
self.agent = Agent()
self.revisionID = nil
self.readString = nil
self.message = Message(identifier: identifier)
self.sources = nil
extension RemoteNotificationsAPIController.NotificationsResult.Notification.Timestamp {
init(date: Date) {
let dateString8601 = DateFormatter.wmf_iso8601().string(from: date)
let unixTimeInterval = date.timeIntervalSince1970
self.utciso8601 = dateString8601
self.utcunix = String(unixTimeInterval)
extension RemoteNotificationsAPIController.NotificationsResult.Notification.Title {
init(titleText: String, titleNamespace: PageNamespace) {
let namespaceText = titleNamespace.canonicalName
self.full = "\(namespaceText):\(titleText)"
self.namespace = titleNamespace.canonicalName.denormalizedPageTitle
self.namespaceKey = titleNamespace.rawValue
self.text = titleText
extension RemoteNotificationsAPIController.NotificationsResult.Notification.Agent {
init() {
self.id = String(12345)
self.name = "Test Agent Name"
extension RemoteNotificationsAPIController.NotificationsResult.Notification.Message {
init(identifier: String) {
self.header = "\(identifier)"
self.body = "Test body text for identifier: \(identifier)"
let primaryLink = RemoteNotificationLink(type: nil, url: URL(string:"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat")!, label: "Label for primary link")
self.links = RemoteNotificationLinks(primary: primaryLink, secondary: nil, legacyPrimary: primaryLink)