This PR contains the work done to open the *Places* view of the **Wikipedia** app with the screen centered on the coordinates from a selected location in the `LocationsListViewController` view controller. To give further details about the work done: - [x] implemented the `wikipediaPlacesURL` property in the `Location+URLs` extension; - [x] improved the `LocationsListCoordination` protocol and the `LocationsListCoordinator` coordinator to support the opening of the Wikipedia app; - [x] improved the `LocationsListViewModeling` protocol and the `LocationsListViewModel` view model to support the opening of the Wikipedia app; - [x] implemented the "tableView(_: didSelectAt: )" function in the `LocationsListViewController` view controller; - [x] added the "wikipedia" to the Queried URL schemes in the Info.plist file to support querying to the Wikipedia app; - [x] improved the naming of some properties and functions in the `LocationsAddCoordination`, `LocationsListCoordination`, and `LocationsListViewModeling` protocols. Co-authored-by: Javier Cicchelli <> Reviewed-on: rock-n-code/deep-linking-assignment#12
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// LocationsListViewModel.swift
// Locations
// Created by Javier Cicchelli on 11/04/2023.
// Copyright © 2023 Röck+Cöde. All rights reserved.
import Combine
import Dependency
import Foundation
import Persistence
class LocationsListViewModel: ObservableObject {
// MARK: Dependencies
@Dependency(\.persistence) private var persistence
// MARK: Properties
weak var coordinator: LocationsListCoordination?
private lazy var locationProvider = LocationProvider(managedContext: persistence.container.viewContext)
@Published private var viewStatus: LocationsListViewStatus = .initialised
private let loadRemoteLocations = LoadRemoteLocationsUseCase()
// MARK: Initialisers
init(coordinator: LocationsListCoordination) {
self.coordinator = coordinator
// MARK: - LocationsListViewModeling
extension LocationsListViewModel: LocationsListViewModeling {
// MARK: Properties
var locationsDidChangePublisher: PassthroughSubject<[Persistence.Change], Never> { locationProvider.didChangePublisher }
var numberOfLocationSections: Int { locationProvider.numberOfSections }
var viewStatusPublisher: Published<LocationsListViewStatus>.Publisher { $viewStatus }
// MARK: Functions
func loadLocations() {
Task {
do {
viewStatus = .loading
try await loadRemoteLocations()
try locationProvider.fetch()
viewStatus = .loaded
} catch {
viewStatus = .error
func location(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Location {
locationProvider.location(at: indexPath)
func numberOfLocations(in section: Int) -> Int {
func openLocationsAdd() {
func openWikipedia(at indexPath: IndexPath) {
guard let url = locationProvider.location(at: indexPath).wikipediaPlacesURL else {
coordinator?.openWikipediaApp(with: url)
// MARK: - Enumerations
enum LocationsListViewStatus {
case initialised
case loading
case loaded
case error