Javier Cicchelli 9bcdaa697b [Setup] Basic project structure (#1)
This PR contains all the work related to setting up this project as required to implement the [Assignment]( on top, as intended.

To summarise this work:
- [x] created a new **Xcode** project;
- [x] cloned the `Wikipedia` app and inserted it into the **Xcode** project;
- [x] created the `Locations` app and also, its `Libraries` package;
- [x] created the `Shared` package to share dependencies between the apps;
- [x] added a `Makefile` file and implemented some **environment** and **help** commands.

Co-authored-by: Javier Cicchelli <>
Reviewed-on: rock-n-code/deep-linking-assignment#1
2023-04-08 18:37:13 +00:00

93 lines
4.6 KiB

class ReadingListHintViewController: HintViewController {
var dataStore: MWKDataStore?
var article: WMFArticle? {
didSet {
guard viewIfLoaded != nil else {
guard article != oldValue else {
defaultLabel.text = hintButtonTitle
private var hintButtonTitle: String {
var maybeArticleTitle: String? = nil
if let article = article {
if let displayTitle = article.displayTitle, displayTitle.wmf_hasNonWhitespaceText {
maybeArticleTitle = displayTitle
} else if let articleURL = article.url, let title = articleURL.wmf_title {
maybeArticleTitle = title
guard let articleTitle = maybeArticleTitle, articleTitle.wmf_hasNonWhitespaceText else {
return WMFLocalizedString("reading-list-add-generic-hint-title", value: "Add this article to a reading list?", comment: "Title of the reading list hint that appears after an article is saved.")
return String.localizedStringWithFormat(WMFLocalizedString("reading-list-add-hint-title", value: "Add “%1$@” to a reading list?", comment: "Title of the reading list hint that appears after an article is saved. %1$@ will be replaced with the saved article title"), "\(articleTitle)")
open override func configureSubviews() {
defaultImageView.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "add-to-list")
confirmationAccessoryButton.setImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "chevron-right.pdf"), for: .normal)
defaultLabel.text = hintButtonTitle
private var readingList: ReadingList?
private var themeableNavigationController: WMFThemeableNavigationController?
@IBAction open override func performDefaultAction(sender: Any) {
guard let article = article, let dataStore = dataStore else {
let addArticlesToReadingListViewController = AddArticlesToReadingListViewController(with: dataStore, articles: [article], moveFromReadingList: nil, theme: theme)
addArticlesToReadingListViewController.delegate = self
let navigationController = WMFThemeableNavigationController(rootViewController: addArticlesToReadingListViewController, theme: theme)
navigationController.isNavigationBarHidden = true
present(navigationController, animated: true)
@IBAction open override func performConfirmationAction(sender: Any) {
guard let readingList = readingList, let dataStore = dataStore else {
let readingListDetailViewController = ReadingListDetailViewController(for: readingList, with: dataStore, displayType: .modal)
readingListDetailViewController.apply(theme: theme)
let navigationController = WMFThemeableNavigationController(rootViewController: readingListDetailViewController, theme: theme)
themeableNavigationController = navigationController
present(navigationController, animated: true) {
@objc private func dismissReadingListDetailViewController() {
themeableNavigationController?.dismiss(animated: true) // can this be dismissed in a different way?
extension ReadingListHintViewController: AddArticlesToReadingListDelegate {
func addArticlesToReadingList(_ addArticlesToReadingList: AddArticlesToReadingListViewController, didAddArticles articles: [WMFArticle], to readingList: ReadingList) {
guard let name = else {
if let imageURL = articles.first?.imageURL(forWidth: traitCollection.wmf_nearbyThumbnailWidth) {
confirmationImageView.isHidden = false
confirmationImageView.wmf_setImage(with: imageURL, detectFaces: true, onGPU: true, failure: { (error) in }, success: { })
} else {
confirmationImageView.isHidden = true
self.readingList = readingList
let title = String.localizedStringWithFormat(WMFLocalizedString("reading-lists-article-added-confirmation", value: "Article added to “%1$@”", comment: "Confirmation shown after the user adds an article to a list. %1$@ will be replaced with the name of the list the article was added to."), name)
confirmationLabel.text = title
viewType = .confirmation
func addArticlesToReadingListWillClose(_ addArticlesToReadingList: AddArticlesToReadingListViewController) {