This PR contains all the work related to setting up this project as required to implement the [Assignment]( on top, as intended. To summarise this work: - [x] created a new **Xcode** project; - [x] cloned the `Wikipedia` app and inserted it into the **Xcode** project; - [x] created the `Locations` app and also, its `Libraries` package; - [x] created the `Shared` package to share dependencies between the apps; - [x] added a `Makefile` file and implemented some **environment** and **help** commands. Co-authored-by: Javier Cicchelli <> Reviewed-on: rock-n-code/deep-linking-assignment#1
609 lines
24 KiB
609 lines
24 KiB
import Foundation
enum SignificantEventsDecodeError: Error {
case unableToParseIntoTypedEvents
public struct SignificantEvents: Decodable {
public let nextRvStartId: UInt?
public let sha: String?
private let untypedEvents: [UntypedEvent]
public let typedEvents: [TypedEvent]
public let summary: Summary
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case nextRvStartId
case sha
case untypedEvents = "timeline"
case typedEvents
case summary
public struct Summary: Decodable {
public let earliestTimestampString: String
public let numChanges: UInt
public let numUsers: UInt
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case earliestTimestampString = "earliestTimestamp"
case numChanges
case numUsers
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
nextRvStartId = try? container.decode(UInt.self, forKey: .nextRvStartId)
sha = try? container.decode(String.self, forKey: .sha)
summary = try container.decode(Summary.self, forKey: .summary)
let untypedEvents = try container.decode([UntypedEvent].self, forKey: .untypedEvents)
var typedEvents: [TypedEvent] = []
for untypedEvent in untypedEvents {
switch untypedEvent.outputType {
case .small:
if let event = Event.Small(untypedEvent: untypedEvent) {
case .large:
if let event = Event.Large(untypedEvent: untypedEvent) {
case .vandalismRevert:
if let event = Event.VandalismRevert(untypedEvent: untypedEvent) {
case .newTalkPageTopic:
if let event = Event.NewTalkPageTopic(untypedEvent: untypedEvent) {
// zero untyped events is a valid case if the user has paged to the end of the endpoint cache
// unTypedEvents > 0 and typedEvents == 0 is invalid, meaning all events failed to convert
guard typedEvents.count > 0 || untypedEvents.count == 0 else {
throw SignificantEventsDecodeError.unableToParseIntoTypedEvents
self.typedEvents = typedEvents
self.untypedEvents = untypedEvents
public enum SnippetType: Int, Decodable {
case addedLine = 1
case addedAndDeletedInLine = 3
case addedAndDeletedInMovedLine = 5
public enum EventOutputType: String, Decodable {
case large = "large-change"
case small = "small-change"
case newTalkPageTopic = "new-talk-page-topic"
case vandalismRevert = "vandalism-revert"
public enum ChangeOutputType: String, Decodable {
case addedText = "added-text"
case deletedText = "deleted-text"
case newTemplate = "new-template"
public enum TypedEvent {
case large(Event.Large)
case small(Event.Small)
case vandalismRevert(Event.VandalismRevert)
case newTalkPageTopic(Event.NewTalkPageTopic)
public enum TypedChange {
case addedText(Change.AddedText)
case deletedText(Change.DeletedText)
case newTemplate(Change.NewTemplates)
// MARK: Events
public extension SignificantEvents {
struct Event {
public struct Large {
let outputType: EventOutputType
public let revId: UInt
public let parentId: UInt
public let timestampString: String
public let user: String
public let userId: UInt
public let userGroups: [String]?
public let userEditCount: UInt?
public let typedChanges: [TypedChange]
init?(untypedEvent: UntypedEvent) {
guard let revId = untypedEvent.revId,
let parentId = untypedEvent.parentId,
let timestampString = untypedEvent.timestampString,
let user = untypedEvent.user,
let userId = untypedEvent.userId,
let untypedChanges = untypedEvent.untypedChanges else {
return nil
self.outputType = untypedEvent.outputType
self.revId = revId
self.parentId = parentId
self.timestampString = timestampString
self.user = user
self.userId = userId
self.userGroups = untypedEvent.userGroups
self.userEditCount = untypedEvent.userEditCount
var changes: [TypedChange] = []
for untypedChange in untypedChanges {
switch untypedChange.outputType {
case .addedText:
if let change = Change.AddedText(untypedChange: untypedChange) {
case .deletedText:
if let change = Change.DeletedText(untypedChange: untypedChange) {
case .newTemplate:
if let change = Change.NewTemplates(untypedChange: untypedChange) {
guard changes.count == untypedChanges.count else {
return nil
self.typedChanges = changes
public struct Small: Equatable {
let outputType: EventOutputType
public let revId: UInt
public let parentId: UInt
public let timestampString: String
fileprivate init?(untypedEvent: UntypedEvent) {
guard let revId = untypedEvent.revId,
let parentId = untypedEvent.parentId,
let timestampString = untypedEvent.timestampString else {
return nil
self.outputType = untypedEvent.outputType
self.revId = revId
self.parentId = parentId
self.timestampString = timestampString
public static func == (lhs: SignificantEvents.Event.Small, rhs: SignificantEvents.Event.Small) -> Bool {
return lhs.revId == rhs.revId
public struct VandalismRevert {
let outputType: EventOutputType
public let revId: UInt
public let parentId: UInt
public let timestampString: String
public let user: String
public let userId: UInt
public let sections: [String]
public let userGroups: [String]?
