Javier Cicchelli 9bcdaa697b [Setup] Basic project structure (#1)
This PR contains all the work related to setting up this project as required to implement the [Assignment](https://repo.rock-n-code.com/rock-n-code/deep-linking-assignment/wiki/Assignment) on top, as intended.

To summarise this work:
- [x] created a new **Xcode** project;
- [x] cloned the `Wikipedia` app and inserted it into the **Xcode** project;
- [x] created the `Locations` app and also, its `Libraries` package;
- [x] created the `Shared` package to share dependencies between the apps;
- [x] added a `Makefile` file and implemented some **environment** and **help** commands.

Co-authored-by: Javier Cicchelli <javier@rock-n-code.com>
Reviewed-on: rock-n-code/deep-linking-assignment#1
2023-04-08 18:37:13 +00:00

116 lines
6.0 KiB

// Messages for Pashto (پښتو)
// Exported from translatewiki.net
// Author: Af420
// Author: Ahmed-Najib-Biabani-Ibrahimkhel
// Author: Amjad Khan
// Author: Baloch Khan
// Author: Macofe
// Author: Nemo bis
"about-content-license" = "د مېنځپانگې منښتليک";
"about-contributors" = "ونډه وال";
"about-libraries" = "کارېدلي کتابتونونه";
"about-libraries-complete-list" = "بشپړ لړليک";
"about-libraries-license" = "منښتليک";
"about-libraries-licenses-title" = "موږ د پرانيستې سرچينې په ساوترې ميين يو $1";
"about-repositories" = "زېرمې";
"about-repositories-app-source-license-mit" = "MIT منښتليک";
"about-testers" = "ازمېښتگران";
"about-title" = "په اړه";
"about-translators" = "ژباړنان";
"about-wikimedia-foundation" = "ويکيمېډيا بنسټ";
"about-wikipedia" = "ويکيپېډيا";
"account-creation-log-in" = "ننوتل";
"account-creation-logging-in" = "په ننوتلو کې دی...";
"account-creation-saving" = "خوندي کېږي...";
// Fuzzy
"action-find-in-page" = "په مخ کې موندل";
"article-languages-filter-placeholder" = "ژبه موندل";
"article-languages-label" = "ژبه ټاکل";
"article-languages-others" = "نورې ژبې";
"article-languages-yours" = "ستاسې ژبې";
"back-button-accessibility-label" = "پر شا کېدل";
"button-next" = "راتلونکی";
"button-ok" = "ښه";
"button-publish" = "خپرول";
"button-save-for-later" = "د وروسته لوستلو لپاره خوندي کول";
"button-saved-for-later" = "د وروسته لوستلو لپاره خوندي شو";
"close-button-accessibility-label" = "تړل";
"compass-direction" = "په $1 بجو";
"edit-summary-choice-linked-words" = "ورگډې شوې تړنې";
"empty-no-article-message" = "اوبخښئ، ليکنه رابرسېره نه شوه";
"empty-no-feed-action-message" = "لا تر اوسه پورې تاسو خوندي مخونه لوستلی شئ";
"empty-no-history-title" = "د ښکاره کولو لپاره کوم پېښليک نشته";
"empty-no-saved-pages-title" = "لا تر اوسه پورې خوندي مخونه نشته";
"empty-no-search-results-message" = "کومې پايلې و نه موندل شوې";
"explore-featured-article-heading" = "مخکښه ليکنه";
"explore-main-page-heading" = "نن په ويکيپېډيا کې";
// Fuzzy
"explore-most-read-footer" = "ټولې ډېرې لوستل شوې ليکنې";
"explore-most-read-generic-heading" = "ډېر لوستل شوي";
"explore-nearby-heading" = "نژدې ځايونه";
