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# Event logging
Note: Testing event logging requires `labs` access to `deployment-eventlog05.eqiad.wmflabs`
To test event logging:
- ensure event logging is enabled via `Gear icon > Send usage reports`
- select `Staging` scheme in Xcode, then in `Configuration`'s `current` [property](https://github.com/wikimedia/wikipedia-ios/blob/de349525f652ca59c3437cd36fcb13846d737f1e/WMF%20Framework/Configuration.swift#L41), change the staging options to `return Configuration.staging(options: [.deploymentLabsForEventLogging])`.
- get the app install id:
- run app in the simulator
- pause
- paste `po [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] wmf_appInstallId];` in the Xcode console and copy the resulting string
- ssh to labs: `ssh deployment-eventlog05.eqiad.wmflabs`
- [tail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tail_%28Unix%29) the following files (`tail` keeps stream open and prints last few lines of a file any time it changes) with the app install id and the id of the schema being tested (from [MPopov](https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:MPopov_%28WMF%29/Notes/Android_app_analytics#Verifying)):
- `/srv/log/eventlogging/all-events.log`
- only has events which have been validated against the appropriate schemas
- `/srv/log/eventlogging/client-side-events.log`
- has all incoming events (as raw, encoded URI query strings) regardless of their validity
- `/var/log/eventlogging/eventlogging-processor@client-side-00.log`
- `/var/log/eventlogging/eventlogging-processor@client-side-01.log`
- if there are any issues with the incoming events or their validation, there will be detailed messages in the two `eventlogging-processor@-client-side-XX` logs
- `tail -f /srv/log/eventlogging/all-events.log | grep "<app install id>" | grep "<schema id>"`