public let userEditCount: UInt?
fileprivate init?(untypedEvent: UntypedEvent) {
guard let revId = untypedEvent.revId,
let parentId = untypedEvent.parentId,
let timestampString = untypedEvent.timestampString,
let user = untypedEvent.user,
let userId = untypedEvent.userId,
let sections = untypedEvent.sections else {
return nil
self.outputType = untypedEvent.outputType
self.revId = revId
self.parentId = parentId
self.timestampString = timestampString
self.user = user
self.userId = userId
self.sections = sections
self.userGroups = untypedEvent.userGroups
self.userEditCount = untypedEvent.userEditCount
public struct NewTalkPageTopic {
let outputType: EventOutputType
let revId: UInt
let parentId: UInt
public let timestampString: String
public let user: String
public let userId: UInt
public let section: String?
public let snippet: String
public let userGroups: [String]?
public let userEditCount: UInt?
fileprivate init?(untypedEvent: UntypedEvent) {
guard let revId = untypedEvent.revId,
let parentId = untypedEvent.parentId,
let timestampString = untypedEvent.timestampString,
let user = untypedEvent.user,
let userId = untypedEvent.userId,
let snippet = untypedEvent.snippet else {
return nil
self.outputType = untypedEvent.outputType
self.revId = revId
self.parentId = parentId
self.timestampString = timestampString
self.user = user
self.userId = userId
self.section = untypedEvent.section
self.snippet = snippet
self.userGroups = untypedEvent.userGroups
self.userEditCount = untypedEvent.userEditCount
// MARK: Changes
public extension SignificantEvents {
struct Change {
public struct AddedText {
let outputType: ChangeOutputType
public let sections: [String]
public let snippet: String?
public let snippetType: SnippetType
public let characterCount: UInt
fileprivate init?(untypedChange: UntypedChange) {
guard let snippetType = untypedChange.snippetType,
let characterCount = untypedChange.characterCount else {
return nil
self.outputType = untypedChange.outputType
self.sections = untypedChange.sections
self.snippet = untypedChange.snippet
self.snippetType = snippetType
self.characterCount = characterCount
public struct DeletedText {
let outputType: ChangeOutputType
public let sections: [String]
public let characterCount: UInt
fileprivate init?(untypedChange: UntypedChange) {
guard let characterCount = untypedChange.characterCount else {
return nil
self.outputType = untypedChange.outputType
self.sections = untypedChange.sections
self.characterCount = characterCount
public struct NewTemplates {
let outputType: ChangeOutputType
public let sections: [String]
private let untypedTemplates: [[String: String]]
public let typedTemplates: [Template]
fileprivate init?(untypedChange: UntypedChange) {
guard let untypedTemplates = untypedChange.untypedTemplates else {
return nil
var typedTemplates: [Template] = []
self.outputType = untypedChange.outputType
self.sections = untypedChange.sections
self.untypedTemplates = untypedTemplates
for untypedTemplate in untypedTemplates {
guard let name = untypedTemplate["name"] else {
if name.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains("cite") {
if name.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains("book"), let bookCitation = Citation.Book(dict: untypedTemplate) {
} else if name.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains("journal"), let journalCitation = Citation.Journal(dict: untypedTemplate) {
} else if name.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains("web"), let webCitation = Citation.Website(dict: untypedTemplate) {
} else if name.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains("news"), let newsCitation = Citation.News(dict: untypedTemplate) {
} else if name.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains("short description"), let articleDescription = ArticleDescription(dict: untypedTemplate) {
self.typedTemplates = typedTemplates
// MARK: Templates
public extension SignificantEvents {
enum Template {
case bookCitation(Citation.Book)
case articleDescription(ArticleDescription)
case journalCitation(Citation.Journal)
case newsCitation(Citation.News)
case websiteCitation(Citation.Website)
struct Citation {
public struct Book {
public let title: String
public let lastName: String?