"explore-nearby-sub-heading-your-location" = "ستاسې ځای";
"explore-potd-heading" = "د نن ورځې انځور";
"explore-random-article-heading" = "ناټاکلې ليکنه";
"field-password-title" = "پټنوم";
"field-username-title" = "کارن-نوم";
"history-clear-all" = "سپينول";
"history-clear-cancel" = "ناگارل";
"history-clear-confirmation-heading" = "آيا ډاډمن يې چې خپل ټول وروستني توکي ړنگول غواړې؟";
"history-clear-delete-all" = "هو، ټول ړنگول";
"history-title" = "پېښليک";
"home-more-like-footer" = "د $1 په څېر نور";
"icon-shortcut-nearby-title" = "نژدې ليکنې";
"icon-shortcut-random-title" = "ناټاکلې ليکنه";
"icon-shortcut-search-title" = "ويکيپېډيا پلټل";
"image-gallery-unknown-owner" = "ناڅرگنده ليکوال.";
"languages-title" = "ژبه بدلول";
"login-join-wikipedia" = "ويکيپېډيا سره يوځای شئ.";
"main-menu-about" = "د کاريال په اړه";
"main-menu-account-login" = "ننوتل";
"main-menu-account-logout" = "وتل";
"main-menu-account-logout-cancel" = "ناگارل";
"main-menu-account-title-logged-in" = "د $1 په توگه ورننوتئ";
"main-menu-nearby" = "نژدې";
"main-menu-privacy-policy" = "د پټنتيا تگلاره";
"main-menu-rate-app" = "کاريال ارزول";
"main-menu-terms-of-use" = "د کارولو شرطونه";
"main-menu-title" = "نور";
"menu-cancel-accessibility-label" = "ناگارل";
"navbar-title-mode-edit-wikitext-preview" = "مخليدنه";
"nearby-distance-label-feet" = "$1 گام";
"nearby-distance-label-km" = "$1 کیلومتر";
"nearby-distance-label-meters" = "$1 متر";
"nearby-distance-label-miles" = "$1 مايل";
"page-protected-can-not-edit-title" = "دا مخ ژغورل شوی";
"places-filter-top-articles-count" = "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 ليکنې|$1 ليکنې}}";
"potd-description-prefix" = "د $1 د ورځې انځور";
"preference-title-eventlogging-opt-in" = "د کارېدنې راپورونه لېږل";
"saved-title" = "خوندي شو";
"search-did-you-mean" = "آيا $1 مو موخه ده؟";
"search-field-placeholder-text" = "ويکيپېډيا پلټل";
"search-recent-clear-cancel" = "ناگارل";
"search-recent-clear-confirmation-heading" = "ټولې وروستنۍ پلټنې ړنگول؟";
"search-recent-clear-confirmation-sub-heading" = "دا کړنه پر شا نه گرځول کېږي!";
"search-recent-clear-delete-all" = "ټول ړنگول";
"search-recent-title" = "تازه پلټل شوي";
"search-title" = "پلټل";
"settings-my-languages" = "زما ژبې";
"settings-support" = "د ويکيمېډيا ملاتړ وکړئ";
"settings-title" = "امستنې";
// Fuzzy
"share-article-name-on-wikipedia" = "\"$1\" په @Wikipedia کې:";
// Fuzzy
"share-on-twitter-sign-off" = "د @ويکيپېډيا له لارې";
"table-of-contents-button-label" = "نيوليک";
"table-of-contents-close-accessibility-hint" = "تړل";
"table-of-contents-heading" = "منځپانگې";
"welcome-explore-continue-button" = "پيلول";
"welcome-explore-tell-me-more-done-button" = "وپوهېدم";
"welcome-languages-add-button" = "بله ژبه ورگډول";
"welcome-volunteer-send-usage-reports" = "د کارېدنې راپورونه لېږل";
"wikitext-downloading" = "مېنځپانگه رابرسېرېږي...";
"wikitext-upload-save" = "خپرېږي...";
"wikitext-upload-save-sign-in" = "ننوتل";
"wikitext-upload-save-terms-name" = "د کارولو شرطونه";