This PR contains all the work related to setting up this project as required to implement the [Assignment]( on top, as intended. To summarise this work: - [x] created a new **Xcode** project; - [x] cloned the `Wikipedia` app and inserted it into the **Xcode** project; - [x] created the `Locations` app and also, its `Libraries` package; - [x] created the `Shared` package to share dependencies between the apps; - [x] added a `Makefile` file and implemented some **environment** and **help** commands. Co-authored-by: Javier Cicchelli <> Reviewed-on: rock-n-code/deep-linking-assignment#1
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111 lines
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import UIKit
import MobileCoreServices
import CoreSpotlight
import CocoaLumberjackSwift
extension URL {
var searchableItemAttributes: CSSearchableItemAttributeSet? {
guard wikiResourcePath != nil else {
return nil
guard let title = self.wmf_title else {
return nil
let components = title.components(separatedBy: " ")
let searchableItem = CSSearchableItemAttributeSet(itemContentType: kUTTypeInternetLocation as String)
searchableItem.keywords = ["Wikipedia","Wikimedia","Wiki"] + components
searchableItem.title = self.wmf_title
searchableItem.displayName = self.wmf_title
searchableItem.identifier = NSURL.wmf_desktopURL(for: self as URL)?.absoluteString
searchableItem.relatedUniqueIdentifier = NSURL.wmf_desktopURL(for: self as URL)?.absoluteString
return searchableItem
extension NSURL {
@objc var wmf_searchableItemAttributes: CSSearchableItemAttributeSet? {
return (self as URL).searchableItemAttributes
public class WMFSavedPageSpotlightManager: NSObject {
private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "org.wikimedia.saved_page_spotlight_manager", qos: DispatchQoS.background, attributes: [], autoreleaseFrequency: DispatchQueue.AutoreleaseFrequency.workItem, target: nil)
private let dataStore: MWKDataStore
@objc var savedPageList: MWKSavedPageList {
return dataStore.savedPageList
@objc public required init(dataStore: MWKDataStore) {
self.dataStore = dataStore
@objc public func reindexSavedPages() {
self.savedPageList.enumerateItems { (item, stop) in
guard let URL = item.url else {
self.addToIndex(url: URL as NSURL)
private func searchableItemAttributes(for article: WMFArticle) -> CSSearchableItemAttributeSet {
let searchableItem = article.url?.searchableItemAttributes ??
CSSearchableItemAttributeSet(itemContentType: kUTTypeInternetLocation as String)
searchableItem.subject = article.wikidataDescription
searchableItem.contentDescription = article.snippet
if let imageURL = article.imageURL(forWidth: WMFImageWidth.medium.rawValue) {
searchableItem.thumbnailData = imageURL)?.data
return searchableItem
@objc public func addToIndex(url: NSURL) {
guard let article = dataStore.fetchArticle(with: url as URL), let identifier = NSURL.wmf_desktopURL(for: url as URL)?.absoluteString else {
dataStore.viewContext.perform { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else {
let searchableItemAttributes = self.searchableItemAttributes(for: article)
self.queue.async {
let item = CSSearchableItem(uniqueIdentifier: identifier, domainIdentifier: "org.wikimedia.wikipedia", attributeSet: searchableItemAttributes)
item.expirationDate = NSDate.distantFuture
CSSearchableIndex.default().indexSearchableItems([item]) { (error) -> Void in
if let error = error {
DDLogError("Indexing error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
@objc public func removeFromIndex(url: NSURL) {
guard let identifier = NSURL.wmf_desktopURL(for: url as URL)?.absoluteString else {
queue.async {
CSSearchableIndex.default().deleteSearchableItems(withIdentifiers: [identifier]) { (error) in
if let error = error {
DDLogError("Deindexing error: \(error.localizedDescription)")