public let firstName: String?
public let yearPublished: String?
public let locationPublished: String?
public let publisher: String?
public let pagesCited: String?
public let isbn: String?
init?(dict: [String: String]) {
guard let title = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "title") else {
return nil
self.title = title
let batch1 = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "last") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "last1") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author1") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author1-last")
let batch2 = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author-last") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "surname1") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author-last1") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "subject1") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "surname")
let batch3 = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author-last") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "subject")
self.lastName = batch1 ?? batch2 ?? batch3
self.firstName = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "first") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "given") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author-first") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "first1") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "given1") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author-first1") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author1-first")
self.yearPublished = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "year")
self.locationPublished = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "location") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "place")
self.publisher = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "publisher") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "distributor") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "institution") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "newsgroup")
self.pagesCited = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "pages") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "pp")
self.isbn = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "isbn", caseInsensitive: true) ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "isbn13", caseInsensitive: true)
public struct Journal {
public let lastName: String?
public let firstName: String?
public let sourceDateString: String?
public let title: String
public let journal: String
public let urlString: String?
public let volumeNumber: String?
public let pages: String?
public let database: String?
init?(dict: [String: String]) {
guard let title = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "title"),
let journal = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "journal") else {
return nil
self.title = title
self.journal = journal
self.lastName = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "last") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author1") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "authors") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "last1")
self.firstName = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "first") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "first1")
self.sourceDateString = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "date")
self.urlString = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "url", caseInsensitive: true)
self.volumeNumber = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "volume")
self.pages = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "pages")
self.database = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "via")
public struct News {
public let lastName: String?
public let firstName: String?
public let sourceDateString: String?
public let title: String
public let urlString: String?
public let publication: String?
public let accessDateString: String?
init?(dict: [String: String]) {
guard let title = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "title") else {
return nil
self.title = title
self.lastName = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "last") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "last1") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "author1") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "authors")
self.firstName = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "first") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "first1")
self.sourceDateString = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "date")
self.publication = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "work") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "journal") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "magazine") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "periodical") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "newspaper") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "website")
self.urlString = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "url", caseInsensitive: true)
self.accessDateString = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "access-date") ?? dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "accessdate")
public struct Website {
public let urlString: String
public let title: String
public let publisher: String?
public let accessDateString: String?
public let archiveDateString: String?
public let archiveDotOrgUrlString: String?
init?(dict: [String: String]) {
guard let title = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "title"),
let urlString = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "url", caseInsensitive: true) else {
return nil
self.title = title
self.urlString = urlString
self.publisher = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "publisher") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "website") ??
dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "work")
self.accessDateString = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "access-date") ?? dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "accessdate")
self.archiveDateString = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "archive-date") ?? dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "archivedate")
self.archiveDotOrgUrlString = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "archive-url") ?? dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "archiveurl")
struct ArticleDescription {
public let text: String
init?(dict: [String: String]) {
guard let text = dict.nonEmptyValueForKey(key: "1") else {
return nil
self.text = text
// MARK: Untyped
public extension SignificantEvents {
struct UntypedEvent: Decodable {
let outputType: EventOutputType
let revId: UInt?
let parentId: UInt?
let timestampString: String?
let user: String?
let userId: UInt?
let userGroups: [String]?
let userEditCount: UInt?
let count: UInt?
let sections: [String]?
let section: String?
let snippet: String?
let untypedChanges: [UntypedChange]?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case revId = "revid"
case parentId = "parentid"
case timestampString = "timestamp"
case outputType
case user
case userId = "userid"
case userGroups
case userEditCount
case count
case sections
case section
case snippet
case untypedChanges = "significantChanges"
struct UntypedChange: Decodable {
let outputType: ChangeOutputType
let sections: [String]
let snippet: String?
let snippetType: SnippetType?
let characterCount: UInt?
let untypedTemplates: [[String: String]]?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case outputType
case sections
case snippet
case snippetType
case characterCount
case untypedTemplates = "templates"
private extension Dictionary where Key == String, Value == String {
func nonEmptyValueForKey(key: String, caseInsensitive: Bool = false) -> String? {
guard let key = caseInsensitive
? keys.first(where: {$0.caseInsensitiveCompare(key) == .orderedSame})
: key else {
return nil
if let value = self[key], !value.isEmpty {
return value
return nil